>tfw no bf who is not afraid to show his love for me in public
>tfw no bf who makes me blush in front of other people by grabbing me and kissing me
I want 2 die
>tfw no bf who is not afraid to show his love for me in public
>tfw no bf who makes me blush in front of other people by grabbing me and kissing me
I want 2 die
Just Be A Pederast theory
JFL boi
You can't be a twink forever, but you can become a GOD.
Pretty sure those two are brothers.
Since you're a fag you probably should just end it
>tfw showed my gf love in public
>tfw she kept calling me too clingy for this and would get angry
Where do I even find a girl who doesn't mind being loved?
>Pretty sure those two are brothers.
my brother doesn't kiss me on top of my head
nor does he post pictures of us hugging on social media
that is a pretty fag thing to do
>Since you're a fag you probably should just end it
why is there so much hatred inside of you? Please user, calm down, there is no reason to say things like this
There clearly is you massive faggot boy loving homo
can you try retyping this except as an actually coherent thought
>tfw grab my gf in public
>tfw hold her hand in public EVERYWHERE
>tfw look distraught when we let go hands
>tfw hold her close and kiss her lips/forhead/nose
>tfw i tell her I love her infront of others and that shes amazing and wonderful
>tfw im going to marry her
>get a bf, deal with potential fruity shit as well as Jow Forumstards
>get a woman, deal with a woman
>both would probably not like guns
At least I've accepted love is just a meme a long time ago.
Why did this pic hurt so much to me?
just because two men show affection in public, does not mean they're gay.
Friendly reminder that public displays of affection makes it awkward and uncomfortable for literally everyone around you
>can you try retyping this except as an actually coherent thought
kill yourself faggot
Shut the fuckvup dont be condescending to me yuo lowlife piece of shit faggot scum you. will never be accepted you fucking freakshow degenerate FAGGOT
why are breeders who post on Jow Forums always 70 IQ ape tier morons
breeders should be banned from posting on this board, you have your own board
>Fucking homos need another thread about mincing for cock
mods end this shit for fucks sake
Seeing as how there isn't a naked black pissing and shitting on the subway floor and it is in fact a clean and well lit car, this could be a picture from eastern europe, where doing fag shit in public is a big risk, so no, it's not a fact that these guys are fags, they're just affectionate
Anyway, it's a joke that you gays think you can be robots, that you belong on this board or something. You have it just as easy as women: open grindr/tinder or go to the club/bar this weekend and you have someone willing to kiss you in public. Boom, easy. But just like women you would rather bitch and moan and cry rather than take initiative and self-improve, so you get this false notion that you actually have it anywhere near as hard as an unattractive heterosexual. You don't.
Just look this worthless thread itself: you literal faggots are always filling this board up with arrogant, narcissistic noise. "I'm so sad! I'm going to kill myself!" and then never following through (just like a woman); you're always back the next day making more threads about yourself, as if a robot does that
You even have your own fucking containment board, /lgbt/, a place devoted entirely to you where you can ban anyone who doesn't belong (something robots would fucking love to have), but NOOO! That's not good enough! You have to come here. Go fucking die.
>why are breeders who post on Jow Forums always 70 IQ ape tier morons
a large portion here have never had sex and tranny scum have their own board already. fucking kill yourself faggot.
>not having a good ol fashioned hug n kiss with your brother
You sound like the gay one 2bh
Literally how? Unless it's overly obnoxious or loud i dont see a problem with someone giving their SO a peck or hugging them. Its your problem if you cant keep your attention off them.
I want to end your kind.
sicko exhibitionist
>You sound like the gay one 2bh
I am gay
that is why I made this thread
it's not about other people, I don't care about them at all, it's about him being proud enough of being my bf that he wants to show the world that I am his
>I am gay