Definitly not FBI: The thread

What's the best piece of infrastructure for someone looking to cause the biggest societal effect to target? I have in mind isolated, low-security items that can be easily hit for a large, daily-life effect on civilian populations.

The most talked about one is the electrical grid, with that one mock attack in California coming to mind, but rail, large fuel depots and undersea internet cables come to mind.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Finding the fiber optic cable that serves all the data for a city and simply cutting it.

Things have changed since Guevara's day. You're not going to win any allies by cutting off people's comforts. Unless the idea is to cut off resources that your state supplies to an enemy state, like if Arizona cut off CAP water to Los Angeles. That would be good shit.

It's a start, but it seems like it could be quickly repaired and brought back into service, and there's plenty of redundancies and such for cable inland. Think of month-long effects.

That would be good shit. Gooder shit would be doing that, now. That water's moved in a massive aqueduct, in the middle of the desert. You'd have all the time in the world to play out there.

Servers of major corps like Google/Microsoft/FB/Twitter/Amazon/Netflix on the continental United States
Semi-conductor foundries and any blue-print stored in physical and digital form

The 'Ye Olde' method of poisoning the 'water well' also works fine.
Introducing plant plagues to destroy crop yield in flyover states will destroy the food security of every city and get the Christcuks talking about the end-times.

Nix this plan. Security along the aqueduct, along with water in the reservoirs for a year of living, would make any effect negligible and too high risk to be worth it.

Most infrastructure attacks are more damage to your cause than damage to the opposition, unless civil war is in effect.

Overloading a Powergrid, remember New York for power for one whole day

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If the idea is just to cause general instability, something like this is perfect.

Telecom guy here. Any city will have multiple. You're better off going after the power; all those fiber optics are useless when the lasers go off.

fiber works in a loop.
not just one cable.
at least in any city worth cutting.

Interstate bridges, fiber optics (don't break it near a junction), transformers. Transformers, with a car and a .22 you could just drive around all day popping them. If it's suppressed, no one would know the difference. Water supplies are still pretty vulnerable, but that's already being fucked by birth control, so other people beat you to that. Bridges, though. Bridges, man. I get shit for this, because people don't believe me, but if you hit a few strategic bridges in eastern US, you're talking MAJOR damage and long lasting effect, and they're falling apart anyway.

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power grid is extremely vulnerable and easily btfo. Not even by direct attack but by cyber attack.

In Israel we have a whole system/unit based around attacking enemy infrastructure via cyber warfare should war break out.

....this is why you people make us nervous. Cool tho.

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God, man, I was thinking about that. A highway I drive on as a fuck TON of trucking moving through it. US roads are incredibly vulnerable. Imagine IED's on US roads. How would you stop them being planted? Also, shoot and scoot attacks on trucks until nobody wants to be on the roads anymore. Blasting bridges is only one plan. If you keep moving and switching up tactics, and keep witnesses minimal, imagine how long you can keep going.

remember reading somewhere that a botnet composed of Internet-of-Things compatible devices could overwhelm a power grid, electricity-hungry appliances like air conditioners would be especially useful for this

Imagine this: Pull up on a wooded road near a highway. Disembark, move through woods, blast at the cars for 30 seconds, move back to car, drive off. Move down the road and do it again the next night. Keep this up and I'd bet nobody would be on that road in a week.

The DC snipers only got caught because they moved to DC, focused their attacks there, and attempted to gain publicity. Nobody had a fucking clue they killed a bunch of people all over the US until after they were caught.

The Russians shut down the Ukrainian power grid several times through simply hacking into power companies, manually turning the power grid off through remote desktop, and wiping the hard drives of any computers they could connect to. I don't think it would be that easy for the US but it's something to keep in mind.

Yup. Called the police and baited them too much. If they hadn't done that they could've kept rolling. Keep it to areas without cameras and witnesses and nothing can stop you.

Exactly. And trucking is the heart of all of our industry. If you could get even a tenth of commercial drivers to sit at home, it would spiral pretty quickly. Most cities are food deserts. If we're talking a severe slow down or a complete halt to their grocery store supplies, you get panic buying, and then food riots shortly after. That's how you cripple a nation. Our infrastructure is shitty as fuck. It's rated pretty low globally, especially for our economic position, which just highlights even more seriously how exposed it is. Think how long it takes DoT to fix roadways now. In a crisis? It's a bad fucking joke.

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You'd get caught within a week

Journalists or their children

How? They'd have to cover the entire road. If you feel the heat, stop and move to a new highway.

