Biggest Red Flag for a girl. Whats your biggest red flag for.choosing a good girl?
Mine is her saying "I like to be dominated"
Yikes. You're in for a roller coaster ride if she says this or wants this.
Biggest Red Flag for a girl. Whats your biggest red flag for.choosing a good girl?
Mine is her saying "I like to be dominated"
Yikes. You're in for a roller coaster ride if she says this or wants this.
This big boy
She knows about Elliot Rodger
dirty anus
Them showing interest in me is the biggest red flag. When someone shows interest in me I try to analyze it from every angle so that i can figure out what they want from me.
Only talking when they need something from you
Aww user have you tried being yourself?
If she asks me out first.
When a girl knows that I'm beating around the bush about sex, and has the confidence to call me out on it, I know she's more dominant and I couldn't possibly keep her down. A quick fuck at best, but not relationship material.
>replies something along the lines of "maybe" or "we'll see" when you ask if they would like to do something together
Probably not a red flag in traditional sense because if you get to the point of asking them out you have already ignored all the other flags, but if she doesn't give you direct responses to this stuff she's probably just giving you a chase, and you know it's time to abandon ship.
A high heel collection.
Didn't mean to quote you with .
Actually I don't see that necessarily as sign of dominance but assertiveness. She could be gentle, even.
>Actually I don't see that necessarily as sign of dominance but assertiveness. She could be gentle, even.
I'm too anxious. Any assertiveness will throw me off and cause me to ruin the relationship, regardless of her standing.
It's more of a personal red flag, just for my sake, since I cannot control my fear of being betrayed so easily.
That's not very true man.
Found the roastie that leads on then uses and abuses kind guys and breaks their heart going on sex crazed flings with bad boys because she's bored.
Probably if she talks like a poor person
Who are you groucho marx?
>i dont care to belong to any club that will have me as a member
Low self-esteem. As tempting as it is, it's not worth it in the end.
Still recovering from a 5-year BPDisaster.
Unnaturally coloured hair.
All of them act like children.
Different people have different ideas, but honestly any sort of mental illness or degenerate behaviour.
Women can't be trusted to begin with, but adding that shit to the mix and she'll likely go out of her way to ruin your life.
>muh anxiety and panic attacks
I have enough shit to worry about
If she breathes that is a red flag
Libfem. She secretly hates men and will take that out on you by cheating.
Not true ale women act like children.
any girl that says they 'dont like drama' or tries to be friends with everyone are usually gonna do some stupid shit eventually
if theyre two faced and lie to people about how they feel theyre probably gonna cuck you
tfw had multiple like this and they talked to their exes. i cant say that they for sure cucked me but shit u never know
If they have a pussy. Literally any bitch will go behind your back the first chance they get.
Extremely low self esteem. Can't stand a bitch always complaining about how ugly they are or how bad of a person they are. If I chose to be with you it's because I found you attractive in some way stfu
> she consideres me attractive
There's something inhetently wrong with her if she genuinely believes such bullshit.
> inherently