Is it actually possible to lose your virginity when you have aspergers...

Is it actually possible to lose your virginity when you have aspergers? I've tried so hard but its just getting exhausting at this point. Feeling like giving up altogether and accepting the incel life.

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Yeah once you accept it and stop trying so hard someone may find you. This to shall pass and what not

why don't you want to lose aspergers instead?

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you forgot "just be yourself" and then tell him to lift.

as far as im aware of, no

you think I wouldn't lose it if that was an option? It's the main reason for hating myself so much

Its not your aspergers. Stop using it as a get out of jail free card you nigger

t: aspie

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>born with social disability, lag behind peers in development of social skills
>social disability is not properly accounted for, the gap grows
>significantly behind others in terms of social capabilities when exiting formative years
>'aspergers isnt the problem'

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said it better than I ever could, thanks user

>Stop using it as a get out of jail free card

As someone with Aspergers too, I must say that while it doesn't justify keeping on the error, it explains why, simply as that.

Rationally analyzing that, yes, OP. As much as we would like to think 'no'. From what I have heard of other individuals, 'someone' always ends up finding you. The wait until that one finds you, however, is what makes both of us want to give up.

I have the aspie + manlet combo. Needless to say, I am now a wizard.

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>your social disability isn't the cause of your problems socializing

Go back, wizzie.

Right, because neither one of those things work as well as an attitude change. Thanks for noticing, faggot

Aspergers sucks but its something you have to work on a lot. Also theres people who can help with that stuff
Its not even my worst mental illness and I lost my virginity and got in a good relationship too
Youll never be able to be normal but that doesnt mean you cant work on it

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Yes, and giving up magically draws in the roasties because... reasons. Dumbass bitch.

Considering my father is a complete and utter sperglord and he has an undyingly loyal wife and 3 sons and the other two didn't turn out autistic, just me I would say yes.

Yeah this. I know this is misogyny central but once you move past 25 and avoid skanks and trash a lot of women find it charming.

Go for educated, care-oriented career girls like nurses/social workers/therapists/teachers. Don't lie or play games since they see right through it. God speed anons

Yeah it's a four letter word starting with r and ending with ape

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Like 3 of those occupations you just listed have the biggest whores of all time in them lol

As an aspie, its just an extra challenge. Something that a normalfag would find easy or only mildly hard is extra hard for a sperg. Its another thing normies take for granted