Are you content with your face?

Are you content with your face?

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Unironically yes. My face is as original as this comment

Yes.people have said I look good but personally if I could wear a mask all the time i would. Not even sure why. I just don't like people seeing my face.

Norton looks both 40 and 28 at the same time

>Cia asking freaky questions again

Almost. I should lose some weight. Looked better in older pictures.

Yes. I am going bald though, so who the fuck cares. I'm going to drop 2 or 3 points when I must shave my head.

>tfw praying u guys were pushing for Donald
>tfw im still being stalked under Donald as i was under Obama
>justbecause i like typing my thoughts on Jow Forums
>am essentially some kind of political prisoner

I think it's alright

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if i had an option to be better looking i would definitely take it but im not ugly so im happy

no, my face is really puffy right now, idk what the problem is.

i dont know.

how do i know if im ugly?

Why don't you just start taking finasteride?

Yeah, but I wish my nose looked a bit better.

>fucking aerial zappin. been fucked on sleep and i have a busy job doing

No I got a ton of acne scars and just want my life to end so I don't have to look in a mirror ever again

Yes, but my nose is a little big

>why did i become so important from talking on Jow Forums, FFS i was here for the nudes


Nose game is weak and the jawline struggle and why are my eyes so close together

Kinda. I don't think I look good in pictures and I want to lose 5-10 lbs so my jaw and cheekbones come out.

>tfw dont change my FB photo/Drivers license photo on purpose precisely because of this.



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Fuck no, otherwise I wouldn't consider getting plastic surgery and facial fillers as soon the year is finally over

I have these really big and dark eye bags that never go away no matter how good a night's sleep is. I think they're genetic.

wow is this normie humor

yes, i have a really cute/pretty face, but not that "handsome".
my only problem with it is that isn't manly enough for stacies really.
just 9/10 boyish good looks isn't enough to slay vag on the regular if you're very introverted.

like how there's a difference with girls where they're either hot or gorgeous, there's one with guys who are either handsome or have "boyish good looks"

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Anyone that is content with their appearence should GET OUT NORMIESSS GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT

Seek physiological help

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
It's like my face changes every time I look in the mirror, quite awful I'd say.

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>Strong good looking face
>6' 8"
Why can't i ever find the motivation to workout

i look like shit maybe average thers nothing to be happy with being average

you're psychotic. go to the hospital

Post face and be my bf

i'm not gay.
and even if you're not larping as a girl i wouldn't post my face here.

Absolutely fucking not. Weak chin and jaw, huge nose, droopy eyes and mouth, puffy cheeks, overall the babiest of babyfaces. It's symmetrical though and to be fair all these bad features I have aren't extreme, so I might not be exactly "ugly" but still on the lower end of average

i like mine . i think it's pretty nice v_v

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strong jawline , nice lips , not a big forehead , beautiful eyes . 7/10 would smash

Kek no, I stopped caring though.

Only faggots care about things they have absolutely no control over

Could be better but I cant complain.

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my face looks alright with long hair but pretty shitty with short hair

I'm happy with my face but. My biggest insecurity is my manletism and my receding and thinning hair.

You have inbred ears don't you?

Inbred ears? What did he mean by this

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no, my face is always swollen, I think it might be because of an eye implant from a prior injury which for other reasons can't be taken out so I'm stuck with a puffy fucked up face that ruins the definition of it so I just look fat even though my body isn't, fucking sucks.

My face? Yeah, if I didn't have a double chin. Gonna start hitting the gym soon, and maybe I can fix my sorry ass up. I'm not doing this for any girl though--in fact, it'd just be nice if girls were interested in me so I could be the one turning them down, y'know?

Im not content with it but im not bad looking. Im pretty good looking if I do say so myself but I wish it could be better.

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Im a literal creatura

No, not at all.

i am very content except that i still have chubby cheeks and a rather big scar from when i was attacked.

God no. I'm a chinlet and a jawlet who has thick lips.

desu whenever I'm really depressed, I look in the mirror and realize everything is gonna be fine.

Its ok, not like a model or something though

yes go to the hospital :)
we can help you

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I have a weird mix between intellectual and chad look to me.

not really, i feel like cutting off the skin on my cheeks so i don't have to see or feel my acne scars. im about *this* close to losing it.

Is there such thing as an intellectual face?

>Is there such thing as an intellectual face?

Oh, what does it look like?

the right part of my face is chad, completely free of acne and with good bone structure while the left side looks like a face of pure agony

fuck i already look as old as this guy

Yeah but I wish I had a stronger jaw/chin. It's not gay alien tier but it's still recessed.

I have a big nose. It's not hooked or anything like that, it's just kinda big. I think that's the only thing I dislike about my face.

I know the feel, its sometimes dissapointing sometimes suprisingly good.
fucks with me all the time

>Are you content with your face?
what kind of question is this?

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my eyes are terrific, my nose is fine, head a bit too big and my chin is recessed, it doesn't suit my face at all. If I jut my jaw a bit my face goes from a 4 to a 6.

No, sometimes I have dreams about literally cutting my face off because I hate having my ugly ass face

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No complaints really

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