Be me

>be me
>felon because of dumb shit i did in college
>can't own a weapon now
>going to be defenseless fish in a barrel when the boogaloo comes


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BP still kills last I heard. Conversion cylinders are around as well. 80%s if you have tools and are capable of watching youtube.

buy from nigger then

Polymer80 is your friend

Free men don't ask. Stop being a whiny faggot and get a drill press. In the interim, talk to a lawyer and do whatever you can to get that shit expunged and get your civil rights restored.

And if I somehow get caught? I plan on having a kid with her. Say some asshole breaks into our house and I shoot him with it, how the fuck do I explain that? It'd be worthless.

>felon because of dumb shit i did in college
please elaborate further, also what is your ethnicity?

I actually tend to agree that felons should be disallowed from possessing weapons. You've proven yourself to be a potentially violent sociopath with blatant disregard for the law and the consequences of your action. Why SHOULD you be able to posses weapons like a normal well adjusted member of society? You're not.


No papers = he dropped the gun "I grabbed it from the perp and shot him".

His partner shot him and ran away

Throw gun into lake

Lol. Misdemeanor master race.

it's a right. not a privilege.

It's all to easy to forfeit ones rights.

>talk to a lawyer and do whatever you can to get that shit expunged
I tried to file a court petition to expunge it, but apparently some felonies they allow to be expunged, and other more """serious""" ones they won't expunge, and they refused to tell me if what I did fell under it. And I can only file a petition in the same court that issued the felony, so basically I am fucked.

White. Why does it matter, Jow Forumsshit?

Kill yourself

fucking based
retards who act without thinking deserved to be eternally dabbed on
OP why cant your fiance carry, or is she a fucking felon too?


>all too easy to
ftfy, and no. rights don't magically go away.

what was the felony?
And can you just not own firearms, or does it apply to all weapons?
A good hefty steel bar does wonders in close quarters, i've heard.

If you willingly void them they do. Or are you of the mind that consequences do not exist?

You're an honorary nigger now.

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A right granted by the state, which they justifiably dont extend to felons. All that "god given" shit is just flowery feelgood language, if it actually meant anything then the last 70 years of persistent infringements wouldn't have happened.

>And I can only file a petition in the same court that issued the felony, so basically I am fucked.
No you aren't "fucked" you haven't gone through the process and you're demonstrating a sense of entitlement and lack of agency. Actually follow-through on the filing and see what the judge says. If they decline you, they'll tell you why. Start going to Church and or volunteering. You need to demonstrate that you're not the felonious piece of shit your past behavior indicates.

In the interim either learn how to make your own guns, or buy from nogs on Armslist. Neither is ideal, both are workable, right up until the point you drop a body. Black Powder might be viable depending on your state.

Or you could go full cowabunga and say "Your honor, felons have a right to self defense as well and the revocation of my rights because of my felony is both detrimental to my personal safety and unconstitutional. Change my mind." And then go all the way to the supreme court.

Hopefully a nigger will break in, pop your knee caps and then go full BLACKED on your gf, you retard

Got into a fight with a cop who was being a pig and damn near got shot. Did a few years.
Imagine being this much of a slave. You have no friends and are a virgin. Go outside.

Crossbow, or overpowered airgun. Seen some on utube with power of .38 pistol round. Even better get both.
Train hard and wield throwing axe.

You're full of shit.

Why do you want a gun if you're too scared to use it?

Black powder is a very good idea. But i think the felony thing btfos that.

>taking a swing at a cop over a speeding ticket
Holy fuck dude, it's as easy as "yes officer have a nice day". You are an honorary black person.

Can your fiance own the gun? Have her buy it with your money, keep it in the home under her name, u can still use it at home just not EDC

Do prisoners have the right to peacefully assemble?

whole lotta boot licking hypocrites in here..

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This is probably illegal depending on OPs particular situation.

Go outside and shoot mu gun? I think I will, thanks for the suggestion.

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i dont know american laws, but could you possible make or acquire antique weapons? like matchlocks, flintlocks, wheellocks or pinfire? is it a blanket ban on all firearms?

see pic

No I'm not retard. Google it if you don't believe me, that is literally how fucked up this system is.

I don't want to be able to use it then go to jail for 20 years you retard.

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>not assaulting a cop because he hurt your feefees is bootlicking
this timeline.

