I feel China is the kind of place you can't even buy a BB gun...

I feel China is the kind of place you can't even buy a BB gun. But it also feels like the kind of place you can shoot an RPG at a cow for the price of a Big Mac.

Which is more true?

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Try not creating a shitty thread in the future.

>shoot an RPG at a cow for the price of a Big Mac
That's Cambodia and other assorted South East Asian developing countries. Also, it's like $50.

>Also, it's like $50.

Be gentle, OP is clearly a European and $50 USD is half of what they pay for a hamburger in his country.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

based retard poster


It is very unlikely you will ever be prosecuted for anything as long as you:

>pay your taxes
>never diss the govt.
>avoid angering big business/organized crime/party officials (as if there's a difference)
>make bad press
>are not Falun Gong

>>pay your taxes
>>never diss the govt.
>>avoid angering big business/organized crime/party officials (as if there's a difference)
>>make bad press
>>are not Falun Gong

confirmed for knowing absolutely zero about china. all you need to do in china to escape punishment is: be a white person

I'm going to guess that you're not white and that's why you posted such a ridiculous list of lies. only a subhuman could believe that kind of crap.

I've never been to China but I would be concerned about pissing off someone powerful and having no recourse. I watched a YouTube channel called AdvChina which follows two western guys who go to China, they tell a story where their acquaintance went to China, set up a successful gym but had some debt, the white guy sells his gym to a Chinese man who pays him nothing and the white guy can't leave China for having debt because Chinese guy knows in business disputes Chinese courts will usually give more trust to a Chinese person's word. Things like this don't happen in more democratic countries. There may be some advantages to living in China and being under their courts if you've got money and power but as average person idk. China could be a much richer and more powerful country if they could just embrace an independent judiciary so investors don't have to be afraid.

There are bb and airsoft guns everywhere in China. In Chinese cities there are these street markets/malls with vendors/flea market type places that sell different things. In almost all of them I've been to there are vendors with a shit load of airsoft guns. Apparently airsoft culture is big amongst children there.

Also, chinks in major cites aren't as poor as you think. They aren't 3rd world poor anymore, this isn't the 90s. The countryside is completely different, but your average major city chinks have a lot of money to throw around.

t. Chink

Laws are completely selectively enforced to the point that everyday life is more or less anarchy. You can do pretty much whatever you want as long as you don't annoy anyone connected to a government official. The upside is you deal with less bureaucracy and regulation in daily life, but the downside is you live in an anarchic shithole and one day the local party boss might decide your roadside pisswater shack needs to go and crush your livelihood without recompense and then throw you in jail indefinitely without trial for complaining about it.

Man being white surely kept them out of prison theguardian.com/world/2019/may/16/canadians-detained-in-china-charged-with-espionage

Why do you people eat such disgusting things?

You are a fucking retard. White people get caught up for petty shit all the time on China and the courts will always automatically side with the Chinese person.

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you've obviously never been to china, or you're not white

don't even bother admitting either thing, I've already pegged you as at least semi-retarded

Am I the only one who only sees a pixelated mess in this pic and no words

>But it also feels like the kind of place you can shoot an RPG at a cow for the price of a Big Mac.
You're thinking of Vietnam. China has no upsides.

Open the picture in another tab and remove the "m" in the url, you faggot phoneposter

Both are equally true. Yin and Yang.

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im just going to dump my "fuck chinese scammers" folder

