California Demographics Question

So, who's voting in all the gun control? Is it LGBBQ subhumans and illegals (EG the people posting here from free states their ancestors ruined)? Paid ammo background checks start in a over a week, and I need someone to be mad at.

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All of the above. You know what you have to do now. (move, not kill everyone lmao)

>LGBBQ subhumans
You know, if I were a homo, I think I'd be apprehensive about you owning guns too. Maybe try converting some people instead of making them feel justified.

The subhumans totally won't follow you if you just run away.

>ammo background checks
Can we just let cali be their own tranny country now? You're a god damn parasite on this country, yet act like you're the saving grace. Fuck off and die, california.

unfortunately things are going to have to get a lot worse before they can get better. I don't exactly how much rope we have to give them before it can be justifiable self defense, but we aren't there quite yet.

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They are complicit in voting in politicians who take my rights away one piece of legislature at a time, making them just as worthy of a hanging as the ones who pass the blatant violations of the Second Amendment. They're not human, and I'd gladly see their lifeless tumorous meat carcasses tumble into a mass grave furnace hybrid, as their lives, loved ones, and everything they have is worthless to patriots like me.

All this for a anti-discrimination bill. I hope it was worth it, because the hell people give them when they wake up isn't gonna hold a candle to whatever "microaggressions" they think they receive. This applies to anime discord trannies too. They think they can post here without us knowing where they stand politically.

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weak faggot try harder
this is an issue, theyre filling up even idaho now which is saying something

>people who disagree with me politically belong in a mass grave
Yeah, nah, you're not much of a patriot at all. A lot easier to educate them on the merits of being able to drop you.

>Voting Ballot
>Proposition 69
>3 paragraphs of fine print on how the government is going to restrict your rights.
>Nobody fucking reads it because most of them don't own guns and automatically vote yes because of the name.

> Carlos Miguel Sanchez runs for state senator (DEM)
>doesn't give much of a shit about guns, however is a Democrat because Dems protect his extended family, which are all illegals
>wins in a landslide because his turf is 90% hispanic
>does whatever his party tells him to including vote in state assembly measures to restrict the 2nd amendment

That's how rights are lost. Apathy and low rates of ownership.

You Pretenders deserve to be the first in the pit, crushed under the weight of those you have allowed to erode our once glorious nation. You're not an intellectual, rather, simply just an enabler.

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It's always urban people regardless of color

It's not that many people who are causing all of this. The last time I sat down and tried to analyze where the gun control "source" was, it came down to approximately 25 people, all of which were either moneyed (Bloomberg and friends) or political clout (Finstein et. all).

Most people are idiots, and will *easily* give in to social pressure, unless they're invested in a particular outcome in some way. For firearm owners, we like our guns, so of course we're against regulations. The anti-gun crowd's main weapons are pulling on emotional heartstrings, and liberal soccer moms who think they're 'doing something' by handing out fliers and telling everyone how virtuous they are for being disarmed. Given that violence has been trending down, and entirely possible in some cases to go *years* without seeing a gun (except on a cop or in a movie), it made easy to form echo chambers where people go "black gun bad" and then nod intently.

There are two ways to permanently end this:
> Punch the funding sources, and make funding gun control a liability- likely by pushing the racist nature of gun control laws and how it disadvantages minorities
> "Disarm" the gun control organizations by treating them similarly to an ISIS cell - The Soccer Moms are just foot soldiers, and the people at the top have too much media vision, but the middle management - where work actually gets done to organize things - if you find them, and it becomes too much of a liability to employ them - the organizations will lose cohesion and be unable to mount an effective offense.

Some of these tactics have already been picked up by the left on attacks on the NRA, but (with some exceptions) the NRA has had little effect on preventing gun control laws passing. This gives other pro 2a orgs more ability to fight, interesting enough.

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This is true user, but we need a real happening to kick off before we can take advantage of the opening. I'm fleeing California in the next couple months, this place is a shithole. Also it takes them decades minimum to corrupt the places worth living in now

people who think the law allows them to take away my natural rights to pay for their vision of the world are digging their own grave and I will only lament they didn't have the sense to control their tyrannical urges before I had to defend my way of life at their expense.

