Hi guys, my name is Greg and I heard you guys were involved in the Toronto van attack, I wan't to know more about you guys.
Hi guys, my name is Greg and I heard you guys were involved in the Toronto van attack...
You're looking for r9l.
You wont find any imporance here, only normies, roasties, and LARPers
This is r9k, not r9l, you're in the wrong place
>>>/r9l/ is that way lad
but to give you actual info Jow Forums;s anonymity provides a sense of freedom for otherwise shy and anxious individuals. which is why you'll often hear them refering to themselves as autistic and
>tfw no gf
as usual. I assume the stories they tell about N.E.E.T.dom to be an exaggeration because in the real world they would end up homeless. My hypothesis is that 90% or more of this board is under the age of 18.
go away data miner
When did this meme start?
Wait, reddit has another incels board? Didn't they ban the last one and any others that opened up because hate speech or whatever?
INCEL has infiltrated every last country and every echelon of the government. When the call goes out, the revolution will begin and the Chads and Stacies will be our slaves.
>I assume the stories they tell about N.E.E.T.dom to be an exaggeration because in the real world they would end up homeless.
There are a lot of parents unwilling to kick their kids to the street, dumb normalfag.
the attack was masterminded by the hacker group Jow Forums
/r9l/ is the thread you should be in.
>no incels in here, only robots.
It's moderated by IncelTears, not even exaggerating.
It would be like if TheRedPill was moderated by Jow Forumsshitredditsays
Why does Reddit pretend to act like it's a better place than Jow Forums? It has the same toxic boards but there are enough mom and dad safe boards that they overlook the shitty stuff. I remember watch kids die was a board at one point.
Robots = incel
As much as I pride myself in the Lord.
Ree Normie
my namea yeff
Listen up. I'm a real twisted sonuvabitch. I fricking love to sniff chairs women were sitting on. On the bus, after class, anywhere I can get away with it
Wow, great meme. Well done.
Hi Greg! I'm not an incel or even a virgin tehehe. Are you either of those?