ITT we expose the newly infested rebbit users who just started on r9k
ITT we expose the newly infested rebbit users who just started on r9k
>just started
he's been here awhile user, his posts are always top quality
sorry you have shit taste :^)
Pls go back to rabbit sir or at least start your Chan training over at /b/
Found one. Apologies for being a phoneposter.
to be quite honest with you friend that post contains the words of an user who has been here a while
Found 2 right here
>outing yourself as a newfag this fucking hard
Damn son
Just caught one. I'm not OP
le meta leddit poster
so funny and original
wow bro thats so meta!!!
gafwen eht dnuof
alright, i am a newfag from reddit. i am man enough to admit it.
Just caught 3 more.
You passed the test.
Caught another one. It's too easy.
Detective user is just cracking cases left and right.
They're trying to be overly sarcastic which gives them away.
Caught the real perpetrator
Can someone give me ribblit gold?!??!
Cry more phonefag
that crossed out post was mine, what a small world we live in
Only Brad's say "YEET YEET"
Haha hey guys! Nice thread! This is my first time posting (been lurking for like 5 hours no lol) but I was just wondering how do I upvote? Thanks guys!
i've been on chan for nearly a decade but i also regularly enjoy some of the content on reddit. why the mutual exclusion?
>t. newfag
I've been seeing this guy's and the weedle-dee-deed guy's posts since last year at least.
Pretty sure most of us use reddit for some boards. I go on there occasionally for very specific boards if I'm looking for information or assistance on something. The issue I have with it is reddit bringing their culture to r9k. Idc if they want to assimilate to our culture and contribute. We all had to. I care if they bring their immature etiquette.
channel 4 gets all of its posts from reddit and all of its images from facebook and tumblr (they dont even change the filenames) prove me wrong
He has been hiding in plain sight all this time.
idk I read a reddit thread once, I hate the organization system it's fucking retarded to use anything other than chronological order of posts.
Boi you need to learn how to get Clover on your phone.
>Pretty sure most of us use reddit for some boards
>most of us
you can keep your gay to yourself, fren.
I dislike it now too. However when I first came from reddit I was turned off by the organization of 4chin so it took me about a year to start using it daily. It's a good thing. This site actually has a lot of containment and repel systems in place.
fair point, there is quite a bit of difference in their/our? respective interests and mannerisms.
Sort by old then. I hate that I know that exists.
they dont work where it matters: on trannies and poltards.
repel systems...
wtf? fuck you pussy you want containment you can go suck reddit cock somewhere else
Go back to pol dude. It's universally accepted that containment boards are necessary UNLESS you are from pol (trying to spread alt right stuff) or a discord server trying to convert anons into sissys in order to cuck a whole generation.
Case and point ^^^
Reddit is like of everything loathsome about millenial generation became a website