Marky thread? I never see these made nowadays. I hope she didn't fuck her dog

Marky thread? I never see these made nowadays. I hope she didn't fuck her dog

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Who needs a retarded degenerate when you can orbit Aggie

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I collect images of Aggie but I'm very very very very lazy with it, I only save them when I see them posted instead of screenshotting her videos myself. Keep posting, if you will, user.

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does nobody care about her anymore or something

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I'm interested. Post more pls

My Marky Folder is LARGE, user..!

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dumb roastie deletes her curiouscat answers after a day or so. She's embarrassed that anons have made her see that she's an idiot and has made terrible life choices.
Also pic related. She literally blames her being a whore at 15 on meds lmao

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the fuck are you waiting for, post more marky

Yes, actually user I find her personality repulsive..

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i tried to post a google drive but Jow Forums blocked it. rip

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m o r k y
morky morky morky

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marky r a r e s, smol marky..

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my marky folder contains 108,946,772 bytes

10 videos

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it has 4 subfolders, too

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275 files in total though i'm not anywhere close to done markycollecting

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i dunno if i should start keeping a folder filled with her curious cat answers and old logs, that seems too time consuming so i might just return to it when i have a large doubt of free time

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I love her nosebleeds

So do I, quite a few of the videos I have saved are of those.

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how bout a hotdog?

I don't think I actually quite find her personality repulsive

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I hate how she pretends to be intelligent and acts like she's above everyone. I recall her saying that Miru's art was shit when her own looks like 6th grader deviantart tier garbage.

And I wouldn't mind getting to know her if the chance arose, but I'd much prefer just briefly leaving her comments and admiring her appearance from afar. Weird girl.

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Yes, the main thing about her that offputs me is that the way she types makes her look like quite the holier than thou try hard.. I think shes very skilled with art though

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well. the thing is.

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Stacking folders with hundred of pictures of internet people is an unhealthy hobby.

She's in no place to insult Miru's art though.

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Yes, I know. But I still do it. I have quite a few folders that are quite full..

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w-what? user i dont understand..

Wow, Miru is very skilled for sure as well. May I ask what the exact 'insult' was? People tend to twist slightly off comments into being much worse than they are sometimes, though I'm sure you wouldn't do that user..

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Marky will never be as talented or as beautiful as Miru. And marky is 10x as slutty.

Here you go. I found it pretty condescending.

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I bet you're one of the monkeys desperately trying to "expose" her
While you're here butthurt about your failed attempts marky is sipping on her wine laughing at your pathetic life

it's because those girls are just russian plants/spies. That's literally all they are. Not one of them has drawn a god damn thing in their lives (well, maybe until recently)

Russia wants a piece of the pie.

stop posting you literal retarded whore bitch

in my heart i can really orbit one maybe two girls at a time.

Fuck off emma. You'll literally orbit anything under the sun if it will let you. You're a cancer.

I don't think Marky is much of a slut. I'm very very very indifferent towards Miru, really, user.
Might start collecting images of her eventually tho.

That is rather rude, yes, I wonder what sparked that?
No, user, no

Same, actually, theres only two people I truly 'orbit', the rest of people are just people I collect images of to me..

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Also the fact that she's implying they're "empty pretty dolls" as if she has any redeeming personality of her own.

>let me
I haven't gotten the consent of any of the girls I orbit..

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Them alone not telling you to fuck off is enough validation in your rotting brain.

Honestly, I don't think me collecting images of girls truly means I 'Orbit' them

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I genuinely don't care about their consent or what they think about it, I just find it fun.

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pic of avery

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My feeling are heavily hurt by the implication that I'm ugly because I don't post images of myself on a board thats specifically tailored towards people not posting images of themselves..! How will I go on?!

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>collecting images of girls you don't know
>for "fun"

what a sad sad boring life you must have

i almost feel sorry for you

Ok, I apologize for that last response.. It isn't nice to be so condescending towards people regardless of what they're saying to you, that was a real bitch move user.

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I don't think it's boring and that's all that personally matters to me. Also, the main girls I collect images of, I personally know.

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>I'm very very very indifferent towards Miru
Why? Miru seems pretty endearing for what I've seen. How would you rate the Jow Forums waifus?

