lets have a thread for dudes that have sex, gfs, and do cool things.
Anyway, I went hiking while in Arizona for work, it was great. I can post more pics if you all are interested
lets have a thread for dudes that have sex, gfs, and do cool things.
Anyway, I went hiking while in Arizona for work, it was great. I can post more pics if you all are interested
girl I went with
no normies in here?
I got a fuck buddy but other than that don't do anything too exciting. I should probably go out though, I live in Utah and have never visited any of the national parks.
This is a picture of a normies house during the night
you should. That part of the country really is beautiful
no one cares you mongoloid
What're you tryna do here son, don't come on our board if you intend to pollute it with your normie shit.
cry more, virgins
Stroke ur ego a little harder fuckass
I got my black belt today
The only stroking that goes on is my cock from the next girl I'm banging
Overwhelmingly, no.
my PENIS is at lest 20 TIMES BIGGER THAN Chad Cockington
Normie!!! what are you doing on my board
He's not a normie he's just a retarded poster trying to get a rise out of someone
whatever dickface
It's retard newfag
what's with all the triggered virgins?
Just get off this board. Tons of guys are dating girls and doing cool stuff. Why would we care about you?
just making a general, don't be a mad virgin
is that a man or a woman? It has no curves or ass so I cannot really tell
OP, i'm under your floorboards tick tock...
You seem to think the only people angry at you are jealous when the exact opposite is true. Nobody cares about the fact that you hang out with girls, or go places because they aren't interesting. The fact that you think either of these things are worth discussing on their own really just speaks to the size of your ego. There is no need to make a thread, let alone a general for the purpose of bragging about normal activities. You can feel free to dismiss everyone that wishes you would stop as "mad virgins" but the fact of the matter is that you're diluting the board with useless, generic content.
I basically agree with user, why is sex, girlfriends, & cool things equated? sex can make babies=a sin. user is my girlfriend, and ya I do cool stuff-but i'd rather u gtfo
>they fell for the bait
Come on now lads.
this is actually the worst thread that's every been on r9k I hope you feel guilty
virgin comment
I know op came here because of the incel shit and is a normie, what his purpose in the thread was wasn't even to stroke his ego-it was simply to make people feel bad
another virgin comment
op, you may have had my respect if you were some kind of self actualized normie that didn't feel the need to come here and shit on us
Arizona is beautiful I wish it wasn't so hot so I could hike down there. Alaska is a great place to hike though
woah dude you got me lmao
he's posted this exact thread on tv and int too
when did I post it on /tv/?
>I can post more pics if you all are interested
Absolutely! I've been wanting to get out west to visit Monument Valley, Arches National Park, or one of those places in the near future.
>no normies in here?
I'm here.
>no one cares you mongoloid
I care, so your statement is objectively false.
>our board
When are you incelbots going to get over this delusion of the board being 'yours'.
> Implying you could do better.
> Implying you could date a landwhale.
> Implying you could even date a man.
>You seem to think the only people angry at you are jealous when the exact opposite is true.
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? You're so seething with even right now that your mom's basement is flooding with your butt-tears.
>but the fact of the matter is that you're diluting the board with useless, generic content.
Yea, we need more room for threads about how women deserve to get raped followed by incel crybabies going "I don't understand why the normies won't leave us alooon! We didt do nuffins!"
was i wrong? lol
>seething with even
Gah, should have said 'seething with envy'. Multitasking is not my strong suit.
yeah, here is more form the hike
My roommate and I have small gatherings of like 10 people every Saturday night, I guess I can post here.
Yea, I definitely gotta get off my ass and get out there. Is it real bad in the summertime or does the lack of humidity make it tolerable?