Is there any way to make a realistic world war one/two/three game that gives you a real sense of shell shock/PTSD feel...

Is there any way to make a realistic world war one/two/three game that gives you a real sense of shell shock/PTSD feel and sense of dread and realization that war is hell? For example sudden strike 4 battle of bulge on the german campain you basically struggling to fight off the allies as you try to scrounge for supplies just to watch them literally chuck their own grenanes at the supplies as away to deny you of your advantage. As well in that one operation where after you completed on getting the convoys safely out you are immediately ordered to evacuate before the allies encircle you and you give the command to all of your men to abandon everything and you watch as the tank crew men climb out of their tanks and they run along eith other tanks and trucks not part of your command and soldiers as the enemies tries to give chase and gun you down.

How would you make a game that actually deoic the real sense of war for what it is?

Also here is a picture of a wolf spider for you.

Attached: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAxNi8yNjAvb3JpZ2luYWwvYnJvd24tcmVjbHVzZS1zcGlk (660x440, 57K)

If fictional media gives you trauma you should reevaluate your life.

OP I don't think that's a wolf spider. I might be wrong cuz I'm not an expert, but from my limited experience with them, it doesn't look like it.
As for making a game that would inflict lasting trauma on a player, I don't think it's really possible until VR because a full body and tactile experience. Maybe attaching some kind of electrodes to a persons brain and just constantly triggering stress responses paired with whatever's happening in game, but... Not likely.

Here is a wolf spider

Attached: IMG_20180903_153043166~3.jpg (782x582, 56K)

Basically VR with realistic 1hit kill and sudden death from above

That is a brown recluse. Also known as a fiddleback.

This not a wolf spider

Attached: IMG_20170904_221750291.jpg (2952x5248, 3.28M)

if you're getting PTSD from a video game you need to stop drinking so much onions, watching vox on youtube and go outside and get a job

Wolf spiders can get kinda big.

Attached: IMG_20170916_243424636~2.jpg (2358x1919, 666K)

Didn't read but fuck you for posting spider pictures actually kys

>shell shock/PTSD
>video games
nice try, buzzfeed

Based, the good thing about that is that you know it happened in real life too. During the BoB there was executions of all PoWs, not just SS

6 hours of looking at dull grey horizon. Then a your dead message

If you want to give someone PTSD just have swarm of spiders attack the player.

>As well in that one operation where after you completed on getting the convoys safely out you are immediately ordered to evacuate before the allies encircle you and you give the command to all of your men to abandon everything and you watch as the tank crew men climb out of their tanks and they run along eith other tanks and trucks not part of your command and soldiers as the enemies tries to give chase and gun you down.

Close Combat Panthers in the fog.

The only way you can really hurt someone through media the same way as you do in real life is through alienation and isolation combined with personalised stressors. This is why "Doki Doki" achieved such success. They targeted an alienated population that had normal human interaction as a distant memory. Then they put the screws to the participant by letting them form and personalize the connections that would come back to hurt them.
Watching some video on liveleak will never ever carry the same weight as watching your close friend getting mangled.
Long and the short of what I'm saying is, you'd need to spend a large part of the game bonding and doing "pointless" shit with a character that'll get ripped to shreds.

Attached: 1557262391506m.jpg (1024x667, 47K)

Best way to give you fear of death in a game is to penalize dying. Obviously you’ll never come close to inducing the sheer terror that the prospect of actually dying does, but making death more unpleasant than simply respawning in 30 seconds will be an improvement. Of course, I’m a game, this has to be balanced with fun and playability, which is why there aren’t many games that seriously force you to value staying alive above all else.

Here’s my idea:
1. FPS where you’re going around shooting baddies like arma2 style or DCS
2. Get into an intense firefight. Survive
3. During the next firefight, the scene slowly transforms into a suburban setting. Where there were once tanks are now cars; bunkers are vinyl sided houses. Jets screeching overhead become birds. With a loud bang, the scene is completely transformed, as someone closes a door.
4. Your wife is next to you, and she asks if you’re ok. You have a cordless drill in one hand abd a piece of wood in the other.
5. You have to put together some ikea tier furniture.
6. You’re having difficulty with it and you start to get frustrated. The corners of your vision get cloudy and you can hear your heart pounding in your ears. The screen starts turning red. You start to hear the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE get louder and louder
7. Big explosion, you’re back in the field fighting again.
8. Repeat this over and over again using different scenes/campaign areas.

Attached: 03E10DE1-6BA3-41C6-AC5F-7B424D499574.jpg (615x615, 39K)

Also to add onto this:
Hardware store mission to buy shit, you round a corner in the home decide section and next to the area of mirrors is your buddy who is dead. He had in fatigues and has flies around his face. It freaks you the fuck out but when you blink he’s gone. Heart pounding in the ears starts but slowly goes away.
You drive home without buying anything.

There could be a mission where your only objective is to mow your lawn without having a flashback. Like you can have the flashback but there’s no way to survive it if you do.
So you have to keep from having a flashback and you can either take painkillers or a six pack from the fridge (or both. This option leads to death via lawnmower accident). So effectively the only way to complete the mission is to be three sheets to the wind and mow the grass without driving into the pool.

battlefield 1 gave me ptsd because it was a terrible game

Think of a way to make the gameplay not a walking simulator with shooter tidbits inbetween and you're golden and I'll buy your game.

That's a cute boi

Escape from Tarkov is the closest thing you're asking for though it's not really about War itself.

That's a brown recluse