/volcel/ general

Life is good when you stop thinking about roasties
Take the monkpill. I promise you'll live a happier life.
Open your third eye.

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Fuck u orgnialy

>inb4 mgtow
>inb4 same exact brand of faggotry as incels but going by a different name

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>Take the monkpill. I promise you'll live a happier life.
Ok but how

Realizing that roasties won't bring happiness is only one step. You still need to do something fulfilling.

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The first thing to know is that if you announce to anyone that you have taken the monkpill, you have not taken the monkpill.

Pussy really is the most overrated thing in existence, not even gonna mention all the drama and bullshit that comes with it.
Beating it to tiddy anime girls is unironically 10 times better.

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What am I supposed to tell my dad when he asks me for the nth time why I don't have a gf?
But I crave the touch of a woman, I want to smell her hair and feel her skin etc
Anime tiddies are great but they don't fill that void

Get a soft and cuddly catto and a bottle of womeme shampoo.
All the advantages and none of the downsides

I agree. I like my incel brothers but they bitch way too much about being virgins. The problem is they don't have anything worth living for, so they try to use woman to fill that void, but you can't depend on woman because 1. They have much higher standards and 2. They are fickle a fuck.

I never expected it but my niece has become such a big pillar of support for me, just knowing she will benefit from me being better and around to help her gives me something to aim for. One of the best things you can do is reconnect with your blood relatives, it won't be as exciting as getting pussy, but these are the people you can count on to always be there.

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It just ain't the same, you know that. I can't kiss my cat or cuddle with it under the shower or whatever.

All in all in relationshits the bad things outweigh the nice ones. If you talk to normies once in a while you'll see how miserable their gfs/bfs make them feel in the long run.

I don't deny that, but does that mean the good parts aren't worth experiencing?
Can hookers give me the same kind of experience?

If you're just saying you're not interested in women, then that's fine. You've gotta be careful how you word it though or he'll think you're saying you're gay.

No, what I mean is people who feel the need to tell the world they don't care about women. If you publically announce that you don't care about something, you are a liar. That's the whole reason why MGTOW is such a shitheap.

I completely agree, but that doesn't really tell me HOW I can bring myself to stop caring about women entirely.

tell him love is a childs fantasy

>does that mean the good parts aren't worth experiencing?
I don't really know how to answer to that, I guess it depends on the person. All I know is that all my relationships have had an overall negative outcome and I'm just done.
>Can hookers give me the same kind of experience?
Depends, some of them do. A bunch of them don't give a shit and only want their money but I've been with an asian hooker and a couple other ones who were qt and cuddly as hell, was nice.

Friendly reminder that even the Buddha had a wife and child before turning to the spiritual path.

buddha ain got nothing on me. All I had was anime before turning.

Well yeah, a proper volcel will have experienced the bullshit and get fed up with it first.

What if I've only experienced it secondhand? I get the urge to fuck things like a horny bonobo sometimes because that's just instinctive, but the whole reason I've never been interested in relationships is that I've never seen one that seemed appealing to me. I only have a few friends that I rarely do anything with and I'm fine with that, and the thought of having someone stuck to you all the time sounds unbearable.

How do you choose a good escort?

reading reviews online

Just rent a whore for a night, m8.

The first rule of Monk Club is that you do not talk about Monk Club.

>be /volcel/
>can get Jow Forums without any restrictions
>have as much free time as i like
>laugh at normals and their endless pursuits of cardinal pleasure (yes incels are failed normies)
>pure ready for when I find a qt christian wife
>if i dont find a suitable wife, still live a fufilling life due to the conquest of desires and the light of god
feels great

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i'm I a volcel if i stopped caring? i used to think i was just telling myself this as a coping mechanism to handle being alone but i've gotten laid a few times years ago and I still live the same way, nothing changed.
