In the sport of paintball, shooters often engage in a skill known as 'walking the trigger'. Essentially...

In the sport of paintball, shooters often engage in a skill known as 'walking the trigger'. Essentially, you use both your index finger and your middle finger to rapidly shoot the gun. Is this something that has ever been tried in the firearms world? You can actually see in the picture that the size of the trigger and the trigger guard is specifically made to accommodate two fingers.

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Burst or automatic fire has been around for a while now.


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speedballer here, I don't really think this would work with firearms because when I'm shooting paintballs I'm close enough that I don't have to aim and I am also walking rounds in if I'm farther away. Also most of our guns are response triggers, run electronically. They shoot when you pull and when you release. The old ones were mechanical, but even then the reason they shoot so fast is because the trigger is so big and so light. You're really using 3 fingers to walk the trigger, so your dominant hand isn't controlling the gun, which is fine because paintball guns have almost no recoil and are really light. Also we ND these things all the time for literally no reason, they just go off randomly at tournaments because of how light the triggers are.

I still have my Dragun TES that I got in ~2005. It’s got upgraded board, custom break beam eyes, delrin bolt and Palmer reg. Paintball was so fucking cash. There is next to nowhere to go play anymore :(

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Some company made some triggers like that for ARs but ive heard they were shit.

Why can’t you make a super light, extremely sensitive hair trigger?

>tfw no more pb review
>tfw no more retarded smart parts reps to dunk on
>tfw paintball is more or less dead

I used to have a Nexus ego that I fucking loved but sold it when I stopped paintballing. I only kept a pump autococker

Feel like the 08-09 recession killed paintball

>pump autococker
What the fuck is that supposed to be

You certianly can. They do exist, though they are also dangerous as hell. An ND with a paintball gun is no big deal. An ND with a real gun can be a very big deal.

Usually you only see super light triggers on benchrest target guns which are rarely semi-automatic, or on old hunting guns with "set triggers". Guns with set triggers have a special mechanism where you first "set" the trigger, either by pushing a single trigger *forward*, or by pulling one of two triggers. That then "Sets" the trigger to a hair break. They're not in use in any modern guns that I know of other than exotic custom jobs, and you'd never see a trigger like that on a semi-auto. They're usually on single shots, sometimes on bolt-actions or leverguns. continue

As for "walking the trigger": I don't play paintball so this may be wrong, but my understanding is that in a paintball gun there's really no waiting around for the action to cycle and load a new cartridge from the magazine. Instead they're fired by an electric solenoid opening a gas valve--something that happens much faster than a normal semiauto cycling. Therefore how fast you can pull the trigger helps you shoot faster. But with a "real" gun it's entirely possible for the shooter to pull the trigger faster than the action can reset it, even with a normal trigger that's not designed for "walking". You might hear competition shooters talking about "overrunning the trigger". That means they're pulling the trigger too fast and causing a malfunction. I'd imagine that a "walking trigger" on a gun like an AR would be inviting that kind of problem.

>What the fuck is that supposed to be
its the extreme hobbyist level, like restoring antique cars. they also shoot fling paintballs at very consistent speeds

The real question is why hasn't any of the technology from paintball maker research made it way into other firearms?
like electronic triggers, pneumatic sears, quick exhaust valves to increase cyclic rate.

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>Why can’t you make a super light, extremely sensitive hair trigger?
I don't see any mechanical reason why it wouldn't work, but if you do you're going to create a safety hazard, and you should expect to be sued at some point.

They did electric triggers once, suck massive dong. It's an explosion holder, keep it simple.

>Tfw no more Splat! Magazine
08-09 really killed Paintball man I wanna go back

this. The forces a rifle is dealing with are exponentially larger than anything nonlethal would ever see. As a result mechanical sacrifices must be made in order to maintain reliability, ease of production, and safety to user.

At the end of the day you are launching a piece of metal at an extremely high velocity with great accuracy. That's the appeal of guns and that's what they are designed to do.

Nah g, I played professionally and the problem transfers over to us aswell. Paintballs have to feed to keep up with the gun. How do you speed feed a projectile thats very brittle and designed to break?

Our guns are limited to roughly 30 bps (balls per second) and under. We have a sensor in the gun that tells the mechanism: "if no ball in chamber dont fire" to keep it reliable. We can turn it off, but the bolt will chop balls in half. Secondly, tourneys require bps limits to keep it even, that often being about 12.5 so what happens is guns have fire modes that only require you to pull the trigger maybe 5 pulls per second but the gun will shoot at 12.5. So we have to maintain a about 5 trigger taps per second, hence walking the trigger.

