Liberal sperging

Kamala Harris says she'll ban imports of all AR-15 style assault weapons if Congress doesn't act... Ban imports... Lol

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Her own gun ownership disqualifies her from getting the Democratic nomination. It's a shame because I love diversity.


daily reminder gun control is only about optics and virtue signaling, not making sense

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statements like this make me want to get into politics but i can't even clean me room or wash my dick

>what is sporting purpose
I'm not even american

It’s a bullshit attempt at moving the goalposts to fit whatever argument they want. “Military rifle” doesn’t work anymore cause the ones from Korean conflict and earlier don’t fit their “looks scary” criteria. So they can now say a weapon has “no sporting purpose” e.g. hunting, target shooting. Which is complete bullshit

Half false, they will simultaneously say that along with saying in full "well yeah you need guns for hunting just not THOSE guns"
The left is all about doublethink.

But i was talking about the non sporting purpose rifle import ban to which miss harris and evidently you are oblivious to.

You guys are all missing the most important part. She wants to BAN IMPORTS of ARs lol. Imagine being this fucking stupid and thinking you can be president.

Do these threads get jannied? It’s fucking stupid I have to go through the shit hole that is pol to find discussion on things like this. Would love to see more liberal sperging

With democrats trying to outstupid each other for 2020 this kind of crap is going to get worse in election season.

Is she going to ban the import of Chevys too?


ok, let's compromise. We ban the import of AR-15s, but legalize the import of AKMs.

That'd be a good joke if GM shit wasn't all made in Mexico now.

finally, someone who knows the definition of compromise

Talks about banning an inanimate object from import.

Thinks illegal migration is ok.

That's a very good point


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