>Oh yeah, Ill take to the streets and bring the fight to the statists NEXT time they cripple my rights, for sure
"Dont tread on me" has always been code word for "I'm as compliant as the rest of you but I want to posture that I'm not". All a big larp tbqh my man

I hear black powder is a work around

To be fair some cops can be utter assholes. If you're in a bad mood and you come across cop in heat. ,,:(

So if his girl is not a felon, she's not allowed to have a gun bc her man is a felon? I guess it could be a household thing, but I don't think that would jive with Judge Joe Brown. BTW he got arrested recently lol

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>taking a swing at a cop because he gave you a ticket
el oh el
The mentally disabled are also not allowed to own guns so you're hanged twice there pal.

I agree. A felony is committed when an act takes place that infringes on the rights of others, so a felon should in turn lose said rights. That being said, there are things classified as felonies that should not be.

one day you will know how much of a retarded bootlicker you are, marcus.

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black powder is a workaround, but i think you're gonna have to stay away from percussion firearms, so i guess your best bet is a good 10 guage flint/match/wheel lock, or like 10 little pirate blasters and some good new york reloading.

That's the difference between a well adjusted human and a not well adjusted human. Emotional control.

>implying it was simply because he gave me a ticket
I'm no nigger. You need to understand that some cops are pigs.

So walk us through your thought process, how in any way would throwing a punch work out in your favor?

>OP breaks the law
>Instead of accepting the consequences of his actions he becomes violent and physically assaults an armed officer of the law who has all his information with no regard for the consequences
>Has several years in prison to think about what he did wrong, still thinks he's in the right
OP you're lucky to still have the privilege of wasting our oxygen. You're a literal honorary nigger and have no right to posses a deadly weapon any more.

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All I keep hearing is
>Bad man say mean things, make me angry!

That's totally what happened! Imagine bootlicking this hard. ACAB

No ones bootlicking, cops can be assholes of the highest order. We're all just ragging you because only an absolute retard thinks punching one will settle the issue as well as let you get off scott free. I get accidental felonies and not all laws are fair 100%, but punching a cop is explicitly stated, universally understood, to be a bad idea yet you did it anyway.

Depends on the state and OPs parole requirements, etc.

Cops are people too.
And yes some people are utter retarded fuckholes.
Have you looked into black powder as an option yet?

>just missing “statist”
Enjoy being prohibited from owning firearms because you have a tempy wempy. I think I’ll buy a few extra boxes of ammo when I go to the range later with all my legal guns so I can enjoy them that much more.

black powder is a workaround, but i think you're gonna have to stay away from percussion firearms, so i guess your best bet is a good 10 guage flint/match/wheel lock, or like 10 little pirate blasters and some good new york reloading.

reposting bcause got drowned out by all the preaching faggots

OP should be locked up

The fact that he breathes would be an affront in a truly just society.

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I am kinda sorta on OPs side here, but this is definitely true and it was kinda a nigger move.

>You need to understand that some cops are pigs.
WHICH IS WHY YOU NEVER GIVE THEM A REASON TO FUCK YOU. Tactics do not equal principles, most people hate cops, most people also recognize the tactical and strategic idiocy of getting into a fistfight with them. Can you not understand why some people think you're not the best person to own a gun?

i know that. that's why i explicitly stated that it was dumb in my original post.

enjoy getting assraped virgin twink

>t. pic related


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Tyrone is going to enjoy your fiancé’s ass next time he comes visit

Hello ATF

Hindsight is a bitch, but your actions have consequences. Best you can do is look at polymer 80s for glocks or 80% lowers for ars. They're piss easy if you're a novice with tools.

OP, if you were really about that life, you’d just illegally acquire guns and not care what the “pigs” did about it. You’re not, so quit trying to flex. This thread was clearly intended to be an anti-cop circlejerk where you thought you’d be praised for “stickin it to the man, bro” by “punching a pig” and it backfired hilariously.

It’s not just dumb, but monumentally dumb. Dumb as in “this person is too impulsive and apt to chimp out to be trusted with a firearm” sort of dumb. You’re a liability. Sorry.

Jesus christ you're like that druggie loser who came in here a couple days ago.

Looks like these states have problems with black powder. From cabelas website.

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How do you even have enough disposable income to afford guns with a felony convection?

