If you tape up the outside of a compensator does it reduce loudness?

I dont fancy waiting 6 months for the atf to rub my suppressor application on their cocks while they masturbate. Will a taped up compensator reduce noise?

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it will but not by much
tapes going to get blown off in a few shots anyways

Probably a little, but not a huge amount.
Its just tape, you can try it out pretty easy

Why don't they make compensators that have a few chambers / baffles first before letting the hot air out? Slightly reduced compensation force but slightly reduced extra flash and noise.

complexity of manufacture and the atf
that shits going to be complicated as fuck or require multiple pieces. then after spending so much to make em the atf can say well this makes the gun quieter by 2 decibels its a silencer and your company dies.

Hi, this is Officer Richard Shaft with the Bureau of Anime, Tabasco, and Firearms. I just want to let you know we've opened up a case file based on your statements here. I'd like to ask you a few questions in person, we'll be visiting you next week. Please ensure any dogs you own or care for are left unleashed in your front yard prior to our arrival. We'll be in contact with you to arrange a time and date. Thank you.

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I think what you're looking for is a blast shield/linear comp/noise redirector, whatever they want to call it.

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flash hiders with qd blast comps are a thing.

Be careful OP. That counts as a suppressor.

AK-74 brake is exactly that. But it doesn't actually quiet anything down. If anything, it's louder. Just one chamber, though.

>implying laws matter anymore
You just don't talk about it. Outside of this tibetian sand gargling forum, I guess.

Oil filter or solvent trap

Well it wouldn't be any more complex than a suppressor, it would just be a suppressor with an open end pointing upwards / sideways.

Death to the NFA.

>If you tape up the outside of a compensator does it reduce loudness?


What sort of videogame bullshit are you eating at?

>What sort of videogame bullshit are you eating at?
what the hell are you on?

svu has muzzle brake on end on suppressor

Compensators make no difference to noise level. Muzzle brakes are what turn up the bass dial.

The ideal non silencer attachment would be a loudener. They direct the noise away from you.

6 months? Try 10 and counting!
PS you'll just blow the tape off

>hot air

Anything that makes the report any quieter, no matter by how much, is considered a suppressor legally.
AAC made a blast deflector/rebar cutter that they ended up not being able to sell because the gov considered it a suppressor

we tape up our muzzles/flash hiders when we hunt in snow and the first shot is much quieter. it acts as a silencer for one shot.