What happened to the fat fucks and orange shirt?

What happened to the fat fucks and orange shirt?

Attached: Borderlands 3 Texas.webm (1280x720, 366K)

well i think we all know what happened to orange shirt aaaarrooon

He took his swing.

Orange shirt reincarnated as a roach in the alley (has it all to himself now, very peaceful).

Fat bois are in prison because they accosted the situation and murdered a man over trash.

they got released

They're out on bail, and the trial's been pushed back


Maybe orange shirt shouldn't habe been an annoying stupid ugly piece of shit if he didn't want to get shot in front of his stupid wife. Hell, they should have shot her too.

>I'm gonna kill you!
>Shoot me!
RIP Aaron. He was a real human bean

The story so far as I know it is

>orange shit throws bat at older fat man after repeated encouragement from his wife
>fat man retaliates with 2 shoots from his 9mm
>fat son follows his father's lead and puts one shell from his memewave into orange shirt
>orange shirt is dead
>police take fat man and son in for questioning
>fat man and son believed they had self defense pleas in the bag
>they said downright retarded things like "he had it coming" that made them sound like cold blooded murderers.
>got charged with murder
>there is some legitimatcy to the charges because texas law says you cannot seek an argument or conversation of differences while armed and claim self defence if you provoke your conversation partner into attacking you
>I lost track of the events here.

Their attorney said that both of them were ready for trial and court dates were set for both of them.Prosecutor offered both of them a plea deal which they refused, a few months later he offered another plea which they also refused. Trial for the son was supposed to start earlier this month but on the day it was supposed to happen the prosecutor asked the court to delay it for a few more months because he needed more time. Prosecutor is now offering both of them a third plea deal. Dad's trial is supposed to start in August but it will probably be delayed as well.

>law says you cannot seek an argument or conversation of differences while armed and claim self defence if you provoke your conversation partner into attacking you
When I'm carrying, I'm super polite to strangers. When I'm not I'm a real piece of shit troll sometimes, just egging on situations that don't involve me to see if people will get to throwing punches. An armed society is a polite society and all that.

sounds like the prosecutor knows he does not have a leg to stand on but is desperate for a guilty plea so he can add it to his list of life accomplishments. pretty fucking embarassing.

Sounds like good news. No jury can watch the video and say orange shirt didn't deserve it. It will be a light sentence if anything

Yeah no way in hell would a prosecutor offer 3 plea deals if they had a good case against them

>get released
>get arrested on murder charges a few hours later
>judge thinks they are total poorfags, and sets bond to small amount
>they get the money
>faggot judge then sets the bond to a huge amount
>they cant pay and stay in jail till about two months ago
>somehow manage to pay the bond two months ago and get released
>currently at home awaiting trial for murder charges
>will probably take a year or more
>everybody claiming ether clear cut murder or clear cut defense
>no one actually knows jack shit about law
>in all cases, aron is a DEAD AS FUCK NIGGERKIKEFAGGOT and everyone is 200% glad

>krećo Hakija, presudila mu ćakija
>ne razumijes ti to, druže sudija

>raduje me jedna istina
>iz KP doma vraticu se ja
>ali Hakija nikad nece sa Bara
>sa Bara se niko ne vraca

>>krećo Hakija, presudila mu ćakija
>>ne razumijes ti to, druže sudija
>>raduje me jedna istina
>>iz KP doma vraticu se ja
>>ali Hakija nikad nece sa Bara
>>sa Bara se niko ne vraca
Why the fuck am I getting warnings ffrom NoScript for trying to search this?

>Hakija walked in, judging him
>You do not understand that, companion judge

>one truth is joyful
>from the KP home gate you me
>but Hakija will never come from Bar
>no one is coming back from Bar
what the shit

LoL don't know. MFW google tries to translate slav slang.

Its an old Yugo song about murdering a guy who fucked your wife, and gloating, because someday you will come back from prison, while he will never come back from the graveyard. Thought it was kind of fitting for the dumpster defense force. But maybe not since US sentences are 5x longer than anywhere in yurop.

Attached: 1544950411320.png (360x360, 48K)

>Father and son with guns
>Dumb fuck Aaron acts aggressively. Points fingers, swings arms and fist
>Challenges them to shoot
>"You're not going to shoot muh husband" - The wife says this with such confidence
>Aaron gets shot
>Wife cries

mfw dumb fucks everywhere...

Attached: laugh.gif (244x199, 477K)

Troll faggots are degenerates and belong on a cross

>he says on 4th channel

green leafs of tea go in all fields for these bullshit threads

He had a long history of trying to solve his problems by telling people "I'll kill you!"
Wasn't really right in the head, and a behavior like that makes it just a matter of time before he got into serious trouble. Would have been nice if he could have gotten help for his crazy, but that wasn't in the stars.

Kure dedino sta pricas to? Engleski bitte schoN

Hang yourself. You are just a degenerate.

You dont belong here. Trolling is a art.

This, I understand that in law you want both sides to argue to the best of their abilities but there has to be some point when prosecutors know they are just making life hard for innocent people.

those dumbasses kept engaged and escalated a confrontation they could have left at any time.

Holy fucking reddit batman.

Attached: ledditposters.png (1308x892, 339K)

Based schizoposter

An art*

>the prosecutor offers multiple plea deals to avoid making a case and delays the trial
Incompetent or just lazy? You be the judge.

Attached: 1499486729691.png (300x240, 65K)

He lived happily ever after.

this, anyone who thinks these guys should walk free is an idiot, voluntary manslaughter, or maybeevem third degree murder are completely reasonable.

Fat fucks in prison, orange shirt dead

They were released, and they did nothing wrong, I hope they flee the country.

If by "released" you mean they posted bond then sure.
They're still going to court for murder charges