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Jow Forumsommando having lived in both countries. AMA (inb4 reddit ree). The truth is always somewhere in the middle, between the lines. China is about "GuanXi," meaning it's not what you know, but who you know.
Can't do it in China anymore. My father told me in in the 90s, they could go to military bases if they were tight with the commander, and he would order the soldiers to bring out any weapon they like, with endless cases of ammo to blow through. It was all written off as "training ammo." Everyone has smart phones now. One bad photo op can mean the end of many careers.
You could probably do it in Burma or Cambodia. Even Vietnam is modernizing to the point where that's not possible.
Not what you know, but who you know. Money helps too. It's the same in the West and all over the world, but in China it's magnified.
Don't listen to those cringelords. Though they point out a lot of BS that happens, they do it because their audience wants to satisfy their confirmation bias about China. They do it for the views and $. If China were so bad, they wouldn't be there.
Anyone can list extreme cases, but that's not the average. The truth is always some place in the middle, not to the extreme.
Here's an open secret. In the country side, Chinese farmers make their own firearms for hunting.
Apparently back in the day, before the last decade, shotguns including semi-auto were openly sold in the markets.
Now the CCP has clamped down on guns, and unauthorized hunting, to protect the environment and muh animals (Chinese people love to eat, once they get bored of normal food, they eat the exotic).

tl:dr Yes, there are guns in China. Many homemade. Don't ask, don't tell. Local police turn a blind eye, unless people complain, or you get caught, then you're fucked.

It would have made sense if these were American mutts but I see you're just a retard.

This isn't Jow Forums, we're trying to talk about guns here. Please contain your autism.

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Found the butthurt snownigger leaf

didn't read lol

i'm not Jow Forums i just hate chinese culture. at least some of this stuff is related to the chinese military and arsenal.

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I wrote a tldr for brainlets like you.

>i just hate chinese culture.
How did this come about? Please don't say internet stories.

everybody in their right mind hates china

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Have you ever met a Chinese person? Or even been within 100 feet of one?

Have you been there? It's not healthy to based your world view on internet posts and youtube citing extreme examples. Find out what the average is like.


Can anyone tell me what this translates to?

im canadian. specifically BC. the chinese have their dirty cunts stinking up everything here from the housing market to the local government. i want their country to destabilize/erupt into civil war so bad.

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There are good and bad ones in every country/culture. I am Chinese. Where are you from?

says he likes stalin's dick in his ass

5 social credits have been deposited in your account

Indeed there are aspects of my culture that I hate too, even though some are good. Blame the boomers for the housing market. They're the ones who let this happen.

Easy. Have you ever been around them?
Anyone who cares about the environment will hate China.
Anyone who cares about animals will hate China.
Anyone who does business with China will hate china.
Anyone who has to deal with Chinese tourist will hate china.
Even China hates China.

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>i want their country to destabilize/erupt into civil war so bad.
>Begins moving to BC en masse because of this
Lmao Cucknadians.

Too bad I live in NA, or else those credit would really come in handy. There's good and bad about both places. China has gotten better, and sometimes takes a step too far back, but they have a long way to go.
Honestly, if you're a westerner, traveling to China is probably a nice experience. They love white ppl there.

What is your social credit score?

i'd rather blame the country trying to puppet mine currently thank you.

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>Easy. Have you ever been around them?
>Anyone who cares about the environment will hate China.
>Anyone who cares about animals will hate China.
>Anyone who does business with China will hate china.
>Anyone who has to deal with Chinese tourist will hate china.
>Even China hates China.
Agree with a lot of this. But as an individual there's only so much you can do. Just enjoy the best parts about something. For one, I really like the cheap and large variety of food there. It's really safe to travel there, and there are a lot of job opportunties.
They are quite modern now, and it's quite fun.

this dude got a life sentence for buying bb guns from taiwan

>If China were so bad, they wouldn't be there
I think both of the guys running that channel have left/are in the process of leaving China behind and are expanding the channel to cover travel in other Asian countries.

>one big wave of chinese > the constant wave currently happening

i want their country to burn.

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Fuck off you slant eyed chink. Every country is just using your shitty nation for cheap labor and practically little to no regulation for business practices, especially when you can just bribe the right person openly too.
Go back to China and eat dogs, cats and rodents.

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Did you give back Huawai's daughter yet? Blame the boomers and the politicians who sell out. Just enjoy your life man, there's no need to waste it spamming infographics online. This is Jow Forums.
Yeah. That's reasonable if they hate it so much there. But they both have Chinese wives, so the connection will always be there.
I just don't like the negativity they put out, and I understand it's partially for views. I'd much rather watch travel food blogs. I even enjoyed it when they did that.

