Are black women the only fembots?

According to a recent study, they are the only female group where celibacy is actually INCREASING in recent years, while it is nosediving for other groups (especially asian and latina women).

I am curious to hear anecdotes about whether this is actually the case or whether this study is an outlier.

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Here is an image to the study showing celibacy among different ethnicity and demographics. Very interesting if there is actually truth to it.

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why would chad settle for inherently uglier women when he can have white / asian cuties at a handflick?

r9k isn't an incel-club

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Robots are virgins with little or no romatic prospects, my upboating friend.

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Man, what the hell happened to this forum. Only bait topics actually get any discussion. dkldklsklsl

I wonder if social media becoming readily accessible to black males in the 2010's was a factor in the increasing rate of black female celibacy. Among black male culture, they tend to think non-black females are more beautiful and a marker of status over your average black female.

Weird, I thought Chad was fucking 80% of all women, even the ugly ones so they refuse to settle for you

Average men are the ones fucking uglies. Chad is fucking the average women.

Link to actual source or you're lying.

Don't they usually pop a couple kids out by the end of high school?

Here is another graph. I do not have a link to the original study.

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Cuz they are the ugliest. You should have included her face in the pic. Probably looks like this:

Attached: Fat_ugly_black_women.jpg (500x381, 98K)

That might be a factor. dhjdfjskj

black women are fucking mean and incredibly selfish. take it from a guy who knows

And you can tell that by posting cherrypicked photos of course.

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You a black bot? orasndnjd

Black women were made to serve and worship white cock. This is a fact.

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black women are weird for me. they are the least attractive on average by some distance, but the hottest ones are absolutely goddess tier and better than the top of other races imo

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It's because black men are giga chads who reject women all the time. You have about 20% of white men who are chads, but like 75% of black men are chads.

There's some cute black fem"bots" so I don't know

That's not a real black woman, user.

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>cherry-picked photos
nice your a retard

>the no qt chubby black fembot gf to impregnate and marry

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she'd be considered black by any survey or study, but i see your point, not looking to split too many hairs here though

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I'm turning 27 in June and I've never been further than eye contact.

What do you look like? Obese?

My BMI is 28 so I'm not quite there yet.

Do you have discord by any chance? originali

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I can also give my e-mail.

I am an average looking white guy btw.

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I'm another white guy. Can we gangbang you plox?

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No, I got trips. Fuck off degenerate.

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Your porn scared her off.

Even if you do not want to talk off site, please talk more about yourself and your feels here.

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G-go ahead, I guess. I'm not a weeb/nerd though.

I have a greentext about this for OP and others
>be me, 17
>live in nicer part of town
>besides the fact that every other family there is Jewish, pretty good
>senior prom
>decide to go with someone, anyone
>nobody says yes
>spend prom night feeling like shit
>text friend of mine from study hall
>really thick Jamaican accent but he's ok
>the only black kid whose name I bothered knowing
>he invites me to his prom afterparty
>why not
>head to address in the worst neighborhood in town
>people have fucking bars over their windows and rotting furniture on the sidewalk
>get to party
>the smell of weed, alcohol, and barbecue overwhelms me
>finally find Jamaican user
>"I'm getting your ass laid tonight user"
>get a shot of tequila
>and another
>kind of drunk by now
>Jamican comes back with a black girl
>she's pretty
>had vague conversation with her
>don't really remember it
>she makes some comment about fucking
>I go along with it, start to move away from party
>"Why you runnin' user?"
>shoves her tits at me
>apaprently we're both drunk, and i'm pretty sure she's high
>some faggot brings strobe lights
>get epileptic seizure mid-foreplay
>wake up in ER
>pretty much nobody I remembered from the party actually bothered to go to the hospital
>uber home
>wake up next day feeling like shit
The reason I feel animosity is because the girl
apparently didn't even fucking bother to call the ambulance, and someone else did. And she didn't even check to see if I was ded or not.

Why do you post here then?

My e-mail is [email protected]

I already answered this

Nice dubs. Be sure to write me later. I hope we can at least be frens.

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>what the hell happened to this forum
90 IQ 18 year olds with smart phones


ANY fucking female on earth can get laid just by asking or putting them selves out their so no

If anyone thinks this is untrue give me some fucking pics of a girl who you think represents "fembots" and I'll prove that they can get laid this very week via online hookups.

Fucking ignorant retards have never seen an ugly fat girl's tinder inbox apparently. Black or otherwise

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Always too late

I did not even get a response yet bro.

t. original person that asked

>women can be robots too guise

Ahem original famalam

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