I thought the system was supposed to keep you poor for life

More crimes

Even so,


go outside more

yeah i know, i was just assessing my options. didn't expect a bunch of teenage virgins to come in here and start bootlicking and acting like geniuses when their balls haven't even dropped yet

veteran to tradesman program in texas. i'm an electrician

If you're too dangerous to own guns, you're too dangerous to be alive and not in prison. If you advocate for anyone not being able to own guns, you're a faggot grabber bitch. If you're that scared, fight for stricter legal punishments that keep people in prison longer or more frequent death penalties.

You did something dumb, but unfortunately actions have consequences, no matter how unfair you may think those are. Felons shouldn’t be allowed to own firearms. Learn a martial art, get a small black powder weapon, practice situational awareness and don’t go stupid places with stupid people to do stupid stuff, and your self defense will be solid. When the boogaloo hits it doesn’t matter what the law says, you’ll find a way to acquire a gun.

No, no, I'm not saying you are him. I'm just remarking how much you sound like him. He blamed the system for all his problems, just like you.

Even more so, once you've threatened another person's right to life and liberty, you yourself have lost that right. Live with your consequences.

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>dumb enough to punch a cop
You’re too stupid to own guns.

In Texas, a convicted felon can get his/her rights to possess a firearm after 5 years. Here is the statute:
Texas Penal Code 46.04

(a) A person who has been convicted of a felony commits an offense if he
possesses a firearm:

(1) after conviction and before the fifth anniversary of the person's release from confinement following conviction of the felony or the person's release from supervision under community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision, whichever date is
later; or
(2) after the period described by Subdivision (1), at any location other than the premises at which the person lives.

(b) A person who has been convicted of an offense under Section 22.01, punishable as a Class A misdemeanor and involving a member of the person's family or household, commits an offense if the person possesses a firearm before the fifth anniversary of the later of:

(1) the date of the person's release from confinement following conviction of the misdemeanor; or

(2) the date of the person's release from community supervision following conviction of the misdemeanor.

(c) A person, other than a peace officer, as defined by Section 1.07, actively engaged in employment as a sworn, full-time paid employee of a state agency or political subdivision, who is subject to an order issued under Section 6.504 or Chapter 85, Family Code, under Article 17.292 or Chapter 7A, Code of Criminal Procedure, or by another jurisdiction as provided by Chapter 88, Family Code, commits an offense if the person possesses a firearm after receiving notice of the order and before expiration of the order.

(d) In this section, "family," "household," and "member of a household" have the meanings assigned by Chapter 71, Family Code.

(e) An offense under Subsection (a) is a felony of the third degree. An offense under Subsection (b) or (c) is a Class A misdemeanor.

Any non-felon is allowed to have a firearm, it is up to the felon to make sure they are not in the presence of a firearm. In a sense, this can put a restriction on firearm owner of people who are around the felon, although only the felon would be punished if caught.

I'm not even opposed to OP owning guns, but if he too indolent to even attempt the legal process of restoring his rights then they obviously dont mean much to him and he can just be a noguns faggot for all I care. That said, he sure comes across as a seether that'll shoot his wife through the bathroom door.

Abandoning this thread since I already got my answer and retards who have no idea what happened are bootlicking for cops. Thanks for the fags that actually gave good information. ()

Please do tell what happened so we can laugh at you.

Firearms in Texas include black powder weapons.
Your down to airgun and crossbow untill 5 years is up.

>didn't expect a bunch of teenage virgins to come in here and start bootlicking and acting like geniuses when their balls haven't even dropped yet
You came to /k, what else did you expect?

He won’t say because he knows he’ll get shit on even harder when it was over something that would’ve gotten him a $10 ticket lel

>Got into a fight with a cop who was being a pig and damn near got shot. Did a few years.
May I die for his moment if you’re not the smoothest brain I’ve ever seen

Niggers have a right to bear arms too, faggots.

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what did you do

He dindu nuffin, apparently?

Oh you're a retard and a leftist. Good I hope you die when shtf happens

>Niggers have a right to bear arms too, faggots.
Technically, but they shouldn't.

>Be OP
>Tell random people on the internet what dumb shit I did
>Get mad when random people make fun of me
Like poetry

Yes they do, but not felons. Also nigger =/= felon

Oh they cant even be around guns. Probably why JJB got thrown in the slamner

Fuck off.

u mad boy?

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Are you a tourist summerfag pollack piece of shit?

I'm sure he's mighty afraid of all your buzzwords, jessica.

Yes, I'm a Jow Forumsa/c/k/, how could you tell?

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