How is wagecucking not degrading?

>LITERALLY doing something you would rather not be doing simply so you can survive, with the products of your work being used to fund some goymaster who just collects money for the sake of it

Honestly being a neet and relying on the government is even worse, but how are both options not fucking terrible?

Why don't people prioritise having enough money to make a job optional above all else?

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NEET here that relies on government, it's definitely not worse than wagecucking

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>doing something you would rather not be doing
Idk I get to draw 3d models all day

>Honestly being a neet and relying on the government is even worse, but how are both options not fucking terrible?
Because life is fucking terrible, to think otherwise is to fool yourself.
At some point in your life you will grow experienced enough to realize this, once that happens many people just kill themselves, good luck with that.

People like you don't count. I'm actually a student with enough to retire and plan on being a scientist, but that's because I want to.

The people im talking about are the ones who don't enjoy work and just go for money....Seems beyond awful

>with enough to retire
crypto or rich parents?

>Why don't people prioritise having enough money to make a job optional above all else?

Because not everyone has the shekelstein mindset to not work but still earn loads of momey and most of the times there's no other option than those 2.

I have that mentality, I'm either not gonna be working at 30, or I'm gonna be dead.
My aim is to get money > start some sort of business. > Eventually just hire some cuck to run my business and be an owner, I'm thinking about the food industry because I have some familial connections.

Some people do prioritize becoming work-optional. It's probably the best option for most people. But, I've found that when work became optional for me, I still didn't feel all that free. And when my old company came back to me with another job offer, I couldn't say no. I make and save way more now than I ever did.

>life sucks, just how it is
You are the goodest of goys.

any of you incel faggots know a good home-based business?
I've saved up a lot of money now its time to fuck off from being a slave.

See neet-kun you should search for a job that checks all the buttons for you like I have.
>get company truck I park at home
>make decent cash
>job consists of me getting revenge on wagies who forget to pay their power bill and watch them ree like manchildren
>work is so easy I can take 3 lunches on average while getting high numbers so boss leaves me the fuck alone
>only see co-workers like once a month

It's a dream job for most of Jow Forums.

Work hours need to be reduced to 4hrs a day and 20 hrs a week.

>tfw I've gotten into the bad habit of just spending all day on Jow Forums and YouTube

I want to get off this wild ride.

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>tfw wagecucking but living at parents
c o m f y #makingbank

It 100% IS degrading, especially if you work a low-level job in retail or customer service.
You deal with a bunch of assholes all day and deal with their stupid inane questions while they radiate an aura of "I'm better than u :)".
I've literally had men in business suits tell me to "get a real job" when I was a cashier. It's fucking embarrassing and dehumanizing.
I quit after 10 years of working retail, I don't care if I end up homeless and crazy one day, as long as I never have to become a wageslave again. At least then I have my freedom and dignity. It's not like I'd ever have to provide for a wife and kids, because it's 2018 and monogamy is dead and gone.
Maybe I'd keep slaving away if I had a family to take care of, but as things are now I find no reason to continue torturing myself for cash.

I work in IT but didn't go to Uni do not an engineer (yet). I work at a major real estate firm.

After a while you start to get pretty good at whatever it is you do. And it sounds odd, but being legit good at something is really deeply satisfying as an adult. My coworkers appreciate my work and I make pretty good money for it. It can get stressful but I'm way less depressed at work than I am at home by myself.

Hard to be depressed when you're useful.

you're going to regret this
>catalytic chemist PhD

Man you need a job where you are getting back at normies. I had a customer act like a asshole to me and I just told my boss he was being hostile and he was flagged as one and his power wasn't turned on for 2 weeks since my utility I'm contracted to makes some dude come by with police escort if you are labeled hostile.

>not spending your life learning a trade or a craft so you could support yourself independently for the rest of your life while doing what you love
It's your own fault for falling for the higher education jew. Sure you need to know how to read, write do basic math, speak a couple of languages but going to fucking university for some retarded degree is the biggest fucking meme on the planet and will most likely land you in some shit "artificial" job that probably isn't even necessary. Learn a trade and do whatever the fuck you want.

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I just got a job doing brakes and alignment yesterday after being NEET for a while. I forgot how much I hated working so goddamn much. I want to fucking die rather than go back for another 8 hours.
How do I get a robot job like working at home if I have no skills? Or at least how to get neetbux and live alone I am dying inside having to do all this shit

How is it our fault for being indoctrinated into total bullshit from a young age? Even our parents fell for it, how were we supposed to know it was total bullshit?
I remember being in 6th grade and they were already spewing shit about how college was important and how you should pick your majors right now. I had zero fucking clue what I wanted to "be when I grew up" and honestly at 28 I still have no fucking idea what I "want to be" besides a fucking human being.
I just entered the workforce at 17 at the urge of my parents and did 10 years of retail wageslavery. I had my own apartment at 18. I hated working but I had no choice. I wasn't smart with my money, I lived paycheck to paycheck for a decade. The only "investment" I had was one of pure dumb luck in the form of retro video games, in which I am now selling to fund my NEET lifestyle, and that's not gonna be sustainable forever.
How does one know the right thing to do, when everybody is telling you otherwise? Are you just supposed to figure things out on your own?

Every day I fantasize about killing myself

I work in healthcare so I sell a service. I don't make products or anything like that. I just make choices based on what I think is right and I am paid for it. It doesn't feel degrading to me even though I'm a wagie.

>Or at least how to get neetbux
Get a big chunk of cash and live off the interest

1. How do I get a big chunk of cash
2. Where do I put it to generate the interest