You wouldn't. The DC snipers already got away with it.

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Expanding on this, and potentially safe from being vanned due to the sheer effort needed to pull off, I present to you what you'd need to throw the entire world into chaos.

Sever the cables that provide internet between the continents. You'd need a submarine or some other way to get to the ocean floor, but you could effectively cleave the world in two.

I was looking into this, but there's so many, and plenty of techniques for repairing them already.

You'd honestly be better off by doing some sneaky spy shit to infiltrate into a few of the Tier 1 networks so you could fuck them over from the inside. Spending a few years priming a company like CenturyLink to completely collapse would make you the patron saint of Jow Forums and Jow Forums.

Google data centers require a shit load of constantly flowing water in order to cool their servers and keep the internet, yes? Amazon data centers the same, yes? A few months ago there was a fire at a Wells Fargo data center and half of their customers couldn't access account funds for two days. Wowza, that's a lot of vulnerability. We should really fix that, huh guys?

What about oil refineries? Or just... Gas stations. Is there anything to prevent fumes from being ignited on the underground tanks?

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I could understand Jow Forums because Jow Forums is crazy, but why would disrupting technology make one the saint of Jow Forums? I can't imagine they'd enjoy that outside of being able to email centurylink "this could have been avoided if you installed gentoo".

This was another avenue. Long range attacks with something like .50 API on large fuel tanks, airport fuel reserves, etc.

Jow Forums loves open source technology and hates corporations

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I thought Jow Forums just hated everything, not specifically corporations.

Outside of ocean floor shenanigans, the next best thing would be satellites, but equally impossible for the average civilian to get to space. Besides, once you get there you'd just find the filament covering the world and see that space doesn't real, so you'd be picked up by government agents anyway.

Tier 1 networks like CenturyLink have ridiculous amounts of experts working around the clock to make sure that nothing short of WW3 could have any significant impact on their operations. If you took the majority of one of those networks down on your own it would be so impressive that they would have no choice but to worship you.

It would also just be funny. There are like four locations in Asia that if hit would dab on half of the world's population.

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found the paper:
this one's more about brute forcing the power grid with a coordinated increase in demand rather than hacking into it, which could cause serious damage to the actual infrastructure if it's overloaded enough
considering how notoriously vulnerable IoT devices are (some of them having default usernames and passwords that can't be changed), a nation-state or even a smaller group making use of this method doesn't seem too far off

It's about a half-mile shot from this untrafficed and low security road to the large fuel depots at LAX. Anyone with a better lay of the land know what this road is intended for? I don't see many cars or buildings on it, just the LAX's VOR nearby.

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This thread has a nice, warm glow to it.

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Fuck off faggot

I am definitely on a lot more lists now for having clicked on it

Post pet theory attack plans or GTFO. If you're this scared of glowniggers, why don't you go and do something?

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It's in San Luis Obispo.

I'd love to see some of those centers go down. Imagine the cost to them to fix all that shit.

Fed confirmed

American couldn't survive a day without shopping malls and fast food restaurants. Taking out one of these will definitely send American into chaos. For example, a shit-taste McDonald Szechuan sauce shortage crisis of 2017 already enough to create great riot in America. What will happen if we poisoned or distrupting the chicken supplies line for KFC? A total chaos and collapse in society. Especially on black people who got more guns and weaponary than law abiding white people.

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ATF posting has killed any good discussion about this sort of thing. Very sad!

Do this, but get more people in on it.

Fiber guy here. We would find that cut and have it fixed generally within 8 hours.

Shopping malls are already practically dead in America, you don't need to kick them while they're down

When I would daydream about this sort of thing I imagined trying to take out a whole city by cutting off it's power, cell service and roads app at once. Do that to NYC and you have chaos.

I'm fairly certain it's a service road or some alternate access point, I've been in the area before and it would be fairly easy to sneak in from what I could see

>If you could get even a tenth of commercial drivers to sit at home

Railroads would experience record profitability, and you'd have to wait four days to get your Amazon package instead of two.

The problem of having a fondness for war games is that if you're good at it, you get noticed.

It's actually pretty unfortunate, because you have several groups of people.
1. Those who actually want to cause harm and chaos
2. Those who want to identify weak points so that the weak points can be fixed preemptively so nothing actually bad happens (lol never happens because no one wants to waste money on something that hasn't happened yet)
3. People who go "man, can you imagine what would happen if someone does X?"

