S-300 and S-400 failed to detect kike planes over Syria

>Russian S-300 and S-400 missile systems, which are considered one of the most advanced air defense weapons in the world, failed to detect Israeli warplanes flying over Damascus.
>During the Israel’s attack, Russian warplanes also did not attempt to intercept the Israeli F-35s, which may indicate that Russian stealth detection systems simply failed.


Attached: kommando.jpg (210x200, 15K)

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Not really all that surprising. Rumor has it the Israelis flew F-35s over Tehran without being picked up a few months ago, but that's just a rumor.

>cockhole source
Meanwhile in yahudiland:
Beg harder bibi - oh wait. He out lol

Hello JIDF

Attached: f7MN-lgUR2A.jpg (720x720, 37K)


Attached: bingo.png (443x494, 27K)

why is russian AD such shit?

>Stalin ended the holocaust
WW2 in Europe would have never started if Stalin didn't have Molotov sign the non-aggression pact with Germany, USSR is 50% responsible for WW2 even being a thing

Attached: Bingo.png (443x498, 27K)

>implying only Soviets signed such pacts with Germany

vatniks BTFO

Attached: satania.gif (220x216, 39K)

Who will replace him? Some liberal?

he never mentioned the S-300 laddie

Ex chief of general staff most likely

Is he more or less hawkish than Bibi?

Probably less.

Never forget that Russia invaded Poland as well


It would have never of started had Britain and France listened to Mussollini and put a boot in Nazi ass in the early 30s.

>have never of

You do know Stalin begged the western powers for an alliance against Hitler before that, don't you?

Attached: 1559357375969.jpg (480x910, 22K)

It was a monkey model, Russians keep best tech for themselves. Israelis fly to the border and release their payload which "glides" to Damascus, so they technically are in israeli space. They didnt need to shoot israeli planes just the payload. That exhausted their munitions unfortunately, or they'd repel the israelis. Its not like they hit anything of consequence, they let them hit empty sites all the time schlomosteinenbergman

>circle jerk about how invisible the F-35 flying around S-400s

>Be US, get paranoid for having a country like Turkey wanting to operate F-35s near long range air defenses.

Does this board not see the contradiction here?

Does this board circle jerk more about Rhodesia or Israel?

Not to be a Jow Forumstard but this just further shows that we are israels bitch. Thank you guys for compromising the F-35s that you were so worried about having them near s-400s.