Lt's never going to get better

lt's never going to get better.

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damn...he looks like he owns a couple of jaces

i need more info about this image and this man

He leveled up, congrats wizzo! I just hope I'll be in better shape when I reach that age.

You faggits make out like this is the end of the world. Stop having such high expectations.

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>it's not the end of the world
That's a bad part user. It doesn't end.

He looks much older than 32

>looks 50
Daaaaammn son.

Rich Evans really let himself go.
I guess all that bullying from Mike really got to him.

Do your parents know you play Magic: The Gathering or any tabletop game?

No but it could always get worse

He's probably a lot happier than me and I'm a chad that fucks girls all the time :( I hate life. I have no desire to do anything...I'd love to be interested in some nerdy shit like that. But nothing interests me. Literally nothing.

>I'm a chad that fucks girls all the time :(

If true get the fuck off this board and never come back

But you guys are the only ones that understand. I'm still a socially weird dude. I barely have any friends. I just happen to be not too bad looking and it's pretty easy to get laid. I'd rather be uglier and happier though. Sex isn't fact it's such a small part of life. When you know you can get laid, it's not nearly as exciting. I don't even have a sex drive any more. I just want some bros to be happy with.

damn, its like his soul is dead in his eyes

"thanks for the cake, ma"

Mom knows what her son likes. She spent a little extra to get a cake relevant to that "magic" game he's always playing with his friends. Dad just doesn't give a shit, probably didn't even remember it was today

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All I can think of is how lucky he is to still have living parents at age 32. I wish my parents were still alive.

>im a chad that fucks girls all the time
>im still a socially weird dude
not seeing how hypocritical you are

Wtf is a jace?

get the fuck out you unvirgin

>lt's never going to get better.
It did for me, user. I was 43 when I met my boyfriend, and he was 18. We've been together a little over a year and love each other like crazy. There's still hope!

Yeah of course not, it's not gonna get better out of nowhere lmao.
Do you think life is just magically gonna fix itself? Ahahaha.

If woman, it only got easier for you because as a woman life is on easy mode for you.

"It's good to learn"
Jace is a master of mental magic: spells of reading. His powers allow him plane, Jace sought out the training of the mysterious sphinx. Under the sphinx's training, Jace learned to control his abilities. However, when Jace discovered that had been using him for political manipulations, he confronted his master in a fierce mental battle. The battle badly damaged Jace's memories and caused him excruciating pain. This spark, tearing him away from his home plane.

Jace awoke, his memories shattered and his former identity forgotten. During this time, he formed a romantic attachment to Liliana Vess, only to learn that she too was manipulating and deceiving him.

Jace's absence of memory now fuels his insatiable appetite for knowledge and truth. His need to uncover and understand the unknown has lead him to Zendikar and back to Ravnica, where he solved his greatest puzzle yet the Implicit Maze. His achievements earned him the title of Ravnicas Living Guildpact, where he serves as the magically empowered arbiter between the city's many guilds.

After aiding in the defeat of two of the Eldrazi titans on Zendikar, Jace took an oath to keep watch over the planes of the Multiverse as part of the Gatewatch. The Gatewatch offers him the opportunity to think and act on a larger scale, which intrigues him as a mental challenge in addition to appealing to his sense of responsibility. Jace can't walk away from an unsolved mystery. He believes everything that exists can be understood, and he dreams of one day knowing everything there is to know.

On Zendikar, he learned the history of the Spirit Dragon, and he burned with the desire to know more about them which brought him to Innistrad in search of Sorin Markov. His visit to the plane is complicated by his relationship with Liliana Vess, who has a close connection to Innistrad. Given their past romance, he is attracted to her and cares about her, but he doesn't trust her at all.

And whats wrong with Jace?


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Fucking girls off tinder doesn't require social skills, my man. You just literally have them come over and drink some and fuck.

gl getting chosen

you shouldn't blame the dad
you'd also want to forget about the thing that ruined 32 years of your life

>lt's never going to get better.
It could, you can't really know.

I don't understand, I have done it a ridiculous amount of times.

jank OP

would play mtg with

>be a fat guy @ 32 years old

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look at that fat fucking gut on him.

he chose this. he chose to never get in shape, never take care of himself, and never make an effort. it's deserved.

Thanks for reminding me I need to stop putting off an heroing

lolgpaproud of you

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literally me just less fat and buzzcut

family doesnt care though because i help out at the family business and go to thailand twice a year to fuck hookers

What age is it appropriate to get fat

I'm 24

late 40's after retirement

You all hate on this man, but he's living his own dream. He's content with his life, and isn't an incel pussy on wizchan or r9k.

no one retires in his late 40s and hasnt for a long time

go to bed, wageslave

nah, that guy has more hair than rich