There are, but mainlander culture is the worst I've ever encountered. Everything is a fucking scam, there's no concern for the safety or wellbeing of others, everyone is constantly yelling and spitting, it's filthy, you can't trust anybody to do their job correctly or tell the truth about anything. The only parts of China that aren't barbaric shitholes are the ones that are authoritarian shitholes crawling with police like the Bund. Modern Chinese culture has absolutely nothing positive to offer to the world.

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>But it also feels like the kind of place you can shoot an RPG at a cow for the price of a Big Mac.
You're thinking of Cambodia.

Ust reading this made me think, could rising sea levels be attributed in part to more tonnage being displaced by more and more ships which are growing larger in size? I mean when you think about one, its insignificant, but the entire navies of the world combined, plus all the commercial vessels? I'd like to know how much sea level rising is due to ships.

Tbh, all you've said has happened. And I disagree with a lot of what they're doing. I do go back, but I like dogs and won't eat dog on that principle. I've tried 1 piece of cat. Does squirrel count as rodent?
Some exotic meats are not really for me. I like beef.

>don't spread negativity about an authoritarian one party police state actively trying to spread their views to other nations, there's good things about them too, like food!

they shut down out connola and pork exports as well as imprisoned like three Canadians for "charges". i don't think they should get to walk away with their bitch after insulting us like that.

this is the last one in folder anyways. hope y'all were entertained at the very least.

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Agreed. What can you do? Only wait for them to learn and get better.
I can only try to be positive and work with what they got.

Thanks for posting lad

Are you retarded?

like 0.00000000000000000000000001mm, approximately

>Mao kills all the cranes
Wasn't it the sparrows?

The short answer is that the ocean is so completely, totally, absolutely, mind-bogglingly fucking colossal that ship tonnage has about as much effect on sea levels as my farts have on the weather in Dubai.

Not him but I have to deal with Chinese every month and hate them with a passion. Never learn mandarin and put it on your resume. They will make you visit that shit hole every few months and deal with the scummies business people you will ever meet.

Dude, you know they're that type of people who just will whine about everything. Even if they came to America, they will whine about something.
I don't mind as long as there's balance. Food culture shows you the average person, and what they live like, their attitudes. It's a way to connect.
Don't fall for the propaganda.
The average Chinese think the US is a dangerous place to visit, full of black gangbangers, and shooters. The average American thinks China is a shithole with bad escalators, and animal abuse everywhere.
Just go experience it yourself. Don't fall for the memes.

I just wanted to talk weapons and what I know about homemade guns in China, but I guess everything has to be about politcs.
What industry? It's true it's dog eat dog (heh) world out there.

Their rations are half spoiled.

To be fair, there are a lot of black gangbanger shootings in America.

>The average American thinks China is a shithole with bad escalators, and animal abuse everywhere.
I've been all over eastern China and that's a fairly accurate description. It's a safe place to visit in the sense that you won't be killed or robbed, but nearly every person you meet will try to scam you or extract something from you in some way. The food and water are unsafe. The buildings are unsafe. The roads, especially outside of major cities, are unsafe. There is no respect whatsoever for human or animal life. Cleanliness is a completely alien concept.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you telling me the great firewall is just a ruse? All those human rights abuses? It would be impossible to conceal something of this level.
All those things aren't hearsay, they're literal, documented facts about how terrible and oppressive china is and how it literal pays no heed to civil liberties.
>I don't mind as long as there's balance
and that's why the chinese people keep getting treaded on by their goverment.

There IS tons of shooting in america, for chinese, how would you shoot somebody when the literal communists in charge won't let you own guns?
If the chinese people had guns, china would have erupted in civil war for quite some time now.

