>tfw all your friends do is drop paragraphs and essays on you about shit you don't care about
>tfw they never ask you about your life
>tfw "talking" to them feels like you're just acting as a diary to their life
stop being friends with sissy white boys from r9k and V
what's going on in your life you want to talk about?
You're describing pretty much everyone on the internet post-facebook.
I've stopped adding people from these threads. I was never a good friend, anyway. I'm getting so bored of video games but I have nothing else in my life.
Kikery. The people that sell games can charge you an amount of money and they don't even have to give you some cart anymore, they don't have to ship it, pay to have it shelved, they just pick a random price and producers make infinity now.
They did this to avoid people sharing games, to avoid the internet being a library as it should be, where people just communicate data. They use the social aspect to advertise, as advertising agencies know and have for a while the real reason someone buys something is due to what the other people they care about buy. Like with fashion there are sub cultures, they want you to feel that you have a group of friends there. Real advertisement is them pretending they are your friend, faux smiles, letter from kikego saying "we miss you" is the type of bullshitery that they've been doing for a long time now, after putting billions into watching how we behave so they can learn how to be mentalists that control our minds.
Don't like it silly omega male? *bans incels from the internet*
Maybe you should just kill yourself deviant XD
>oy vey they argue with logic and aren't biased enough
>the sheep might follow them, use bad fashion to turn them away from them
>*fedora made of tin foil*
>oy vey oy vey obey obey obey obey
What's even the point of your faggoty threads? It's blatant advertising.
Nothing. I'd just rather talk about something I can actually make conversation with like similar games we play or something actually of interest. Not an essay behind what's going on in your anime phone game or SHIT from games I have zero clue about. Nor do I care about board games or the best arcade locations in America. They're good people at the heart but I really don't care about our "conversations."
I just need to vent.
/short boyz/
>What's even the point of your faggoty threads?
To vent. And let off feels from Steam.
They just sound like talkative people. I understand how you feel though, if you had someone to talk to about meaningful things as well you'd enjoy those friends more.
You sound like the selfish one here
>I understand how you feel though
How did you deal with those friends? Sometimes I want to remove them but they don't deserve to have their feelings hurt so some days I'll just keep my preferences offline until I feel like I can handle more articles about lore from games I don't care about or other mundane stuff.
I know that's what it sounds like. Sometimes I even ask myself if I'm a schizoid or a narcissist until I remember I have some friends that I genuinely enjoy. These are strange feels.
>tfw they never ask you about your life
I like to listen to other people and help them in what I can, but I am donkey and empty, some people that I met stoped talking to me because of it. This is a reason for me to know other people, I only know new things by talking to other people.
Make sure you don't have too many friends, for one thing. I find the more people I have to talk to, the less I want to talk. Just stay offline or don't say anything if you don't wish to, you aren't obligated to until you feel like it, as long as you don't constantly ignore them. If you really don't want to talk to them ever, ignoring them isn't doing any favors and it would be better to just get rid of them.
tfw very few (2) friends................................... sigh................................................. guess this is how it ends......................... alone
I don't have many. Only 8.
>If you really don't want to talk to them ever, ignoring them isn't doing any favors and it would be better to just get rid of them.
Is that really right though? We've been friends for a year and they've been really nice to me so now I feel like I'm in some type of debt to repay that friendship, like I've dug myself to my own hell. Thanks for reading by the way, I hate loading my problems on others and now I probably seem like a hypocrite for throwing blogs your way.
You shouldn't keep that up. No one. No actual human being is an empty person with zero content. You're probably just too shy to reveal your own interests.
Never trust anyone ever from here. Ever.
I purge my friends list on steam once a year at least
No one bothers to even try to readd me
Used to bother me but now feels kind of comfy
I feel like thats kind of the goal
Getting over shit bothering you and feeling comfy about it instead
There's a lot of shitty people to shovel through but not everyone from here is bad. I met some of my best friends from here.
You don't owe them that. Friendships aren't a contract, it's something that occurs because two people enjoy their time together. If you don't feel that anymore, then they've stopped being your friend a while ago. You're hurting them more by keeping them around when you don't want it anymore. Decide if it's all of them or just one or two, and think hard if you're just in a mood or if you really feel this way and have for a while now.
You're welcome, I don't think you're a bad person and I don't think you're blogging. You have a lot bottled up and so I enjoy talking if it helps you.
Yeah, me too. But some people here go out of their way to ruin you. I'm just bitter.
Wanna tell us about it? This is a Steam Feel thread after all.
Thanks for clearing this up, user. I will certainly keep it on my mind.
official /sft/ discord
Probably because the sane thing to do after someone removes you is not add them back since they probably did it for a reason. No point in beating a dead horse.
Fuck off.
you only have two friend because you type like a clingy homo
No problem, I hope things get better. I'm here if you need someone to talk to that's not part of your current friends
What the fuck is wrong these faggots who don't show their games
How am i supposed to know if you can be a friend if i don't even know what games you play
this is the worst discord ive ever fucking seen stupid drama poster
How was your walk?