Side note, our triggers are electric so i had mine adjusted to a mouseclick worth of pull and reset.

Lets add electronics into the mix of things that can fail. Mech is pretty reliable my dude. Moreso than a battery that runs out or micro switches snapping.

For the US maybe. Im in NZ and we had glory days up until 2012.
Fuck i miss my Macdevs

There are electronics in everything now dude and it’s all going fine

Why are boomers like this

my dad used to own multiple paintball fields back in the day

Im 24 you fuck im no where near a boomer.

In guns you want them to be reliable as fuck. Micro switches are super brittle, wiring can and will be broken under any sort of mil use, a mech gun will still run if a grip is shot off. Not with an e trigger.
Why would you complicate a system with proven combat reliability?

For commercial use, e triggers would work, for match shooters/long range shooters sure, any practical application of an etrigger means you open yourself up to more unecessary risks and issues

Autococker is a pattern of paintball market like saying ar15 or Glock nowadays

The autococker was originally conceived as a mechanical conversion to make pump action paintball markers into semi autos. A pump autococker just removes the pneumatics that make it semi auto so it's just back to a pump, but uses all the autococker parts like threading and frame.

I still remember how much the US mil latched on to paintball as a craze and tried to use it for recruiting and I think even for simulation shit

Why do people always insist electronics don’t work in military settings
It’s not the 80’s if you want it to electronic circuits can be very robust.

Sights, nods, comms, watches and vehicles seem to do just fine in military conditions, but modifying a trigger takes it too far?

If your grip is shot off you’ve got bigger problems (you’re probably dead)

Im not insisting that it doesnt work. My point being, is why switch to electronic? Theres actually fuck all benefits with a lot more risks. Lighter pull? Adjustable? Then why dont we smack match triggers into all service rifles? Theres a reason milspec triggers are heavy. Dont say oh you can adjust an e trigger to be the same as milspec because whats the fucking point? E triggers are a solution to a problem that doesnt exist/no one asked for

Target shooters should be asking for
If it went into a “service rifle” national match shooters could use it

>E triggers are a solution to a problem that doesnt exist

they are an answer to the rules that prevent full auto markers from being used. Kinda like all the silly contraptions made for the civilian market, to get around the fact that civvies are only allowed semi aotus.

That problem doesn't rear its head in the military.

E triggers are less tactile than mechs. Cant really 2 stage an e trigger. Youre right, they could use it, however if there was an outcry of people needing/wanting it, it wouldve been made. Highly doubt you would see an etrigger on a service rifle, theres literally no benefit in having it on a service rifle.
All the benefits on an e trigger can and are done well by mech counterparts. The only thing an e trigger does better than a mech is materials cost. Even then its probably too close to be worthwhile.

Meaning e triggers for use in real guns my dude, i know the reasons for pball, although e triggers with locked modes are generally still allowed, unless its strictly mech only

Yes, it's a thing

No, it doesn't increase fire rate because the trigger reset of an ar FCG is different than that of a paintball gun

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>tfw now electronic auto cocker borderlands gun

I’m just surprised civilian hobbyists haven’t picked up on it yet. It’s still semi-auto legally, and isn’t as dumb looking as a bump or as finicky as echo triggers.

That's like a thing now. I know a guy that plays in a pump only league.


I meant that the ability to have full auto in a military rifle precludes the need for a light e-trigger that you can walk at 15 bps.

>Target shooters should be asking for
Electronic triggers ARE standard for small caliber target shooting (22s).

Remington tried to introduce an electronic trigger hunting rifle about 20 years ago and it flopped hard (EtronX)

The problem may exist for paintball too, but it's on a very different scale, which was my point.

A real gun doesn't have that sensor in the gun to keep things reliable, so if you pull the trigger too fast then the gun simply malfunctions. You say that paintball guns can shoot 30bps, or that tourneys regulate it down to about 12.5 bps. Those are both much faster than even the best pro shooter with real life guns. For example, Jerry Miculek, probably the most highly awarded speed shooter of all time, has many videos up on YT showing him shooting various guns in slowmo with a shot timer. Depending on the gun he has split times in the .12-.20 second range, or roughly 3-5 trigger pulls per second. If you watch his videos you will often see that if he pulls the trigger any faster than that he overruns the trigger and the gun no workie.

So, in a paintball gun there is a benefit to pulling the trigger faster, and you have a mechanism which stops the gun from fucking up if you pull the trigger too fast. Whereas in a real gun, even with a world-class shooter, there's no point in pulling the trigger any faster because a) you can't make the gun shoot any faster anyway, and b) if you try the gun will malfunction.