>Posting pics of yourself is not allowed ;(
Yet you orbit literally anything
This isn't your fucking tumblr blog

> orbiting sam hyde's anal leftovers

reminder to report orbiting threads and ignore tripfags

orbiting threads aren't against the rules

I like pretty much all of them. I just don't see Miru posted often enough for me to personally like her

I agree with the ignoring tripfags thing if you're interested in that, but orbiting threads aren't against the rules.

Alright? Those two statements aren't correlated.
Stop responding to me if you don't like me, you're just giving me what I want user. Do you think getting negative attention is fun?

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literally just avatarfagging but with 3d(shit)

daily reminder she was brutally fisted by sam hyde

>still a virgin
>younger and prettier
>hasn't posted nudes
>asexual/bisexual meaning she will only ever have sex with one man of that or just get defiled by women (which doesn't count)
>doesn't use her orbiters for personal gain
>sweet, modest, and innocent to where you want to protect her

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Always a literal brainlet

Was this ever confirmed? Asking as someone who barely knows who these people are.

how does this image make you orbiterfags feel?

original failed to upload

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Nice one brainlet

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Miru is my favourite of all the "Jow Forums waifus" but I wouldn't call her endearing. She seems very cold.

Is Hyde a
P U S S Y S L A Y E R ?

>orbiting is avatarfagging

I really really like Muffy, actually, user. More so than Marky.

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To me she comes out as in control of herself to the point of repressing herself a little bit and perhaps bit sad but not cold.

There are apparently places full of underage girls with daddy issues willing to take anyone's cock to get away from the boredom of high school life. Hyde seems like the kind of guy who would know them all.

At least you have decent enough taste to prefer Muffy.

This is now a Muffy thread, user..

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Where did this girl come from?

I actually have no idea how she got popular

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Still brainlet
Because of orbiting retards like you who will choose anything without caring to do research

That seems like a bit of a stretch. From what are you even getting that? She doesn't seem to give out a lot of information about herself.

Calm down user you ridiculous boy, if you don't like my threads just filter me, it is NOT so hard user!!

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Not him but who the fuck are you? I vaguely remember your trip but have no idea from where.

I used to use Discord/Discordfag a lot but stopped that nonsense, I used to post a lot of sticc threads, and I used to post a lot of threads along the lines of "Good morning/Tell me about your day/Did you have any dreams/What did you eat today" threads. Probably other things I'm forgetting

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>caring to do research
What? Orbiting someone is already creepy, man. Researching on whom you're going to orbit is too much, man.

You're not a girl, are you? (I can't believe this isn't original)

ayy yo avery post a video of marky, all these years and I haven't seen her on video
and post an album or something on mega

So you're saying people orbit based on looks and not personality? Why am I not surprised.

I don't like to discuss my gender/age personally.

You haven't? Weird. I have a drive link with a lot of pictures of her and videos, its 0B19NHJW-Vl_kaVBCMXRkLXdPRzg and I don't know if this'll post and I can't post the rest of the link because of filters

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Just completely devalued all of my """""rares""""" but I don't mind at all.
First part of the link is drive
dot google dot com slash drive slash folders

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I wouldn't know. I don't orbit anyone, but if I did it would be on looks and the way they come out and express themselves. Don't you like cute girls, bro? Researching on someone beyond that is not a healthy behavior.

man fuck muffy, you can't have a conversation with her on her dm's because she'll blame it on her "social anxiety" or some retarded excuse, yet she answers a million questions on her curious cat thing

You're silly, user, answering one anonymous question is a lot different than an actual one on one full conversation.

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fuck her anyway, she's gradually becoming a normie. I think she's just putting up this shy, sad girl facade to gain even more attention, as if she's starting to like having orbiters, thus getting corrupted.

>mfw she talks to me every day

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Woaeh. Do you have any photos of her butt, looks pretty nice desu.

How does having autistic virgins fawn over you turn one into a normie?

Marky is noooott for lewds, user!! Also, ass is disgusting. So is tits..

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bullshit, prove it faggot.

>ass is disgusting. So is tits..
Wrong. You're showing your lack of taste there, Avery. You deserve to be shamed.

I just don't like it. I prefer faces, user..

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I'm not posting our DMs, we have some deep conversations.

about what?
if true im actually jealous, fucking bitch

Is this the girl Sam Hyde (PBUH) fucked?

Depression, suicide, anxiety, that kind of thing. Have you even tried messaging her? She's pretty talkative with me.

Yeah, faces are the best, but bodies are nice as well. An holistic approach is necessary to these things.