>Hey onii-chan, look how much I can stretch!
Hey onii-chan, look how much I can stretch!
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And then I rape her with my penis
H-Ha Ha, w-w-wow little sis, you sure are f-flexible, huh...
>tfw little sister was unironically a gymnast
But she didn't practice at home. I got to go to all her performances though.
did you have the hots for her or just the other girls there? age difference and your age at the time?
Of course I had the hots for my sister. Find me one straight man who wouldn't get a boner from literal nymphs stretching in skintight uniforms. She was 13 at the time and I was 17 when she did gymnastics. Now she's in college and I'm a NEET.
Her friends were cute too
11-14 year olds are magical :)
I just never was attracted to mine and our age difference was about the same. Her friends gave me boners, but, her no. I guess she was never really my type, just got lucky (or unlucky, the idea of jerking it to a hot sisters panties sounds pretty nice). I always wonder how much the incest desire stuff is larping or not.
>tfw no seductive legal-loli gf
11-14 is thePerfect age
Get off my board you disgusting pedoniggers
yeah dont these pedophiles know anything about 4chans history, very anti pedo
Pedophilia and Incest are DEGENERACY.
Get the fuck off my eastern european yodelling forum you normalnigger
>tfw no flexible cheerleader little sister
Gas all normalkikes. Pedo uprising now
>my board
Hang on, you can't just come here from r/incels and demand that everyone adjust their tastes to suit you. Jow Forums doesn't work like Reddit does.
>no flexible athletic little sister to gently wake you up every morning by sucking your dick
Why even live
I know that desire very well.
>tfw no little sister who crawls into your bed during a hot summer night and gets wll sweaty with you
>tfw no little sister to cook you a nice meal and ask if you want her for dessert
Thanks for adding to my collection, user. Good taste.
>tfw didn't get a boner from my little sisters
What am I gay now?
>tfw no sister that you wrestle with and rub her cunny
Here you go buddy, i think youll enjoy this:
only if they were hot though
one of mine was objectively hot that was nice to look at especially when I barged on her often in the bathroom which was both funny and arousing
Maybe I would say so because of her previous relationships and stuff but I got nothing for her she's just family
I wont. 3DCG is very unappealing.
Why is his head so big? Turn off boi
>tfw no little sister to wake you up in the morning with breakfast on table