>>tfw all your friends
>your friends
>Robots can't have friends
You need to go back.
You shouldn't add people with private profiles. If they're from here then they'll most likely state what games they'd like to play before posting their profile.
>le le i hav 0 frens i am trubot :^)
fuck off
Some people just don't like showing their profile to strangers.
Anyone who uses anime steam avatar is even less human than normalfag.
Not them but a true robot is a person with Schizoid Personality Disorder. A person who hates being around people and finds genuine comfort in being alone since they're so broken. Anything else is just a failed normalfag.
>hehe i'm shy
>no you can't see my games
What? Is it even possible to have a public profile while hiding your games? If so that's new to me then.
>no actual human being is an empty person with zero content
That's just plain untrue.
>you're just too shy to reveal your own interests
again he may not have any. I don't. People definitely can be empty user.
Kill yourself oreganally Hal
Not them but you're telling me you have literally no interests? How the fuck do you pass the time? What's a normal day look like for you?
Damn, there's a lot of nice people in this thread. Or maybe a few, and they're just fond of posting. I wish I could find someone like this to talk to... Usually, I get added by people with whom I don't seem to fit. Quite depressing.
Not them dramafag. Now fuck out of this comfy thread with your bullshit.
hang yourselves with your normie discord drama fucking underages
Histrionics like you cannot be robots.
You are worse enemy than normalfags to robots or any chan autist.
>wake up
>browse r9k all day
>refresh threads indefinitely
That's about it. I listen to music while doing so but sometimes not even that.
Go back to plebbit, normalfaggot scum
I don't have SPD. I'm saying those do with it are true robots.
any NA wana play World of Warshits or mechwarrior online with me?
I have like 3 people on steam and none of us play anything together.
>If you're browsing r9k, you're most likely looking for threads that appeal to you
>genuine taste for music
You just listed two interests that I can leak conversation from.
How do I make conversation out of lurking r9k all day and rarely posting though?
>genuine taste for music
Follow up by how do I make music a conversational topic outside of maybe 2 or 3 replies asking whether x has listened to y or not?
>Usually, I get added by people with whom I don't seem to fit. Quite depressing.
I know this feel too well. What type of person are you looking for? I doubt I'd fit the agenda but I don't mind listening.
kys Hal
Aw, you're nice. Well, err, I'll be honest: I kinda don't know. Often whenever I want to talk to someone, I kinda just get this feeling of wanting to talk naturally, if that makes sense. Usually I notice all sorts of lulls in conversation and I feel like I'm trying to interrogate whoever happens to be on the other end. I have a bunch of anxiety-inducing situations in my life, no real strong interests, a wish to start experimenting more with the things I like... Eh, I'm a big gray maybe at the moment that's too lazy to move in any direction.
>How do I make conversation out of lurking r9k all day and rarely posting though?
Why do you browse this hellhole?
What type of threads do you like seeing?
How do you feel about the nu-/b/ state of this board? Or all the gay threads? Etc, etc. Almost any topic can be milked until you eventually get to know yourself which is why I say it's impossible to be a human with zero interests or personality.
>Follow up by how do I make music a conversational topic
That's one I still don't know. People usually try to rub off their music tastes on each other until they find something they can both agree on and talk about.
>why do you browse this hellhole?
wiz is slow & hikki is gone it seems.
>what type of threads do you like seeing
frog n feel is good. along with autistic things you do otherwise I just lurk whatever threads are active usually.
>how do you feel about the nu-/b/ state of this board?
It's sad but expected.
>gay threads
Equally expected given the first question and amount of norms here.
I don't feel I learned an especially lot about myself. Let alone enough to conversate with others about the board.
>people try to rub off their music tastes on each other
I think that's what I do when I did try talking with others. I'd just send them various music I listen to. It never did turn into conversation topics though.
I genuinely can't think of a single thing to say to others usually in conversations so for all intents and purposes I'd say I'm rather empty socially.
>I kinda just get this feeling of wanting to talk naturally, if that makes sense
I think it does. Do you mean you want to talk as if you two were already friends for a while? So far this post kind of reminds me of myself. Does your anxiety usually prevent you from making friends?
More like, I want to find a person that I can talk to naturally. I haven't really found people like that often, and when I did, we'd stop talking for the stupidest of reasons, or they'd ghost me, or something like that. I feel like I lack personality when talking to others, and that my actual unwillingness to do stuff (whether due to anxiety or... whatever else) reflects on the way I carry across in conversation. I don't know what to talk about, really. A lot of people watch anime, play games, read. All I got is a crappy laptop and every day I stop and consider just which direction I want to take, even if it's just to see if there are new things I like. I don't know how to talk to people because I don't know what to talk about, if that makes sense? I just start asking them myself. Anyway, do you experience stuff like this?
