isn't 5 hours the average amount of sleep that young people get?
I usually get 5 hours a night on work days and 14 hours on weekends
i go to school every day on a max of 4 hours sleep then sleep for 11 hours on weekends
what a pathetic faggot
unsurprisingly, that was not original
In his defense, the way it's written it looks like it was some sleep patern of naps that total up to 5 hours. 5 1hour naps do sound kinda shitty. If not, massive faggot indeed he is.
Kinda same boat. But I couldn't live with "wasting" my weekend sleeping and not playing vidya or watching a movie or some shit. And I then get around 7-8. Shit sucks.
5 hours a night sounds pretty normal to me
Depends how old he is. As a teen to mid 20s I often only got 4-5 hours a night but now that I'm heading towards 30 I realized I need more and more sleep.
>a normie cant handle life whitout his precious 8 hours sleep
they are so weak and fragile once rheir normality is takem away, it amazes me how they can handle everyday life.
Shifting to nap like phases is always a pain in the ass the first week, afterwards its easy street.
Even then sleeping in a one 4 hour session is doable.
5 hours is fine. Less then 4 hours is were it gets tricky after prelonged periods.
I live off of 3-4. Why are you acting like it's such a big fucking deal
Friendly reminder that going from less than 8 hours a night to more than 8 hours a night is literally a complete revolution in your life.
the thing about real normies is that everything in their life has set them up to be successful. good parenting, sports and socialization from and early age,healthy living, group activities, irl hobbies, lack of mental illness and disability are all constants in their life. remove even one of these and they think their life is falling apart.
most robots/failed normies have at least a few of these missing.
This video was a total of 5 hours broken into half hour or hour naps, learn what you're talking about before you start circlejerking
wagie on the rage
>wake up everyday at 5am
>can't fall asleep before midnight
>decide to move waking up time to 7am
>now I can't fall asleep before 2am
Fuck this shit I'm tired all fucking day except the few hours before bed
Bunch of bitches.
I get 4-7 every day.
What? I get 3-5 hours of sleep a night after getting drunk 7 days a week. And I work in construction. What kind of pussy can't sleep less than 8 hours a night and be finr?
I'm the same way. if I try to sleep more than 6 hours max my body revolts
if I go to bed at 10 pm I wake up at 4 am 100% of the time.
Wagecuck already defensive about the fact that some people are able to relax and enjoy life just lol
Anyone tried following this thing?
I typically get 5 hours sleep a night and am a barely functioning 'adult'. Check-mate normie.
i always wondered how NEETs can face the fact that not only they dont contribute anything, but also leech on their parents wellfare?
Only a solitary NEET without any human contact could try that and if they're one they'd have no reason to hack their brain.
If you are use to 8 hours every night your sleep cycle will be super fucked if you go down to 5 making you really tired. If you normally sleep 5 then your body adjust and goes into REM faster.
I can see why this kid is struggling because he isnt going into REM which is your most restful sleep but if he kept it up for another week he would probably feel fine after 5 hours. Still best to get 8.
>All these total try hard dumb fucking faggots thinking that getting little sleep makes them some sort of badass
Im laughing at all of you who dont get a minimum of 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night every night
These are the same people who think it's gay to eat vegetables and drink water.
The more sleep you need, the more intelligent and creative you are. People who only sleep 4 hours are elderly alzeihmers patients and Donald Trump, who very well may fit into that category.
>dont contribute anything
I am doing my best to be happy and that's what matters. I dont feel like getting bossed around by another human just to get some money :)
>but also leech on their parents wellfare
Parents could always kick one out. But some just dont do that
You couldn't achieve what my boi Donald did in 10 lifetimes, no matter what starting conditions you had. Back to plebbit now scum.
I'd imagine someone like a farmer could make use of it, or some other solitary job with a free schedule. Altho I'm not sure how combining heavy labor with very little sleep would pan out.
why would you sleep 5?
sleep cycles are 1.5hrs, you'd want 3, 4.5, or 6hrs if you were gonna do it right
what a retard lmao
TRIGGERED. Donald Trump is a fucking idiot who can't string a sentence together. He is representative of morons who think they're badasses because there's little information for their brain to process they can survive on 4 hours sleep.
Idk, when I was in basic training i remember weeks with far less than 5 hours a day. Really felt like shit but come one, nobody dies from that.
I contribute to society by spending money lil wagie. I bet you feel so proud of being cucked and miserable, because the more miserable and sleep starved the better!
4-5 hours after weekend almost always with a migraine during the day
rises up to 7 hours during week
10-12 hours at weekend
Feels like I have some undiagnosed sleep disorder because if I ever feel like I had enough sleep I fall asleep 2 hours later the next night so I can never have enough sleep for 3 days in a row unless I fuck up my sleep times.
Some people are blessed by genetics and only need 4 hours a night. Normal people get problems if they go below 7 and need 8 or so to work at optimal levels.
In that case he doesn't really have an excuse. That schedule is designed to trick your brain into not showing the usual signs of fatigue.
Sure they do. More time for raids is always worth it
HS I lived off 4-6 hours the whole time!
I use to have that!
How many shits do you have to take at work the next day!?
Main reason I quit is next day I'll be shitting like 6 times from dehydration.
I can sleep whenever I want and the desired duration is something I choose myself too.
That's the sweet life of a NEET, no responsibilities like your good old sheep.
>6 20 minute naps throughout the day
haha I remember that episode of Seinfeld, Kramer was so funny in it
Who else comfy neet 10h a night here
Eh, I need at least 12 to not feel retarded.
As an insomniac that doesn't like medication because dependant, this guy is a pussy. I regularly get 3 hours a day more on good days less on bad days. I try to sleep more on weekends but it doesn't really work.
Also look up "the sleepless elite"
exactly 10
feels comfy man
I don't think ive ever seen a wagie cope this hard. You feel like shit, but you will never admit it. You unironically think you are a special snowflake for having a sleeping disorder? Hahaha, get real.
Don't get me wrong it fucking sucks, but what I'm saying is that the guys reaction is stupid, he is fine