Can we have a thread about military doctrines of various countries?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Wave white flag

>Throw every peasant to the enemy machine gun
>They all die
>Don't have more manpower advantage like in the past
>Buttfuck and HIV spreading in the barracks instead

But isn't that what the French did during WW1 in an attempt to keep pressure on the Germans to keep pressure off the Russians. 600k dead in 2 years.

>build a shit ton of base, weapon and gear
>abandon it after a few years
>surprisepicachu.jpeg when war never ends

North Korea
>starve troops
>try to kill defectors
>starve troops more in retaliation
>brag some more

And look how that turned out

>stay out of things publicly
>send troops to support whatever USA is doing
>apologize profusely

>Be forest elves
>Kill cook crews
>Modify russian weapons and make them usable
>Make tards train other tards
>No bully
>Still better than pricey bully armies

Attached: polandball.png (1306x5702, 373K)

Pretty much the perfect answer with the right amount of national pride and ambiguidity

>wait for enemy to attack
>shit some more
>waste special forces

>put boots on the ground
>walk around till something shoots at you
>call for fire

>Dig in
>Call for U.S. Air support
>Wait for a real military to arrive and save us
It pains me


after reading about soviet troops in soviet-afghan war:
>get drafted
> get your shit taken away ( belts, gloves, socks) by senior recruits
>get beaten up
>do stupid some physical training, then wash senior recruits your stolen socks.
>3 bullets for shooting training in whole 2 years. (unless you're sent to Afghan)
>get beaten
>eat cabbage dishes (no meat) 3 times a day. 50g of butter is something that you dream off and ready to kill for it
>get beaten
>get sent to afghan. Fucking afghans have better shit ( Japanese music players, TVs, etc) than all of the union back at home. Kill them, steal their shit.
>Get beaten and of all the shit you stole, stolen from you by Dembels
>Get your hands or legs blown off. Somehow survive. Sent to union to recieve prostetics. Not enough production to satisfy the demand. Even if you're lucky to get prostetics they are absolute dog shit, like pirate wooden legs tier.
>drink vodka till you're dead

>smear on war paint
>eat shrooms
>go to war for chance at Valhalla
>pillage stupid eurocuks that put gold in big buildings with no defense
>steal better swords
>hop in longboat

>Kill cook crews

1000 years later, nothing has changed.

Not enough surprise butt sex, but otherwise on point.

>kill cooks
Wait what


>Poo is the most effective camo
>Pray to Kali to help rain shit on all foes
>As soon as technology permits, feel a mighty need to create power armor elephants carrying tank turrets

Were one of the more inportant targets for our guerrillas.


>"Franz, why can't we just use chlorine ga-"
>"SHUT UP know we can't. Just wait for the U.S. Airforce to show up."
>"Franz. Let's just put on our gas masks, mix all the cleaning chemicals on base together and-"
>"KARL! We're trying to kill them humanely! Like the fucking dogs they are..."


>Varying degrees of BRRRRRT
>Squad based BRRRRT
>Moves up to mounted BRRRRT
>Calls in flying BRRRRT
>if that doesn't work, bomb them.



>dig in and hope for nato reinforcement
>defend to the last man
>throw woman and childs at the front
>nato reinforcement never comes


>"Why are our most effective troops a bunch of foreign criminals, and why the fuck did that idea even work? None of this makes sense."

>Orders come from Tel Aviv
>Military reduced to being a plaything for Jewish donors

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Field kitchens were prime targets during motti fights. Probably because they were most visible and least defended parts of the stalled convoys, but knowing Finns I wouldn't discount pure malice either.

I thought it was more of a mutinous thing like the cooks made bad mämmi

I mean, it looks like they’re getting a US airbase soon. I’d imagine the Russians are gonna bitch about it like usual, but it’s going forward.

Makes sense, considering how Russian soldiers tended to be fed very small rations and lived on the edge of starvation. If killing the cooks means that company would not be fed that day, that's pretty good. Especially if it is -30C.

>dig a hole in the ground
>under a mountain so deep and lined with logs so not even thermal tech can see us
>USA wastes artillery trying to blow us up
>dont really care if they do
>proceed to take potshots with AK
>next day recruit more mudmen to replace troops lost