Tfw never been to a party

>tfw never been to a party
Is it easy to fit in at a college party? I'm in my last year of college

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Not really with the normies, but there is usually a group of stoners off somewhere in the more isolated parts of the party getting high somewhere and if you bring some bud to chip in you've got a group right there

parties are not what they are all cracked up to be. its just really cringy and then some people having sex and you being jealous.

>being this much of a cuck with weed

What do they do at parties? You get drinks and then what do you do?

Nope. Since you browse here, you'll probably awkwardly go up to a few people and have a few short awkward conversations. Then you'll give up and go home and cry.

But you smoke their stuff too. It's more wife swapping than cucking dude

>not smoking people up just to be cool, then the truly cool people never discover who you really are and build lasting friendships with you

stay mad, faggot

parties are a good place for robots to go for tangible proof they are in fact different from everyone else.
The only parties we're compatible with are massive ones. Like music festival tier crowds. You can be totally anonymous in the crowd and it's like a license to be autistic with no consequences.
Parties with locals run so contrary to everything robots are I don't think it's possible to legitimately enjoy them. You'd have to get so fucked up on drink or drugs or both that you essentially killed all your inhibitions and at that point you risk doing something really stupid and reputation ruining.

That being said, I still go to them every chance I get. I just don't enjoy them. Everything isn't meant to be enjoyed in this life. I see it as work basically. It's not particularly fun, but you gotta do it.

I'd rather not be used by normie faggots who will treat me like shit thank you.

I have been to a few and I still don't know.
I think normal people go to talk and laugh with their friends and maybe hook up if they're lucky.
As for robots, a safe place to land is a drinking game like beer pong or something to keep you occupied.
The worst thing you can do is sit somewhere and sip on a drink not talking to anyone. It's like it's offensive to normal people idk but I got called out enough to know not to do that at parties anymore.
Better to be aggressively autistic than to sit someplace and not talk.

I don't get the appeal of college parties, and I will never attend one because I'm not a normie who gets invited or has any friends in the first place.

My version of a "party" is taking drugs in my dorm that were ordered online, then playing vidya, watching anime, or listening to music.

dude drugs LAMAO

It is fun if you have friends OP, do you have friends?

I tried many times in high school and college to "party", it never worked out for me no matter how fucked up I got. Yeah its a great reminder of where you stand, it made me legit realize no matter how hard I try I will never be a normie. I went to my first party in fucking middle school, people were making out in the bushes and getting drunk, acting way different than they did in school it was so weird to me. I always felt out of place.

Do not feel like you missed out if you're a robot, you didn't miss shit unless you're a normie or chad. I just basically walked around with a beer in my hand, would go outside for a smoke. They would blast shitty rap music, there would be a couple fighting with each other, there would be a girl outside crying, there would be people fucking in the bathroom, there would be fist fights at the end of the night. That's what I saw. And then there is you, the friends I went to the party with leave me and I just walk around feeling out of place just like I always fucking do, feeling like I don't belong.

A couple foot notes if you are going
1. Take friends
2. Do not drink too much max 2-3 shots
3. Do not get feels over any girl or expect to have sex

I cringe when I think back to how I used this is a crutch so often in college. Even worse, I was usually a mooch.

I've been to big music festivals a few times. Sometimes the thought has run through my head about how awkward/pointless these things would be if most of the attendants were like me. Weed and other drugs make me more introverted than usual. So I barely talk to my friends let alone other people at the music festival like a normal person would. I'm content just staring at the stages and barely moving to the music.

laughing ass my ass off

what did he mean by this

depends on the drugs for me.
MDMA sits my ass down and I just bask in the feels.
Some ecstasy mixed with what I can only assume was meth cured my autism and I wandered around all night making new friends everywhere I went.
weed edibles gave me parkinsons and nuked my perception of time/self awareness

sorry dude... we like couldn't bring our wives this time...
is it cool if we all just fuck yours? sick dude....