Tfw you have 10,000 rifleman ready to go but you're just standing their with your foot in your dick

>tfw you have 10,000 rifleman ready to go but you're just standing their with your foot in your dick
>tfw your objective was to punch through the city but you didn't have enough fuel to initiate the armored assault
>tfw Chaos is yelling at you and you just want to go back to the FOB and get a combat jack.

It's all so tiresome.

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>tfw the ammo is relieved from your sidearm

they made a movie about this fiasco? What's it called?
btw he did nothing wrong it was kelly being an asshole in front of everyone

Generation kill.

>they made a movie about this fiasco? What's it called?
It was called "Lurk More: the story of one newfag's travails on Jow Forums, the Jow Forums board of peace"

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>Tfw it's summer and you feel the need to post shit from a TV series to somehow feel like you yourself have done anything.

found it, they changed it from Dowdy to Dougherty, gee that was real clever mr director

yeah. all so tiresome

Not knowing Generation Kill...

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The Virgin Dowdy
>cares about his men
>has to wait for his tanks to refuel
>gets bogged down in cities
>isn't allowed to finish a sentence
>officers are probably all competent

The Chad Godfather
>throws his men in unarmored humvees against tanks
>sets his own supplies on fire
>has an airfield
>officers bayonet prisoners and are so lost they completely confuse the enemy

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Alright boys, I'm calling in a fire mission.

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Sir, that target is danger close

Danger Close?

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Any boot fuck Marine knows any arty strike within 600 meters is danger close encino man

So the people portrayed as idiots in GK, are they based on actual people (and if so have there been any reactions from them) or are they more like every bad idea someone ever had over there put into one dumbass character.

ok yeah dude we've all see this show no need to recite entire scenes (like you do in every thread)

The entire series is a true story. It's an adaptation of a book written by the reporter who embedded with the marines, Evan Wright. It's been endorsed by many of the people who were there with him. One man, Fruity Rudy, even played himself in the TV series.

Why are you like this annon?

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>he doesn't know about generation kill
The state of this board.

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>want to be a well rounded and respected officer like nate
>dont want to be an Encinco Man, Captain America or Gunny Casey Casum
>started the OCS process for the Army already
>worried I made a huge mistake seeing all the bullshit he went through

how do I be a good officer, boys?

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>pay attention during entry level (even the boring stuff)
>learn from your senior enlisted
>accept you don't know shit until you get back from your first deployment

also Lt Fick wrote a book detailing his time in the service with overlap

Rimjob Fridays

Don't be retarded
Don't be a negative nancy

Listen to your SNCOs, also seriously listen to the gripes of your men. Some of them might be reasonable. Don't act like you know better than anyone, don't make people do anything you're not willing to do yourself and dont act better than anyone. Higher rank = higher authority, not higher rank = better than the enlisted men



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You should be more like Trombly user



stay humble, and willing to learn from people who know more then you, but also remain firm in your ability as a leader and dont be a pushover. Its really not that hard, the worst leaders (officers or NCOs) are cocky and think they know everything

Fuck you Oxide I know your lurking in this thread. Stop being a jannie and give me your fucking lunch money

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>Don't get butthurt that you're a butterbar and everyone shits on you
>dont bring weird gay moto officer school shit to the unit
>if your soldiers are having a going away/reenlistment/ets party and youre invited. go.
>if your soldiers are doing dumb shit in the field and you dont have something ACTUALLY keeping you from being with them. be with them.
>dont get pick up 1LT and then immediately think you know it all and your NCO's are incompetent


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>You should be more like Trombly user

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Christ Sir, every bootfuck marine knows Generation kill