Mmorpg for us robots to start together.. Yesterday there was an mmoprg thread and some of you guys wanted to play together. You still up? If so the best thing we could do is to add each other on discord.
Mmorpg for us robots to start together...
Other urls found in this thread:
Dunno bro. Nobody likes MMOs right now.
I posted about discords and I'm up for it if it's more than me and someone else
:/ lets hope that there are more people who wants to join us.. And yeah most mmorpgs are garbage sadly but playing them together could be fun still?...
I really want to find someone to play dark souls with. If anyone's interested, discord: yeah_max#4161
Also am keen to play anything mmorpg or mprpg if it's cheap enough too
Why not learn to program and create your own MMO that is robot friendly?
Hell of a work + expensive
here is my discord if anyone is interested in playing mmorpgs together, feel free to join. We don't know which mmorpg we want to play though
Kaneru#0928 add me guys.
bump again oreg ano, _;_,
What MMO are we talking about?
Anyways here is my discord EscorSpoon#2276
that is a good question maybe bdo?
There's this cool MMORPG I'm playing: it's called real life.
Oh I hate it
Are there any good MMORPGS these days?
avoid it. even though the graphics are amazing and run smoothly, the player base is extremely toxic.
Mabinogi.Pro or ToS get my vote
ToS has no endgame though.
depends on your taste.
So? We just use it as a vehicle to hang out
Why not Black Desert Online?
Got really burnt out on it
Is it free? I'm fucking poor
Guild Wars 2. Comfy community and free to play since 2015.
I like dis idea
around 5 euros,
we can't play through all content though?
You can play through all content before the expansions
Alright you fucking fags I'll say this again.
Wurm Unlimited
We need a serverfag to host but it is the perfect game for robots
>like minecraft + runescape
>autistic interaction system
>you can live as a hermit in the woods, but you also can create a village together and bro it up
>huge variety of skills so if you choose to live with others you will find your niche
>huge maps so you could potentially not see another person ever
>comfy as fuck building, you can build gigantic castles or cuck shacks, you can color lights, you can sail around the globe with your bros
>grind is autistic by default to keep normies away but can be changed since servers are player hosted
>runs on a toaster
>only 1 buck on resellers because it was in a humble bundle
sounds good, is it hard to get a server running?
Not really, its a pretty basic. If people are interested I can get a pirate server and game files.
Firefall is still dead, nothing else is worth playing
Villagers and Heroes, it sucks and its free
Nice original graphics
we are currently 3 people, idk maybe destiny 2? It only costs 10 $, or maybe warframe
Id play an mmorpg
>destiny 2
don't do that to yourselves, that game is terrible. the game is a downgrade from the first one which already was mediocre at best
I'm up for what said
have you got a discord server or have you lot just been adding each other?
This is the best suggestion however upkeep must be extremely dedicated. It won't work without that especially in a game where it takes literal days to make basic shit like a raft.
Uh i just added OP
I have a discord server can't link it though r9k sees it as spam Kaneru#0928
If it's free then sure why not
>We plan to release a new, fresh realm the 23rd of June.
r9k guild ???
I was thinking of playing realm of the mad god, finding a rs2006 server, or Mabinogi
Shit yeah realm of the mad god, those times were good. It's free and runs on a toaster
Sounds like a pretty decent idea
I'm down for it
Why don't you guys play ArcheAge on the ArcheRage private server?
If you want a place to build a comfy farm in, it's great, you might not be relevant in endgame PvP at this point, but you can still do small scale pirating and the rest of the content.
This is another good option but only if it's really populated (compare to the Nostalrius numbers of 10k+, that's about how many players you need in the gameworld for it to feel lively), and if you start playing right at the start so you're not too far from the progression curve (and you have to accept that people will start leaving after they reach endgame like they do on all of these "fresh" servers). I'm not sure what the Light's Hope devs are like now, they used to be the exact same scamming retarded cunts as the Elysium devs.
The only MMOs worth playing these days are WoW, FF and Runescape.
well in the discord server we've decided on guild wars 2, add this guy for an invite
it will be really populated.
and it's just the best option for vanilla right now. i'm sure devs are up to some shady stuff but lightshope have been running smooth for months with very little lag or downtime. naxx release was perfect
If you're still there user, could i get a link to where you're getting it so cheap from? I cant pay $20 for it but i could do like $5 or less
>>and it's just the best option for vanilla right now
Oh I don't doubt that at all, I just don't want Jow Forums to make friends and have a nice community going and then to have the rug pulled under them, I haven't really been paying attention to WoW ever since the Russian fucks killed off Nost/Anathema by making a new server.
I found it on G2a for less than a dollar. I can't buy it today though, stores are closed and i don't have a credit/debit card
I just want to make some friends
well what are you waiting for, join the server
Hey robots, check this out
Let's play some good oldschool 2007 WoW together!
any of u anons heard of Elite: Dangerous? personally I think its a great space mmorpg, but the learning curve is kinda steep
Any of you guys play Tera, or R6 siege?
i play siege, i'm pretty bad at it though