Why didn't the world listen?
He went through all that effort to get his message heard, and was summarily ignored. And everything he said came true.
Why didn't the world listen?
He went through all that effort to get his message heard, and was summarily ignored. And everything he said came true.
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Because society is beyond saving, degeneracy is rampant and endless hedonism is what most are seeking.
Turns out blowing people up isn't that great for a movement's PR. Who would have thought?
we the neets are actually doing the good thing, accelerating the fall of society
what was his message?
Positive hedonism is the future even if the individual doesn't know what it is. Atleast you can addapt or be part of the "different ones".
This, Teddy was too autistic to realize this.
lol im not gonna read pages worth of text by some mad man
how about u read the first few sentences then cunt
pass that joint
Hit that shit all the way home
drugs are degenerate, uncle ted wouldnt approve
Well it should be. It's not Teddy's fault that most people are too plebeian to get it.
if he hadnt he would be just a weirdo in the woods for all the normies care
1) Technological society is inherently anti-human.
2) Almost any activity you could think of aside from hunting and gathering is a displacement activity and therefore wrong. Math included.
3) Only the teachings of anarcho-primitivism can save mankind.
Is ir wrong that i hold very similar beliefs?
Yeah but it's not like anyone was clamoring to read his manifesto to begin with. He was an irl T-800 terminator sent to btfo those making the tech that would end the world. All these years later, we're beginning to see that he is right.
Feudalism sucks donkey dick though. For all the problems that insdutrialization brought we've mostly ironed it all out. We're just left with some rather weird issues at the moment but we'll move on from them. I see no reason to abandon 200 years worth of progress just go to back to serfdom toiling away at the fields while the Lord's son comes to fuck my sister whenever he wishes.
hes not arguing for feudalism retard
i was talking about the shit that the dude wrote for fucks sake
Muh feudalism meme argument.
You fucking austists with that argument.
>just go to back to serfdom toiling away at the fields while the Lord's son comes to fuck my sister whenever he wishes.
What do you think capitalism is, except you don't even know who your lord is so you can't go and stab him in the neck while he sleeps when he gets too bad?
Because he was wrong and communism is the future.
>Ok guys, let's all go live like cavemen.
>Remember, we have to be cavemen so any sort of social organisation or useful technology is out
>Um, did I say you could establish a hierarchy to streamline food production? I don't believe I did. You're gonna have to stop that now.
>permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine
LOL thanks for the business plan Uncle Ted
literally limiting society to small tribes would eliminate all those problems
>Like stop grouping up with the Water Buffalo tribe, you guys
>Literally don't do it
>We need to stay small
>like if its too big there will probably be conflict and it will divide again
>like humans evolved to live in those exact societies
>I have no way of enforcing what I'm asking you to do but if you'll read my manifesto you'll understand that you need to self-limit along the lines I'm saying
theres already way too many people to do it currently, we would have to kill 90% of the population. But thats already in progress really, our life styles make us weak and sick, and i really doubt the western society will hold up for the nest 200 years. We will simply run out of resources.
The manifesto isnt a plan, it points out whats already happening
If the technology is limited, societies naturally stay a certain size too.