About to sign a Rep 63, I've wanted this for a really long time...

About to sign a Rep 63, I've wanted this for a really long time, I'm about to age out so I've talked to my wife for a few months and we both think I should go for it.

I'm giving up a $140k salary, I realize we're giving up a lot of stability.

Anybody have any advice for me? Anybody go through the program before wanna clue me in on what it's like?

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>I'm giving up a $140k salary

This ends with you failing Phase I, your wife getting dicked by someone else, and you ruining your career and future job market viability with a gigantic red flag on your resume.

I guarantee it.

there is no god up here

God died for me years ago.

lmfao youre gonna have a bad time.

Dibs on OPs shit. Called it first, the rest of you can fuck off.

>high salary

If it was only one I'd say go for it. Both? You'll end up divorced. Women don't hold their word long-term - it's what she feels now but not 2 years from now.

What a fuckin reeetard

if it's what you want. not even sure what a rep 63 is but fuck it. do what makes you happy.

You're stupid and you should kill yourself. At least get a divorce so your wife can try to be happy with someone else while you live your manchild fantasy otherwise she's going to be miserable. Have fun disappointing everyone you know.


OP what's your address so I can keep your wife company?

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>Rep 63
>give up a 140k salary

user you could probably serve your country in much more efficient ways if you're making 140k. If you're a doctor or something there's plenty of medical opportunities where you AND the wife could get deployed or do something else. If you're a scientist, do research. If you're a geologist, there's stuff you can probably do for your state, EPA, whoever. Unless you're in in San Fran where 140k is literal squalor, it sounds like your skills are probably going to not be used efficiently. Now, if you wanna go be a true operator, then go do it. God knows they need good people, and green berets have it rough, but in terms of skill you get in the future etc...

What is it that you even do at the moment?

What the hell is that and how did he get up there?

A human, male. Probably used his limbs to climb. Old tech, but useful in that regard.

I'm in finance. Honestly, money is nice, but I always held off doing the military route because of it and now that i have it, wishing I joined when I was younger.

My wife is in med school, she's solid. my employer is telling me I have a job when my contract is over, I'm not worried about the future.

It's the guard version of an option 40. Basically allows you a guaranteed tryouot for ranger quals.

>rich kid got money and wants to do blue collar things

Just fuck off and leave the slot for someone who takes it seriously. You're serving your ego, not your nation.

Samefaggin, and someone else can clarify but IIRC it allows you to get a chance to become ranger *qualified*, it does not make you a ranger or give you a guaranteed slot in ranger batallion.

not saying he should do it because your first half is pretty much spot on imo but...
>serving ego and not nation
most people are not there to serve the nation. they're there for benefits, pay, camaraderie, travel, experience, etc.
service to nation is at the bottom of a long list of reasons people are in the military

I live in Seattle, is $140k more than just a livable wage in other places?

> is $140k more than just a livable wage in other places?
alrighty folks pack it up. this is bait.

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$40K above median isn't "living wage", you have it better than you think.

Anyone wanna give actual advice?

Well, if you have guaranteed employment you can always go for it, but frankly the military is kinda at a calm. Kinda showing up for the party after the punch is gone, everyone's leaving, and now it's time to clean up some trash. BUT that said spec ops are always busy in the forever war on terror, so you have plenty of opportunities I'm sure.

I'm in medschool too. Good luck to the wife on her steps.

"Seriously" compared to the guys looking for education benefits, the guys hoping the military will somehow unfuck their poor decision making and life, the guys who are just thrill seekers, the guys who want medical care etc., the guys who have literally 0 other skills after highschool or an attempt at community college, or the guys who are doing it just because it was a way to see the world and get out of a one-stop light-town?

That dude isn't OP, he's just a faggot. I wasn't bragging about how much money I make, just that the typical advice I've been getting is "you won't make money, unstable lifestyle, etc."

I've been meeting with a guy who's been in for over a decade, he says they're doing mostly peacekeeping and training at this point, either Africa or Afghan police. Anyone know what that's like?

>a dozen posts give plenty of good reasons why OP is a retard for considering it
>Anyone wanna give actual advice?
Yeah, sure. Don't.

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Based retarded nigger bait

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Mean is probably more helpful, the mean US income is like 31k, and mean income per capita is around 48k. For a major city like seattle though i can see 140k being a pretty typical cost of living; I have a friend who goes to University of Washington and despite his job paying well by my (middle of an Ohio cornfield) standard, 50k is fine but he's borderline destitute at all times. Meanwhile 50k where I'm at will easily get you a modest but cozy house in a middle class suburb somewhere.

>a one-stop light-town?

I'm already doing it, I made that clear.

now i aint no statistician but i'm pretty sure using the median is a more accurate measure in this case

Jesus fucking Seattle Jews derailing my entire thread.

