Tfw im the range jester

>tfw im the range jester
anyone else? what kind of range shenanigans have you been up to recently?

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I filled the butter dispenser with cosmoline

don't fuck around at ranges or loaded shooters even if you are poltarded/downie

lol someone's mad, get pranked by the jester again? *honk honk*

>not being the range trap

I hid whoopie cushions in the bullet trap

I loaded a fellow's 5.56 AR with 300 blackout

lol ok you silly goose! You put an extra spicy hand loaded .45 in my glock and now I have 3 fingers! XD

Nothing much. Just putting the odd blank in the "too cool to miss" dude's AR

My range makes you cc a 9mm, .380, or .22lr as the range trap. Not worth it my dude

Some guy whined that his AR didn't have a reciprocating charging handle, so I put some JB weld on his gas key. They managed to repair his orbital pretty good *tee hee*.

I sprinkle 9mm mak casings into the brass jew's 9mm luger bucket

Whenever I am at the range, I wait until the line just about to be called cold. Then, I find a new- looking shooter who isn't paying attention, and close their bolt. The RO flips out when he sees their gun isn't open and clear, and they have a strict 3 strikes rule. Not only have I already gotten 6 people kicked out over 4 months, I have personally had one young woman turn to me and say she was no longer interested in target shooting after getting yelled at for the second time in a row.

Here’s a relatively safe prank you can pull
>collect popular brass like 556 and 9mm
>load black powder
>pack in a normal brand name ammo box or other inconspicuous ammo packaging
>sell for cheap or “mistakenly leave”
>anyone who shoots it makes their gun filthy and has to clean it afterwards
Delightfully devilish

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I mud tested a Mk23 using berm mud what washed onto the range floor

And I used semi-wadcutters to do it to make sure it had FTF's

dumb frogposter

Yeah that’s shitty. I’d leave a range too if I got yelled at as an adult. I paid to shoot, it isn’t like I’m pointing it at people chill out

fucked Karl's gf while wearing a MAGA hat

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>tfw put 300memeout in peoples 5.56 mags
I feel so devilish

I got yelled at, at a fudd range for exactly that reason. Range cold they want mags out and slide locked back, one of my guns can't lock back the slide while the mag is out. Never considered such a thing, old man was yelling about how I was foolish for not owning a chamber flag. We all had to stand far back behind a line, idk how it mattered so long as all guns were lying down and pointing downrange. Haven't gone back.

I love it but wouldn't that risk causing a squib?

Why are so many ROs such colossal irredeemable faggots. I get that you deal with a lot of idiots but going absolute fun police beyond any remotely reasonable reservation is just absurd. When I visit my parents there is a primitive shooting range just out of town, I wish we had one near where I am.

It's a power trip for them, likely the only place they have power in their lives

I leave brass plated steel and berdan primed brass sprinkled around my bench.

stop touching guns that aren't yours you pathetic faggot

In a rifle more likely than in a pistol, but yea it is a risk. Also since it’s black you would have to be really sure you’re not underloading the rounds.

Fuck, meant for

Things that never happened for 1000 Alex.

You got several (you)s tho. So enjoy that. Fag

No, and I'll do it again. I'm tracking your IP address right now, and I am going to follow you to your next range trip, this Friday. .You'll see me, and you will know, instantly, in the back of your mind, that it's me. I have come to fondle your arms. Then, it will happen. The range is called cold. You watch with your peripheral vision. But, nothin happens. You think to yourself, "How silly. Of course he isn't the Friday Night Fondler". You will continue shooting- one, two, three seize fires. Eventually, you forget that I'm even there. But, just before you leave, the RO calls cold. You step away from the table, content. This is it. You are going to collect your target, and go home. But, as the RO waddles down the line, he suddenly stops, panting mouth gaped open, all three chins on full display. "Whose is this"? , his voice booms. Impossibly, your bolt is closed, with only a single greasy fingerprint on the bolt release to tell you who the perpetrator of this egregious act was. Tis I, the Friday Night fondler.

based Friday Night Fondler

man Vigne is so cute

Where did the pol hate come from? Out of freaking nowhere....

It's because Jow Forumsacks have a really hard time keeping themselves from derailing threads with off-topic posts related to the average IQ of Africa or somesuch. They tend to be really annoying about it too if you call them out.

So you derailed the thread because you don’t like when people derail threads. Faggot.

