The first quarter of your life is over with no achievements to your name

>the first quarter of your life is over with no achievements to your name

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>tfw I realized that I will be considered "middle-age" in less than a decade, and I am still an unemployed, friendless, virgin, high school drop-out

most people dont make it to 75 let alone 100

Why do you care about achieving something? Being actually happy is a lot more important. The system was always rigged, its not like you're alone in not being in the tippy-top .000001% that will be famous or remembered, there's 8 billion of us here with you.
Focus on making your life enjoyable and rewarding, if you do end up achieving something it won't be from laying in bed feeling worthless.

dont listen to this kike, user. hes just a demoralizing piece of shit

I'm 20. The average is 80

Thats were you are wrong kiddo, since i am already at 90% of my life expectancy

Average man dies around 60 or something, so it's 1/3 over if I manage to live that long.

Third world confirmed. In almost all developed countries the Male life expectancy is over 70

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>the average man is a coal miner in uganda

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>its demoralizing to tell people that attainable happiness is more important than unobtainable perfection
Right, waste another day on here waiting for the comet to come give you superpowers user. That's so positive, everyone deserves to hear that.

Fuck you. You want to be Bill Gates? Start building computers in your garage.

respectfully, youre a dumbass

For women maybe

Currently 27, have a shit diet and live a sedentary lifestyle. I say my life is more than half over. I feel like I'm going to have my first heart attack within 5 years.

>Have very bad memory
>tfw it feels to me like most of my life never even happened, because I have almost no memories of the past

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I was told the reason the average was 60 was because of WW2 with so many people dying early bringing the average down.
The average first world person probably lives to 75-90

>I don't have any real point, I just want to whine at the universe for my problems
Cool story bro

Are you me?
I have no memory at all from before I was maybe 6, and very splotchy memory between then and just a few years back. I remember locations and some events, but it feels very fuzzy. Its like things simultaneously happened yesterday and a hundred years ago. Shit that happened just a year or two ago feels completely alien to think about.

I've spent my late teens and all my twenties locked up in my bedroom at my computer so I have no past memories either.

For me, I don't remember anything from the 90's, even though I was born in 1992, and it's hard to remember anything pre-2010 for me, and even my post-2010 memories are very unclear.

>You're not alone.mp3
Quarter life crisis is what it's called

Because I am the only young male born within the past 40 years and most of my family is female. I have to make it and they expect me to.

>I have to make it and they expect me to

i once got 888 trips on Jow Forums three times when not even shitposting
i posted all of, like, seven times in twenty minutes
i consider this one of my greatest achievements
next to beating Halo 4 solo on legendary

I achieved much more as user than I ever would have to my name