Why dont havent you settled for a 5/10 belly gf like pic related?

why dont havent you settled for a 5/10 belly gf like pic related?

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you mean fat , just say fat

i wouldnt go as far as calling her fat though


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>i wouldnt go as far as calling her fat though
>t. brainlet
The correct term is "chubby".

can we make this a belly gf thread?



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bump user bump

yes we can

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i want to fuck a belly

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soft belly

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I would never show a boy my stomach.

belly goddess

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can someone post more pictures of that girl?


belly slut

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belly whore

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All these girls are salvageable

I would force you to, then I would play your belly like bongo drums.

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I have and she loves me it's ok but I can't stop wishing she'd be active and lose some weight instead of watching reality shows and browsing Facebook

you're all degenrates.

heres another one of this cutie

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I wish I could find someone who loves me... don't really care to much about how they look and my request is actually someone who doesn't wear a kilo of.makeup when leaving the house..

I do have a belly gf tho my dude

who is this cutie?
original god

I fucking hate my belly and my fat in general and every time my boyfriend says he doesn't mind at all but I still want to kms when looking at the mirror

bost belly based big belly bitch

Attached: alstoybarn.jpg (933x1185, 302K)

>gf says she hates her belly and whines constantly about how it makes her feel uncomfortable
>make sure to rub it all the time and slap it, making a large *THWACK* sound each time

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>why dont havent you settled for a 5/10 belly gf like pic related?
I always worry my dick ain't big enough to penetrate the layers of fat until i reach the pussy. Thats why

whats that site with the belly stuff play

stuffed or something?

curvage? stufferdb? bbwchan? weightgaming? Jow Forumsstuffers? fantasyfeeder?

I would worship her like a diety.
Orginal commento

it was stufferdb thanks. i can see you're a belly connoisseur.

>no looks
>no brains
>it is not me whom I am talking about
Tell me why would I settle for that kind of deal?

>wants sexi belly gf

>has qt sticc Asian gf

I'm fine with this I think.

fatten her up user

I totally would as long as she's not a landwhale

tfw I have no belly gf.

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Holy fuck moar pls oregami

I'd use a girl like that as a slampig

name orig?

Lowkey planning on doing that, not too much, but juuuust enough

So how are you gonna do it user? gonna tell her you want her to have a belly or do it subtly by bringing her loads of fattening food?

I mean she smokes a ton of weed and I'm on probation and have a Ritalin perscription so I'm hopped up on speed a lot. So I have an excuse not to be hungry when she is, so I can just give her a shit ton of food while she's fried and it'll go from there

I'm getting pretty damn close, I'll tell you that much. Just seems weird to work out so much to settle for a fat girl. And logic dictates that her eating habits and lack of exercise led her to looking like that will continue to make her fat until she isn't even remotely cute anymore. And that girl holds her fat decently well.

The absolute state of americans lmao. I hope they all die of heart attacks when they're 34