Fomer 18x it's a fucking joke don't do it. It's the quickest way to get an injury. The army doesn't care if your ready. If you're signing that contract you better already be able to pass SF requirements. If you're deadset on joined go option 4 or 40.

But seriously, why doesn't OP go for OCS? If you're making 140k you probably have a college degree of some sort and could serve better as an officer than as enlisted. Sure, you probably won't see combat as an officer, but if and are right then you wouldn't see any as a Ranger either.

Plus, then you aren't giving as much pay.

anything worth sending is worth full sending. good luck bro

I've been meeting with an ex SF guy, run times are getting good, deadlifting 3 plates for 10+ reps, ruck marches every weekend.

I know it will be brutal in different ways, but should the basics be enough to keep my shins from exploding?

Seattle police make more than him. If dude's wife isn't bringing home at least $50.000 then living in seattle proper is out of his current price range for an upper middleclass style life.

Thanks, brah.

I don't fucking live in Seattle.

I want to see combat, that's my why I want it.

It's okay, Jay inslee isn't reading your posts.

Then why did you make the thread you dumb motherfucker? Go ahead and ruin your life.

Like getting through the program and what the life is like? Not "should I do it".

If I needed to know whether or not I wanted to do it, I probably wouldn't be the kind of peeston that should do it.

Well, If your training with prior SF your gonna be better off then those crossfitt fags who can't keep up. As for general health don't be a hero if you think your fucked will in OSUT go to medical. If you fuck something up during selection pray it's not major and as soon as it's over get it checked. out. I wish you luck, But I'd still advise against it if you want to maintain a health marriage. Training alone will test your marriage. Deployment, fuck that's the real test.

*I see no god up here
Except for me.

We both worked abroad in 3rd world countries for a few years on humanitarian, so we're used to being apart for long stretches. That said, SF guy is married solid and he's said some similar stuff, he stayed married but almost every guy he knows had marriage problems somewhere on deployments or training.

>what the life is like
You're going to wash out, you aren't going to deploy, and your wife is going to cheat on you whether you pass or fail.

user, if your fully prepared then all I can say is good luck. At least your being a man about it and going combat.

It's tongue in cheek bait. I'm an excavator operator and I clear that annually but it's only the bottom of middle class in my area.

$132k median income in Snohomish, King and Pierce counties. $89k low income, $65k poverty.

Sorry bro, it was a perfect troll

ok, what the fuck do you do for a 140K$ salary under 34? I have to know b/c im 33 with a masters degree and it security crews that can't get a motherfucking shake. oh, and im a marine vet. Fuck Rep 43, tell me how you did that nigga? Did you get a hookup?

In case you want to look up your areas poverty, low and median incomes.

You missed that party dude. Should've done the war first, money second thing like the rest of us tourists.

Seattle asshole here, get union blue collar work, work fuckloads of overtime, visit home occasionally.

I did really good at sales and they liked me enough to give me a shot.

I've got an associates, not from a rich family. God damn I shouldn't have mentioned that.

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what's your skill?

>shouldn't hav mentioned that

so what nobody cares about that. just keep killing it. Oh and trust me you dont want to do this. Even if you do get thru SF school and all that. After you get out the VA will try to kill you next.

Fredy Meyer cashier.

Enjoy making a third of that for 3 times as much work, all while providing no social benefit in a grand sense, and mopping floors in a very real sense.
You missed the war. You're going to say "bang bang" more than fire blanks or even live rounds in training.

I drive an excavator. Also, the economy in Seattle is fucked and I pay $2600 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment so the inflated wages sound insane but they really aren't.

I had a moment when I lived in Brasil, this gang leader didn't like us and I had to hide out for a few hours, got shot at all day.

I saw a dude get shot in the head right in front of me, patched up knife wounds and bullet holes.

I can't say it was "fun", but that made me feel more alive than anything has before or after. I have wanted that feeling again going on a decade now and it never goes away.

Lrn2code unironically, and suck it up and work in a high cost of living leftist area like Seattle, SF Bay Area, or NYC for a few years, then try and get a remote position.

I am 24 years old and clear 125K in salary per year. Factoring in bonus and RSUs (restricted stock units; an increasingly nontrivial part of your compensation package as you rise in experience and rank) from a company whose products you're most likely using right now, I get about $180K/year.

However, keep in mind that cost of living is, well, high. I live in a room in a house for approximately $1500/month - it's got its own bathroom, but it's still a room in a house. Taxes are also crazy high; I'm in roughly a 9% tax bracket.

we all remember our first gunfight.
none of us really want to keep doing it after TIC 9 or 10.
Is it cathartic? sure. but not something desirable. Take up climbing or base jumping.
Hell, volunteer as an emt if you want the blood.