I agree. It's not up to western standards. But meh when in Rome.
>If the chinese people had guns,
That's why I came into the thread. To let people know that farmers make their own guns. If people were truly Jow Forumsommandoes, they'd would be interested about how they're made etc.
By forcing politics, I know you guys are not really Jow Forumsommandoes, but crossposting tourists, who just want to regurgitate the same old shit.
Over and over in the thread, I've agreed with the criticisms about China, but the two autists on youtube just rub me the wrong way. They have their own personal agenda hiding behind some kind of journalistic altruism. I don't believe it for one second. Also, what they talk about, the average Chinese talk about too. They just can't publically. But you bet your ass they remember Tiananmen Square.

Its text meant to trigger the great firewall of china.

I've accessed Jow Forums in China. It doesn't.

>The Great Firewall of China
Oh fuck, that's gold.

alright ill bite, how do they make their guns. are they basically eoka pistols?

It's just a list of words the Party would prefer not be spoken. It consists of the Mandarin equivalents of the English phrases and related concepts.

Good read, highly amusing

Jow Forums is made up of a big portion of muh rights mutts, so it is only a given that they will instantly shit on china. This makes sense and has literally always been so, and it's why people like to changpost, because it gets peoples panties in a bunch.

Just to rant about the Chinese a bit. Whenever there is a big meeting everyone gets an attendant. These attendants are normally young girl prostitutes that serve you food and booze all night. You then are supposed to bring them back to the hotel for a dicking. I didn't want Chinese super aids so I always refused and just went to sleep. I figured out that they actually get punished if they don't have sex with you so I now just bring them to my room, tell them to watch TV for an hour and leave.
I swear most of these girls are way underage.

I just find it hard to believe that if you could push a button and remove these tens of thousands of ships who displace thousands + tons of water, and submarines and everything, that the sea level wouldn't drop like a foot.

You guys are probably right. I guess I'm just having a tough time wrapping my head around how large our oceans really are.

of the example I saw
>order titanium pipe online
>have it machined and cut (depending on how concealable you want it)
>gunsmith makes a simple old hammer fired mechanism (cocked, half-cock)
>break action
>stock is just a metal triangle skeleton stock (like AKMS)
>shells are military discards from 7.62x39 AKs, refilled with powder
>the shot is loaded first, separately in a paper roll
>ignition can be from extracted real AK shells, or made from cap gun caps (if they want it to be water proof, they use the scavenged military shit)
Tbh the titanium barrel is genius, since it makes it so light. In order to be concealable, everything can be unscrewed and taken down in seconds.

They usually hunt at night, but if you live in rural areas, you can hear gunshots at night. They hunt birds, squirrels, some types of bobcat, wild hogs. Some serious hunters buy night vision and IR scopes to make it easy mode.

Gov officials turn a blind eye because they're the ones rich enough to consume some of these "exotic" meats. Just don't do it when the central officials come for a visit.

I'm not a shotgun guy, so forgive if poor terminology.

and how do they get the powder? is there just AK brass lying around in rural china?

Just wear a condom. But don't let them get kompromat on you, so visit a high end foot massage place on your own means. It's fine if you refuse desu. Reminds me of Lost in Translation, Bill Murray's character lol.

Either they make their own powder, or just order it online. They just have to watch for the Chinese ATF honeypots. Kind of like how we sell "solvent traps."
They have friends in the military who can get them used steel cases (which AK food generally are).
Honestly, the guns are pretty cool. Excites me as a Jow Forumsommando at heart.

I assume they just make blackpowder then? Or do they actually make guncotton or something like that? If so, how?

Some guns look like pic related, but not paintball obviously. The mechanism is like old hammer fired rifles and shotguns, just unfinished and crude.

I'm not really versed in blackpowder, so I don't know. I was told, they can also get live rounds, so they just pull the bullet and get the smokeless powder.
The shot is shaped like a roll of dimes. The barrel is small, maybe 20 gauge or less. They put the "blank" AK shell behind the roll of shot, and fire it. For wet weather, they use the pulled powder and shell because it's more reliable and waterproof.

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Yeah, I get it 90% of the time is about muh memes and trolling, but when something uniquely interesting comes along, it's worth hearing it.