>I know a guy that plays in a pump only league.
Lots of us don't have GFs user

>allowed to talk about paintball with no shitposting
>cant even allude to airsoft without being berated

>Feel like the 08-09 recession killed paintball

Airsoft killed paintball. The technical innovations in airsoft made guns shot longer range than standard balls, new Electronic triggers shot faster than paintball even with AEGs and you can always go HPA for insane rates of fire.
Airsoft guns are close to real counterparts so there is more gear and tacticool stuff to dress up and larp.

Now with gopros everywhere is way easier to get catch cheaters so there are less cheaters, to be frank, there's as much cheating in paintball, balls don't burst, to add to that there are retards that freeze their balls.

And finally, paintball turned more and more to speedball, the try hard mentality turned the people with less money away from the sport.

I know alot of people that sold their paintball gear to buy airsoft gear.

airsoft fields are way cleaner too since every piece of cover isn't caked in a quarter-inch of oily paint.

Airsoft is pretty fucking gay, though.

doesn't stop it from being fun

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Paintball is still popular you just can't be a poorfag nerd to play anymore. Keep your airshit larp gear to yourself

>Keep your airshit larp gear to yourself

i love how people only know how to shit on airsoft in one way, and its attacking gear queers.

Paintball was such a big part of my childhood. I get pretty nostalgic thinking about it. The interesting thing was that I never actually had that much fun paintballing but it was a fun experience nonetheless because my town's community center would organize these big trips so all my friends would go.

>started with a brass eagle marauder (massive piece of shit)
>remember browsing all the time while at school
>eventually bought a spyder paintball gun (forget the manufacturer)
>went all out with the upgrades. carbon fiber barrel, new hoses, buncha other shit
>bought that big retarded egg hopper
>none of this ever worked well or reliably. gun was inaccurate as shit, paintballs always getting chopped, hopper was huge and cumbersome and broke multiple times either at the neck or some other place
>got an impulse for christmas. my parents spent like $500 on this fucking thing
>looked cool but it was still a piece of shit
>friend got a shocker
>i still remember that glossy electric blue color
>was super jealous
>remember being envious of the fags that had their Dye DM5s or DM6s or whatever
>still remember the screams of 'BIG DORITO BIG DORITO'
>quit shortly after this because i realized how retarded it was to pay $60 or some shit for 2,000 paintballs

Doesn't every gun owner on Jow Forums already larp through /gq/ and militia fantasy threads though?

they're secretly mad at airsofters because airsofters actually wear and use their gear instead of just playing dress-up in front of the mirror.

Only noguns visit those threads and they should keep to themselves too

I still say it's the recession that killed paintball. Fucking paintball shit costs as much or more than gun shit.

Since people stopped being able to afford it, the casual paintball crowd died away.

Airsoft always existed and most of the people I knew that were into paintball were into both. Don't forget that airsoft is cheaper too.

Fucking nostalgia

I had fun maybe 50% of the time. I want to say a fair amount of time went into fixing pieces of gear that didn't work exactly right. Also remember browsing online all the time for paintball shit and getting modifications that I knew in my heart were cosmetic like barrels and shit


>no true Jow Forumsommando

Yeah it's called full auto

Autococker... enjoy fixing your gun all day. Be like me and upgrade to the glorious minimag! I'll bet you're still shooting c02 too!

Paintball stopped growing because of more urbanization, the same reason that airsoft slowed down. There aren't as many places to go and enjoy the activity.

I'm also going to say that for a gun board, a lot of people in here like gay fake guns. Zoomers detected big time.

>lol why buy toy guns when you can shoot real ones

because you cant legally shoot at other people with real guns. also buying toy versions of guns you will literally never get to own is perfectly acceptable.

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>They shoot when you pull and when you release
so just like my echo 2 trigger on my AR15. Binary triggers are fun AF, but to be honest, if I had to setup a combat rifle, I would take a match semi trigger even over full auto.

also, as a larpsofter who's local field is semi only, I just pull trigger fast.

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Woodsball is sadly dead because of airsoft
I still think that speedball is fun, and the tech behind it is good. It's a shame that I'm not good enough to be a pro lol

i'v been larpsofting since highschool, took a break for a while.

What really amazes me, I got a classic army G3 way back then, was my first real airsoft gun (funny enough my first real gun was a CETME). That thing at the time was $500 and you still had to upgrade the shit out of it, which I did... New spring, new piston head / piston, tightbore madbull barrel ect. I put probably $700 into that rifle by the time I stopped using it as a primary including repairs and extras like mags / optics.