Which is why it's pretty fun to theory craft stuff like "get to space and THEN rekt shit" or "get to the bottom of the ocean floor, and THEN rekt shit" because, well. Transformers are vulnerable, food deserts are a thing, yeah, these are all well known but they're *boring*.

>Nobody had a fucking clue they killed a bunch of people all over the US until after they were caught.
Sure, but they were identified as existing within a day of committing a set of crimes with any pattern whatsoever.

Magdumping a couple stretches of freeway is a pretty obvious looking pattern, fella.

dont blow out my power you fucking nigger, its hotter than hell as it is here

>yfw the next big event terrorists are undercover amtrak operators

Disrupt electricity, communications, and road traffic. It would require a decent force attacking multiple critical positions but without electricity, communications, and logistics, a civilized city will cave in on itself after 2-3 days of pressure due to disorder from looting/riots. From that point forward it's all about letting a city cleanse itself before order can be reintroduced.

>What's the best piece of infrastructure for someone looking to cause the biggest societal effect to target?
Crashing the dollar.

DC guys were caught with witness reports of their car. How would you identify a car in this situation? The best approach I can see is monitoring that highway with helicopters, but that's pretty obvious, and you'd have to cover the whole damn thing.

You'd want something like several people operating in different parts of the country, with different plans, to then switch up periodically so it would look like guy A and guy B are doing X and Y while moving around the country when it's actually guy A doing X and Y and guy B doing Y and X while staying stationary.

The truth is, with pic related, and knowing the sheer effort that's being put into keeping society running, I'm honestly surprised that things are still being kept running. Certain people definitely have my respects.

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>world currency backed by the usd
>usd backed by hopes and dreams
What could possibly go wrong?

>this untrafficed and low security road
You mean the fenced off airport property formerly known as Surfridge?

Yeah, man. No one will, like, notice you parked up there with a rifle, taking pot shots at aircraft. Gnarly plan, dude.

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I made this up in 30 seconds. Plan was to magdump at the tanks and gtfo.

>I came up with a bad idea in no time at all

Very impressive.

I'm sure you have much better ideas you're keeping to yourself, if you're smart. What's your thoughts on the best targets, then?

Just do what retarded SEA captains already do and drag anchors around where you shouldn't be

I want to apologize for inadvertently altering your plan to be slightly less retarded than it was.

I'm sure everyone will be absolutely terrified to learn that those kerosene tanks are leaking a bit more than normal after you're done with them. Assuming, of course, that you actually used a firearm and ammo that could penetrate the steel plates that make up the tank, and managed to hit them.

>I'm sure you have much better ideas
Well, shooting at the planes instead is, in fact, not as bad of a plan as yours.

Driving a car of peace down the boardwalk in Venice would be more effective than anything involving guns and an airport.

You bring up a good point of the construction of the tanks. I didn't think about if they were armored. A shot at a preplanned target, on a calm day with a pre-zeroed rifle at such a large target should not be extremely difficult, it's what an anti-material rifle is designed to do. This is all basic items I would come up with if I had put more than 30 seconds of thought into the plan. We'll forget about this thread in a few days, user, no need to take it so seriously.

oh fuck, i actually laughed out loud because of this. caught me completely off guard, thanks for that user. yeah, you're right. that's what i meant earlier by "holy fuck civilization and everything we're relying on is fragile".

That's actually not impossible. If you laid a .50 Cal in the back of a truck or something, you could probably hit a fuel tank at that distance. World record right now is 2700m. Keep in mind they just set the rules for it too, so there may be better, but it's 3 consecutive hits on a 36 inch square plate. His hits were in maybe a 18" circle. Widen that out a bit to account for the inaccuracy of the raufouss ammo you'd need, and you're in the ballpark.

>I didn't think about if they were armored.
They're not armored. They're just thick steel plate, because that's how big tanks are built.

>A shot at a preplanned target, on a calm day with a pre-zeroed rifle at such a large target should not be extremely difficult, it's what an anti-material rifle is designed to do
Alright, so lets say you got a .50BMG rifle (illegal in California) and some AP ammo (illegal in California) and punched some holes in the tanks. Now they're leaking a bit of kerosene. The flash point of kerosene is over 100F, and vapor pressure is low. So even if someone tosses a match into the puddle, nothing happens. Terrifying.

That's why you go for api

That picture's mood goes well with this song:

Raufoss. They're like 80 dollars per round, but you can get them.

