Why do you keep lifting? I think I hit rock bottom
>the culmination of all the lifting and dieting and approaching over 150 girls in 6 months was smashing a 4/10 titcow Mexican gorda last night, my only smash >I ravaged her as if she were a 10 and she squirted a half gallon on my bed after eating her out with a passion (pussy was clean and decent desu) and finger blasting her >she wrapped her legs around me like a python and pulled me in missionary for hot steamy thrusting >choked her out until she gagged >the 2nd round I couldn't even cum after 45 mins do to partial ED from finasteride. My dick keeps going soft and suffocated in condom >In between rounds I say I bet you think I had a better body (bulking no abs) yeah I'll have abs by summer as I look in the mirror and she sits there like wtf with a huge fat gut >bitch leaves and doesn't even text back when she gets home >reality hits home this bitch is a solid 4 and the only one out of 150 to have sex with me #contemplating suicide
I know this feel bro, just embrace isolation and eventually youll forget about it
Camden Williams
this guy is why I keep lifting
>serve in Finnish Army, Waffen SS, then multiple US Special Forces Groups and later MACVSOG, the ultimate black ops group the world has seen so far, because your one goal in life is to kill as many fucking communists as possible How could a man possibly get anymore based?!
How unaproachable of a human being do you have to be? Good heavens. 150 is low btw. Assuming you're going out once a week to at least 3 different bars it should be 150 a month.
Isaac Bell
Lauri Torni/Larry Thorne
Carter Scott
>MACVSOG I think Blaha was in the very same outfit. Tough shit.
Isaiah Baker
>has sex >complains about
My dude some of us will never see a bare vulva in their lives.
Noah Adams
Angel Flores
What can I do so I don't end up like OP. Where can I meet girls and stuff so I don't scare them away during sex
>When you hate commies so much you join 3 separate armies just to kill them
Juan Bailey
>Why do you keep lifting? It's simple, i just wanted to be stronger. So i will keep lifting until i have the strength to carry any of my loved ones (the heaviest one is about 275lbs). If something ever happens to them, i don't want to be unable to help them just because i'm too weak.
Ryan Perez
because I was fat my whole life and I fucking hate myself so I hurt myself constructively. I'm at a good place at my life. Regular women, steady job and shit, but at the end of the day I look in the mirror and say "You can do better, you can be stronger"
Jordan Davis
Jesus christ man. What's your height? Face/10?
Asher Ortiz
>approach 150 girls >0.75% success rate >4/10 goblina Is this a meme? Go hang out at a Starbucks by your local community college and talk to girls there. I refuse to believe that you faggots are this autistic that you can't land an average girl after 150 tries
Camden Carter
Jow Forums is basically 120lbs personalities trapped in 190lbs bodies.