People who think that the law should allow them to take away my natural rights because I was born differently are going to force me to dig their graves and I will only lament that I couldn't be fucked to find a shovel.

this is cyclical thinking: the happening can't happen until the happening happens, then I can move without fear

nobody wants to control where your dick goes, Sanchez, nobody ever really cared, you live in a delusional world where everyone who doesn't sniff your cum-scented farts wants you dead

>the subhumans will follow us, so we must take action against them instead of running
>we cannot currently take action because the power structure is currently stable and controlled by people who would stop us
>we should wait for the power structure to lose its stranglehold before acting instead of throwing our lives away uselessly
I don't think this is an unreasonable way of looking at it

>not attempting to destabilise the power structure and foment disorder so you can move
lazy, lazy slave

>the Chad "one man army with no serious impact"
>virgin "build a life and family while waiting for outside circumstance to actually debase power, as has always been the case historically"

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missing the third option

>bUt i h4Ve TeH 8RAiN 0f A f3MALE

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oh? enlighten us, fed-sama

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in how many different ways can to destabilise a calcified power base? you can contribute as simply as voting for the worst possible political candidate in any office, the that'll rile up the most moderates- you don't necessarily need to dress up like a tard and bombard your local ATF field office or DNC HQ in sacrificial protest

Sure, but why not move in the meantime? These things will hardly revert California to a livable condition anytime soon

>just do what the boomers did
>this time it will work

moving states is denying tax dollars, perfectly acceptable

>"n-no, you can't step out of the mess the boomers made, you have to live in it the way they do!"
Boomers are literally the result of a new cycle beginning, they did not and have not recognized how they sold out and destroyed the country. You can swim in the shit if you want, but I'll wait for this cycle to close somewhere nicer, thank you very much

one man is all it takes to shut down a city’s power grid

>i'm not dealing with this
boomer logic

I somehow forgot about the grids- oh, right, I can't assess viability of the installations because I'm not educated int electrical infrastructure enough to pick out the weakpoints in the transmission hubs

>One GOP senator recently died and has not yet been replaced.
lol dabbing on commies from the grave

Minorities arent to blame its the government

>The "people" who vote for the Leftist government aren't to blame for the actions of the Leftist government.

Sorry fag, this argument was settled way back in WWII and is literally the justification for indiscriminate strategic bombing.

If you smoothbrains didn't vote Commie 80% plus you may have an argument.

Forgot muh img

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>minorities bundle together under the banner of false unity and vote on measures proposed by lobbyists funded by corporations that know how to exploit the plebs
the mob is ALWAYS to blame

LGBTQABBA don't care about guns. They vote for Democrat because that's the "progressive" thing to do. Because the Republicans are big bad meanies. Because the Dems will allow or actively facilitate their public degeneracy.

But most of all because voting Democrat is what the group demands. I know some gay people who own guns and shoot often, bitch about Muslims coming to the West, and lament about societal decay. But you know what? They STILL vote Democrat.

How do you convert someone like that?

You don't.

You avoid them, and especially don't converse with any substance with them. You just make note of who they are and stay away.

When the time comes, you will know your enemies and if you haven't fucked up, they won't know you.

>who's voting in all the gun control?

>its the government

I'll give you a (((hint)))

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for racists like you

Discord Tranny/SharBlue.

>let's just keep ignoring the problem
>I'm sure it will be better in 20 years when our children have to deal with it

Fact is, the current situation is a result of the boomers doing exactly that in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s.

It just gets worse and worse.

its hilarious how mods and janitors dont even hide their bias anymore

Or saying it another way, we had our chance.

Our fathers and father's fathers didn't take it, we were fucked from before we were born, this is the unhappy ending.

People keep posting this meme, but the only explanation we ever ge this some shitty screencap that doesnt actually explain anything.
>what do I have to destroy, in what order, to turn a city off
Anything that isnt that information, specifically, is useless.

Try to follow along.

It’s a crime issue. The state’s demographics are Hispanic and aging whites (I was in Southern California last year and I remember seeing nothing but Hispanics). The socio-economic strata of Hispanics consist largely of lower-class. They’re involved in criminal activity which includes armed crime.

Gun control follows gun crime as certainly as night follows day. LGBQT has nothing to do with it. It’s social pressure by middle-class homeowners for the government to "do something". They can’t do anything about the demographics, but they can do something about guns.

Where are gun laws are the loosest? In fly-over states with hardly any violent crime.

A good example of this dynamic is New Zealand. Semi-auto military-type guns (ie, ARs) were legal until an Australian man came to the country and shot up a Mosque at Christchurch. Then the government immediately banned them. Gun owners had no say, they were made immediate felons overnight with a grace period to send in their guns. LGBQT had nothing to do with it. Subhumans had nothing to do with. New Zealand’s government responded to international attention and "did something". They can’t do anything about Australians so they did something about guns.

>and I need someone to be mad at.
Be mad at yourself for letting it pass. LGBT is starting to stand and fight in red states, why don't you stand and fight for your rights in blue ones instead of screwing yourself then blaming us?
Did you just think it would be too ridiculous to blame it on jews or what?

t. trans faggot with guns who probably does more for your rights than you do

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>They can’t do anything about the demographics
They could secure the SW border maybe???
It's no secret, the people opposing this are the people who directly benefit from having a wide open border. These fuckers are not Americans, they do not care about America. Get them the fuck out.