I mean, cliche but I've done all of that. Nothing has come close to hearing some retards with guns yelling 20 feet from me and hearing bullets hit brick next to me. Is that dumb? Does combat feel like that?

>Does combat feel like that?
the first couple of times. after that it's just a shitty feeling. It's the same, but you know better.
Sounds like you have to deal with the fact that novelty wears off of virtually everything. Giving up a successful career to chase the novel only works for people in the movies. Do what you want, you've already missed the war, but don't say we didn't tell you.

You must really hate that woman...

>My wife is in med school, she's solid.

My ex is also in med school, and she was not solid. Yours is very likely no different.

>giving up 140k/year
>for the opportunity to tab
How the fuck does someone with such low IQ make six digits?

>putting a fuck ton of extra stress on someone already in med school
What a fucking manchild.

>none of us really want to keep doing it after TIC 9 or 10.
> Troops in combat.
So... 9 or 10 firefights and you're bored and want to quit?

From what the dude I've been training with said, seeing a friend die changes your outlook a little. Maybe makes it "real".

I'm probably wrong though.

Damn west coast, pull your shit together.

yeah im stupid thanks for setting it straight.
words are important.

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Don't do this; your wife will fuck Jody while you're gone and burn through the money that you saved from your $140K salary.

If you want the rush of shooting guns dynamically, use some of those shekels for some carbine classes or 3-gun. Those are not combat (and don't pretend they are), but they teach you skills that can transfer over to the incoming boogaloo and still fit within life as you know it.

Seriously, don't do this.

*9% state income tax bracket; on top of the usual bullshit like federal, social security, and medicare.

>I'm giving up a $140k salary
you're gonna be giving up more than that

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Have you done a Savage race? Are you in triathlon level fitness? Have you played competitive team sports at a high level? That is just The physical part, your brain has to be engaged while you are exhausted and you have to have the drive to keep going and never quit. If that’s you, go for it.

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>my wife think I should go for it.
sounds like she has some other nigger for sex


noone really can give advice, take a good hard look at your motives and your level of prep, what you wanna get out of it etc. i used to think conventionally sucessful people had no way around being sufficently self reflected - but i know better today, so i hope you ask yourself the right questions.
as for the spouse situation i cant really comment but im pretty sure youll have to consider the fact she might fluke somewhere down the road.
if you even have a plan b with you employer, have money set aside etc and been preparing genuinely ( i figure, depending on your level of fitness, that number should be 18months) what even holds you back?

>throwing everything away so you can help bring pride marches to the third world because you're a bit bored

Do it OP, I beleive in you

Has anyone seen a relationship last the entire length of service?
I did 4 in the Navy and I can't say I heard of anyone coming in with a wife and leaving with the same wife.
Women don't like it when you disappear for months at a time, if she's in med school then she won't be moving to where ever you get stationed, if she graduates med school she won't need you financially
She will resent you abandoning her
She won't be there when you get out

As far as action, wars over brah.
And you seem excited about the idea of losing a friend in combat, ignoring how fucked up that is, if you do see combat there's a decent chance you end up being the friend that dies or is left horribly disfigured.
Sounds like you are just trying to feel something more than everyday life, but military just feels like everyday military, it's a lot more pointless bullshit than a 9-5.

Stay home, make children, live for others instead of yourself.


Everything was good until live for others you commie fuq

Well, I meant his family, not all others

>Police officers pulling in over 100k a year

Imagine being stupid enough to type that out and post it.

19th or 20th group? I’m assuming you are in NYC. Rhode Island and Mass both have solid guys in them. Good luck man.

OP, you're not gonna see action. You'll probably die if you do. plsdon't do it

post pics if u do tho

If you just want to be shot at I hear there's a new film about the joker coming out, you could go see that

Your wife will be blacked by Jamal within 24hours of you leaving..... You will come home to her not even knowing who is the father after having a gang bang with the local hood rats for some blow.

I know a few.
A few... As in I can count them on 1 hand. I'd need a sheet of paper for all the ones that didn't make it.

140K salary is not worth giving up. Don't do it.

I wanted to be a soldier for a long time as well but then I realized that I don't want to die.

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>I'm giving up a $140k salary, I realize we're giving up a lot of stability.
Dumbfuck retard
Please just kill yourself and your family

>t. About to ruin his life to play soldier but will end up crippling himself in the first month guaranteed.

Might as well just divorce your wife and smother your children now. It's a death sentence for your family.

Theres a patrolman in Anchorage ak that makes 450k a year. It made a big stink during all the budget shit that's going on, but it got swept aside because muh thin blue line.
450k per annum. A patrolman.