Now I just have a stock, $300 krytac that fucking outshoots my G3 like it's not even in the same relm. also a gas blowback that I bought when I first got back into airsoft because I wanted to basically train my weapons handling while I played since the things work the same as a AR. The only reason I don't use that gun more is because mags are so stupid expensive for how many rounds you can carry and I like being heavy on the trigger, but it's still fun af to use. oh and even though it's a bit on the inconsistent side being gas and all, it's still better than my old G3 lol.

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I played pretty heavily late 90s and 00s. I still have a Sterling cf for pump play 2k2 Angel and a 2k3 Viking.

I feel like /k would like autocockers, old school single finger slide trigger. Or Automags, super simple, reliable design.

I used to have a DevilMag - eframe mod for the Mag system.

bro, this is why I love being a shooter and a larpsofter.

I use all my gear, granted I have fake plates and a fake helmet when I go out, and I don't even own plates (I'm thinking of correcting that soon, I have a ACH I can use from my collection if god forbid I had to use my gear)

my plate carrier for airsoft is a AWS OCPC for fucks sake lol, great PC.

my larpsoft pile, and pic related is my firearms pile.

airsoft is great exercise, helps practice weapons manipulation and abit of force on force (while understanding the differences and shit) and lets you practice a lot of real gun things with fake guns while shooting at targets that shoot back.... even though I can walk calmly within sight of enemy players because bb's don't fly that far / fast where I would be shot IRL.

Nothing is more fun though than using a pump action shotgun, outdoors with it set to 6 shot (IE each shot is 6 bb's) and nailing a guy in another building through a window.

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Robust electronics cost a lot more.

>2k3 Viking
Please be my daddy

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my primary is an ares vz58. the only real internal modification i did was a new barrel and bucking and its as accurate as i need it to be

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The mechanics of autocockers and automaga are really fucking neato too

very nice.

i'v been thinking of dropping a promy barrel in my krytac.

my GBBR is a KWA LM4.

I also like 40mm's if you can't tell (am a demilled ordinance collector so I had to get some 40mm's even if they are just shotguns).

my primary loadout is my krytac, my 40mm standalone (B&T GL06) and my FNX45 GBB.

my krytac has a Holosun 403c and vortek 3x flip, a good light with trigger switch and this neat suppressor / PEQ combo that counts my rounds as I fire them and allows me to use it as a tracer unit.

fun as fuck setup.

oh, also the Q Iceplate is fucking amazing in the summer.

my friend has an LM4, it explodes all the time.


mine jamms ever so often and I'v had it jam bad enough that I had to take off the handguard and barrel nut to take the barrel off and really clean the shit out of it (fun fact, a normal Ar15 armorers wrench works perfectly with the LM4). but explodes? idk what you are talking about.

all the gas in the magazine just shoots out the receiver

>Keep your airshit larp gear to yourself
I don't. I share with /gq/.
And at least I use mine...

>not mine

Mine's stock body, unknown WAS board+eyes.

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Oh. that is a jam lol.

either that or the gas has gotten low in the mag, or it's cold out.

but yea, I'v had that happen plenty lol.

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airsoft is legitimately the best way to test gear ergonomics. it's why i don't use milsurp anymore because i've had way too many situations where i fumble with shitty, overdesigned mag pouches or forget where i put stuff because the webbing is a mess.

i've got a kwa mp9 and it works pretty well once you scour the inside of the magazine to get rid of all the burrs.

When you take the Taliban LARPing to the next level.

I always wanted a viking or angel but it was too much for me. My last marker I bought was a Indian Creek Design ProMaster and what I owned before that was the Tippman A5. Good times.

I had a pimped out Automag RT, then an Intimidator then a Diamond Dust Viking before getting out of the sport.

yea, my plate carrier has changed so much overtime lol.

this pic is my 'kit' circa 2007, back in highschool.

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this was my kit when I first got back into airsoft about 3 years ago.

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this was my first loadout from around 2016

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and this is my kit now (well, it's changed a tiny bit since too, but not much added a tactical fanny pack thing that connects via velcro on the bottom of the PC. also another double M4 mag pouch that holds 4 mags and flaps closed for a total of 10 140rnd midcaps and 1 300rnd hicap) - pic related is close up of my PC.

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haha, that does look like it could be a fun kit if you had your mags situated better.

I have actually used my OTV (pic related) a few times in airsoft but my current rig is so much better it's not even funny.

I don't have any good pics of my current kit im willing to put online, plus im fat so they just look a bit funny (the pic that comes to mind, even if I blurred my face, my t-shirt was not flattering that day and I did not wear camo under it since it was a 'post apocalyptic game...)

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