I was range jester for a week as a punitive measure for practicing IRL 360 no scopes.
Somebody puked on me everyday that week. Is that normal? Is this what your life is like?

You know the answer, user.
The jews.

Kys shlomo.

Proving my point, buddy.

How the fuck are people like you this retarded

Stop kvetching goldberg. Tavors are shit

Honestly you're being a bigger part of the problem by repeatedly drawing attention and keeping the "derail" going
Just close your eyes nigga, walk away

Do people pay you in bullets? how wide is your asshole?

Imagine getting cucked by your guns

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Get out faggot

Nobody mentioned Jow Forums but you. You brought it up specifically to derail the thread, nigger.

He's a literal cuck.. best timeline

That range trap will be able to take you out, the guy next to you, and everyone else on the firing line with how much .22 bounces around.

What do you shoot, Not-Satania?

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I see you're a man of culture as well

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>Wait for someone to bring an arx100, fs2000, or XM8 in
>When they aren't looking I chuck it into the range's lobster aquarium, where they belong

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That daki looks like it needs to be restuffed. Either user got one of those budget dakis and not a proper DHR6000 equivalent or he's been hugging her so much that the stuffing has gotten packed. I hope it's the latter. Anons deserve the best.

I couldn't Afford a DHR6000 + shipping at the time I got her. The off brand pillow I use works fine. it was just a pain to get her to sit properly while wearing the AVS

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Your a good man, user. Be the man Satania knows you can be.

Eh, their quality has declined and I think the DHR6000-equivalent Comodo product is way better for almost 3k yen less. The withAQUA is more expensive but I think it's at least as good as the old 6000 and definitely better than the new one. Haven't tried the DHR7000 but I've lost faith in A&J already and I've also heard it's actually just the old 6000 rebranded so they could sell an understuffed pillow under the old name so I'm not willing to drop the wapbux on them.

A-anyway good taste and make sure to hug her lots!

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OP, you're lucky, I just get yelled at by boomers all day :(

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Where do all you sad fuckers hang out? I spend like half a day at my range at a time and none of us hicks and boomers ever talk to each other except to ask about the weird shit some of us shoot.

>Show up to the public range
>trusty mk18 slung across my back
>my sling is setup with the mounts in the endplate and close to the reciever for ease of use. That's just how I like it.
>Go to sign-in and pay, fudd RO says that my rifle must be muzzle UP
>think "when tf have I ever seen some mofo run around with his muzzle up on a weapon he intended to use. Elmer Fudd much?"
>My gun is physically impossible to sling muzzle up, spend time flailing around like a retard infront of the RO before putting it down on their stupid weapons rack which was too short to hold my weapon before signing my name.

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>Out of freaking nowhere
plenty of people in this shithole have always hated Jow Forums and it's only become more justified post-2016

>holy jesus. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT

Didn't karl have a actual wife?

>don't fuck around at ranges or loaded shooters

yeah this totally

and fuck the op to hell - op must be just trolling stupid shit

Obvious butthurt niggers. You used to call people nigger faggot on this website now they bitch.

Im an aussie, so ranges are basically the only place you can load and shoot with the exception of farms.

Everyone at ranges are so worried about idiots screwing up what little we have left, so if look the wrong way, touch your rifle slightly wrong, someone chews you out.

I get it, but also I get why attendence numbers are always low.

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Why shouldn't you hang out around loaded shooters? They may let you shoot their scar!

personally I like to be the one unloading the shooters and doing the scarring if you elucidate my glissade

Cold as fuck

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Scarring physically or mentally?

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This is like crossing the navy seal copypasta with the furry fandom.

>falling this hard for a post
The only retard here is you

Nice prank dude

Wish someone would fall that hard for me...


Post feet and favorite meme gun in your collection


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You too. Post em up

i shoot my scar with the stock brake

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>Sneaking .300blk into people's AR mags
>Shooting brass costed steel case and leaving it for the brass Jew
>Firing two shots a second

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Id just shoot you so, no

Do you faggots not understand what a magnet is?

You've been visited by the Friday Night Fondler, closed bolts and greasy fingerprints will come to your guns, unless you post "No fondling! Friday Night Fondler"

So YOU'RE the son of a bitch who made my crab legs taste like Hoppes 9! I'll have your head for this!

I do. They don't.

>letting a grown man yell at you as an adult
I bet you let him fuck your wife too.