If I took a 410 shell and filled it with tic tacs could I shoot it into my mouth without fear of killing myself?

If I took a 410 shell and filled it with tic tacs could I shoot it into my mouth without fear of killing myself?

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Do it and livestream it you'll be fine

Tic tac is fine
Just don't try it with Mentos

Try it and let us know
Dont forget to livestream your attempt

>>fire at tree
>>collect data
>>try anyway
>>post results

try gumdrops or gummy bears first, you can build up a tolerance to it before going for something harder like a tic tac.

You might survive.

it would be extremely painful

>what it feels like to chew 5 gum

>local man kills himself in attempt to taste the rainbow


If by mouth you mean your spinal cord severed by a sugary treat, yeah


First off, if you fired a blank round into your mouth from close enough you're probably going to die or at least spend the next month in a hospital. Tic tacs will make it worse.

Second, tic tacs fired from about 5 feed away will likely still hurt like hell and you'll probably need medical attention afterwards.

Third, Have you heard of the Darwin Awards?

And finally, rock salt doesn't pierce flesh but will still make a mess of someone.

>Rubber bullets bounce off other surfaces at high speeds, while retaining most velocity.
>Replace with soft material that deforms by spreading out over said surface dissipating energy without bouncing back.

Not a bad Idea.


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Is that OP after his reconstructive surgery?

Do it fgt

Yes and no. You can do it with the orange as they are the softest (that's why they're orange. orange = less then lethal). The other flavors on the other hand, you would need to experiment with light powder loads.

Rock salt does pierce flesh. I know someone who got gangrene from getting shot with rock salt by a train conductor.

I'm not going to stop you
>Not the brightest idea tbqh famalam

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You would be surprised how much damage ordinary items can do once accelerated to mach 1+.

Suppose you removed all the powder and just used the primer as the propellant. Well that's how ramsets work, so going up your mouth it might still be dangerous.
It probably wouldn't enter your brain, but it would still fuck shit up very badly. Probably destroy teeth on impact, punch through the roof of your mouth into your basal cavity (have fun with that) and leave a bunch of acrid toxic primer residue everywhere. The concussion would probably knock you out and cause brain hemmoraging which could kill you. Or you might just choke on all the blood draining in your mouth while unconscious.

If this isn't lethal (at least not instantly lethal) it would be extremely unpleasant and would leave you with some permanent life-altering damage to your mouth, nose, probably brain and maybe face depending if it cracks your skull or not.

The exploding gun powder in the shell would really fuck up your face. You would not ever look normal again. I hope that you are not serious.

4 4


>load Mentos
>take a mouthful of Coke

More like tears up flesh. Wrecks the outside but doesn't sink in.

Le FUCK? What did he do, wash the wound in raw sewage? Hell, Salt should discourage infection if anything.

remove most of the powder and you would just burn all the hairs on your face. i would look for a load that will bounce off card board at 5ft.

you may have to clear the barrel after each discharge.

>dem doubles
You deserve a tsun tsun ryuko

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A train conductor shot him, he's a crustpunk hobo that never bathes.

big guy

Found the summer fag

don't use a blank, use papershot like they do in the movies
still a bang, will still shoot light stuff, but won't burn your mouth or send tictacs through your memories of childhood