Kurt Doolittle pls go

This was pathetic even for you FBI, Jesus

at this point I think you'd be better just calling in a nonexistent bomb thread and then just taking a few potshots at the control tower to shut it down for the day

The news


With that stated let’s get to the point, I feel like the posts in this thread miss the most effective and easy method of disrupting entire towns/communities. Every town has substations that output power to 10’s of thousands of people. This power gives people air condition, heating, lights, power for charging electronics, so on....things a society can’t live without. Due to the constant movement of energy in this substations cooling barrels/towers are used to negate that heat and keep things running smoothly without the risk of the substation shorting out/overheating. The barrels (as seen in pic related) are filled with a coolant and made of a thin metal alloy that can easily be pierced by a .22 caliber projectile. Should someone with a .22 and suppressor (or even just a .22 at the right time of night) choose to, they could easy shoot a few holes and the coolant would quickly leak out. Within a few days the substation would overheat, and it would takes weeks of repair work and expensive parts to replace the shorted out equipment. This was used very effectively during uprising in the Middle East. Some substations don’t have large obvious barrels, but all have some form of cooling system that can be punctured and destroyed.

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What board on what forum is that post from? Sounds too intelligent to be Jow Forums, unless they have their own equivalent of K.M. or OPpenheimer.

>Within a few days the substation would overheat, and it would takes weeks of repair work and expensive parts to replace the shorted out equipment.
Uh, no. Read about the Metcalf sniper attack.

The tl;dr is that while you can do millions of dollars of damage very quickly and possibly cause blackouts, the substations have electronic monitors that notice the damage, alert the company, and automatically reroute power and shut down.

>This was used very effectively during uprising in the Middle East.
The Middle East has shitty infrastructure.

>hack department of agriculture
>delete all EBT and SNAP records and databases
>do this right before benefits refresh at the start of the month
>every city with blacks burns to the fucking ground, 13% of the population starves to death

Oh wait, we're trying to do sonething BAD here. Nevermind.

This is a pretty one to one excerpt of a Peter Zeihan speech on YouTube, look him up.

Water. Aqueducts, Dams, even Water Towers. Without water people will go into survival mode in a matter of days. Without water people can’t grow food. Without water poor hygiene and the accompanying diseases become rampant.
Water is life, cut the flow and everything falls apart.

IoT security is so laughably bad it's ridiculous
So much of this shit has no method of changing settings that *doesn't* involve the internet or a smartphone

Oh shit, this guy can quote Peter Zeihan.

I created a paper table (cant use excel) on the number of police, first responders, linemen, military, reserve, retired personnel, and organized militia in the U.S.

The basic idea is that Canada is the spawn point for the red force, and they attack the grid first, traveling South from Montana attacking targets increasingly higher in population density.

Just to attack and for it to not be completely suicidal, you would need 750,000 men working in coordination at minimum, and this is only a guerrilla force.

Well, I personally know that in my state, there are two major fuel depots. Of those two, one services more than half the state and contains more than 60% of the states petroleum fuel resources. In the case of an incident, like the whole facility going up in smoke, there is no real backup plan. If that place went up, then we would need to strain border states resources just to survive. Its actually pretty neat, that fuel depot site is on a type of soil that upon the event of an earthquake would turn into a liquid of sorts, sinking a major portion of it and rendering the rest inoperable. Add on to that lots of the bridges here are not up to earthquake spec, and controlling/isolating 3-5 cities would cut the state in half, preventing any meaningful communication/troop movement/help etc.

Amazons shit is extremely unsecure, all unarmed guards and surrounded by woods

>biggest societal effect to target?
A mosque. One Australian literally just shitposted the firearms rights of new Zealand into oblivion by shooting one up.

Attack infrastructure that only negatively impacts shitskins and shitlibs.

im surprised nobody has posted this yet.

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yes, because railroad tracks lead to intermodal facilities in the back parking lot of every walmart.

>What's the best piece of infrastructure for someone looking to cause the biggest societal effect to target?

wait until high holiday at a temple or a big gathering at your local masonic temple. either temple will do. blow that up with a box truck of freedom and watch the entire local government opposition melt away and freedom spread.

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>What's the best piece of infrastructure for someone looking to cause the biggest societal effect to target?

honestly. highways. you cut a state in half. control the roads. what goes into a city. what goes out of a city.
I'll try and find that plan mcveigh had to cut the USA in half by taking over one stretch of interstate.

>local and regional truck drivers would be the ones discouraged to drive en masse once they hear about a couple of shootings on the other side of the country
>OTR drivers, however, would be unconcerned

My home town. Good fuck that place.

Sound good. Boys and I will swing by tonight, we can further discuss this.