Are American media as obsessed with incels as Jow Forums is making it out to be?

Are American media as obsessed with incels as Jow Forums is making it out to be?

I'm from Europe and this seems hilarious to me that mass media would suddenly start mentiong incels and making them their scapegoat, just because one person took it way too seriously and called for "incel revolution" and bunch of RP's joked about revolution even more. My country had some coverage of van attack, but not really anymore.

Attached: _101011424_alek-minassian-toronto-van-crash.jpg (660x371, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

my national broadcaster was talking about how men without gfs should be put on a terror watchlist

Which country are you from? USA?

Burgers need to make prostitution legal like the rest of the world.

>runs over people on the rememberence day for the armenian genocide
>only proof linking him to incels is a facebook post
>facebook post is made during the attack (its posted after the first 911 call) so would have to be made while driving

>hur dur incels dun it

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Canada asdasdas

You keep spamming this. Do you have proofs? A screenshot of the facebook post timestamp?

Muh feminism and respect to women though. Sex is degrading to women. Men enjoying themselves is degrading to women. Muhhhhh

The dutch media is churning out incel articles like cakes.

Has there been an increase in the prostitution business in the last few days?

My mom asked me if I was an incel or if I had any knowledge of them before the van attack. Judging by her tone she would have been very upset if I said yes.

I dont have the pic saved but there is a picture floating around Jow Forums with the time stamp of when that facebook post was made

Ask her for help. Let's call it counter-terrorism.

No proofs, no believing.

Fellow leaf, we're fucked.

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It's a new way to target white males and make out they're just as much a threat as Islamic terror, of course they're all over it

ok so dont beleive the time of the facebook post, doesnt change the fact that the attack took place on the armenian genocide day

it was the 23rd in canada but in armenia the country the genocide took place in it was the 24th. timezones how do they work?

Attached: Screenshot (28).png (3428x866, 333K)

Why do you post a screenshot of a well known fact and not the facebook post?

>armenian does a terrorist attack on the remberence day for the armenian genocide

>must be no connection
reminder there is 0 proof that alek made that post

as i said earlier i dont have the screenshot with the timestamp of the facebook post but its floating around Jow Forums

but we do know that the RCPM has entrapped people for terrorism before

Why can't you just post that fucking fb post with the timestamp? It's not like it would have been erased from the internet. If you have seen it it must exist and easily findable.

Its clickbait of the week. Thats all it is. Not long ago they were frothing about sexbots but now completely forgot about it. Men are easy targets to demonize, problem with those media sites is they don't realize stupid twitter shit makes people read less of their articles, not more. But they keep going and probably blame Trump for all the layoffs they keep getting.

does anyone even treat the news seriously anymore at this point? it's all just feminazi propaganda meant to destroy first world western countries from the inside out

CBC came out and said it was because the phone of the person the screenshot was taken on had a different timezone. Which doesn't make any fucking sense because Facebook ALWAYS goes by "X hours ago" until it reaches 24+ hours, which is a time measurement obviously independent of timezones lmao

The disinfo is ridiculously obv

>blame Trump for all the layoffs they keep getting
its the opposite. they try to pretend the world is ending every time he sends a tweet. people eat that shit up

Post the facebook screenshot pls.

There's also other actual screenshots but this is the one CBC was running. They literally put out a full article trying to explain how the timeline didn't add up was due to timezones which is hilariously stupid

Attached: alex-minassian-facebook-incel-phone-in-hand[1].jpg (780x1097, 90K)

trying to obtain the one with the full time on it
may be awhile, just Jow Forums'ed for it on Jow Forums

heres an archive of his facebook page
only 2 posts on it ever

The media wants to make money so they are always looking for the next big outrage. American media is fucking garbage.

No, all Jow Forums is doing is searching twitter, reddit, tumblr, facebook etc. for #incel posts. Nothing about it in the news.

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this is in gmt time so it says 17:27
canadian time is gmt-4 so that 1:27 which is pretty much the same time as the first 911 call

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>Sgt Jow Forums

It's legal in rural Nevada.

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no, irl no one even gives a shit

I live in Finland and there's been like two news stores on incels, both on Gawker-tier news sites

How do we exterminate the incels and bring this board back to its former glory?