Steam is a bad platform for finding friends nowadays, and discord feels worse
>Steam is a bad platform for finding friends
Except it's not?
>and discord feels worse
That's because it is. All Discord is is a hierarchy for circle-jerking and memes and attracts "those" types of people.
wow, in hindsight, this post is very dumb. Naturally = yeah, talk like we were friends. Sorry, not feeling too great at the moment.
steam nowadays is all underage idiots desu
You are aware that Steam is home to millions of people right? I'm sorry you keep running into underages because I certainly haven't. Just old men in their early 30's.
ive got bad luck desu
>tfw building terraria town solo
>so bad at designing that i can only take other people's designs
>my whole town is just a collage of different people's work
how do i find frens
>I feel like I lack personality when talking to others
I know these feels. I feel like when I try to make conversation they don't really care and I'm trying way too hard to force it, it feels really awkward. I actually do watch anime and play games and I still don't know what to talk about. This might not be the best example but what worked for me was I decided to drink on one night and got pretty ballsy but I actually started having conversations with my friends. After that night I knew I could just talk to them without any worries.
>and when I did, we'd stop talking for the stupidest of reasons
What were those, user?
>I just start asking them myself
I do that. Sometimes I even ask them how we feel about our friendship because I can't help but notice a disconnect sometimes.
You don't. Embrace solitude and suffer.
Add people from whatever communities you're a part of. In you liked playing with someone in a game, send them a friend request. Invite them to play again some time. Talk to them, get to know each other. If the interaction persists for a while, you found a friend.
add me fag
fuck me, I'm retarded
>wiz is slow & hikki is gone it seems.
How long have you been a wizard, user? Are you comfy or suicidal?
>along with autistic things you do
Those threads always deliver some good keks. Have you ever contributed with your own?
>I don't feel I learned an especially lot about myself. Let alone enough to conversate with others about the board.
That's why you make a friend who has no problem initiating with you first until you're comfortable enough with yourself and them.
> I'd just send them various music I listen to. It never did turn into conversation topics though.
That's their own fault then since you tried. Whenever my friends would send me music I'd give them my honest opinion about it before telling them what I listen to. It's almost crazy how easy a conversation starts up.
>I'd say I'm rather empty socially.
You're just not thinking out the box of anxiety, son.
>stupidest of reasons
Back when I was a teenager, it was retarded shit. I'd suddenly decide I wasn't good enough friends with people and just go on a massive delete-fest. Nowadays, I can think of things like... me forgetting a password to an account due to changing them constantly and not being able to recover it, or like... someone has exams, and then after we stop talking for a while, they don't really feel like chatting. It's silly.
No joke, how do you have that level of social... I'd call it audacity I guess? But 'balls' might be the better term... Anyway, how do you manage to ask them stuff about your friendship directly?
Also, do you mind taking this talk to private? Steam, discord, etc. You seem nice and I don't want a random jannie to come wreck this thread out of the blue.
also you posted watashi so you get extra points in my book
>how long have you been a wizard user?
I'm actually 21 so I believe I'd be a mage or apprentice rather than a proper wizard. But essentially ever since elementary school.
>Have you ever contributed with your own?
of course, I posted in the last thread that was up today with my autistic actions.
>make a friend who has no problem initiating with you first
But don't you usually need to advertise yourself to make friends, or be socially capable in general? Seems like that'd be the first hurdle let alone maintaining conversations afterwords.
Regarding the music part I assumed they never listened to the stuff for the most part but I don't blame them. I send various genres so it's not really assured they'd have been interested in any of them.
>you're not thinking out of the box of anxiety son
No arguments there, I rarely think as it is. Let alone outside any sort of metaphorical box.
Does Jow Forums play anything fun
hoi4 and eu4 if they qualify as fun yes.
That's not fun. Those are just autism games
Only other game I really play is running with rifles.
Any rising storm 2 fags here?
I run it in 40fps at lowest but it's the most fun game i ever played
shit man, shit
i want to play a good fucking game but i have a trash comp
any suggestions?
Don't buy a game. Save up for a better computer.
see OP, the problem is that you're just too good of a person. clearly people reside in you and find you understanding. that doesn't mean that they will listen to you though. people be like that sometimes.
is it friend collecting season?
No. Don't be shit.
I wish the multiplayer communities of today were similar to those of 10 years ago...
Is Midair good? I miss playing Tribes: Ascend with /v/
good afternoon balla dope pushers
grove street OGs come to do damage
the building shit in fortnite is really autistic, but at least fun to play with my (one) friend
>Yeah, me too. But some people here go out of their way to ruin you. I'm just bitter.
how? i'v always had the paranoia of that
people here suck
I woke up one day screaming about how life is going to end, and it did.
What is steamfeel? Is it just steam for Jow Forums?
no, shit game. Terrible artwork and the weapons are garbage.
Fine. fine. fine, no friend collecting.