Give me one good reason why don't have a job

Give me one good reason why don't have a job.
>hurrr durr disurberaty.
Walmart hires tards and cripples. I know this because I've seen it and it's also kinda their thing.
>M-Muh D-depression
Most people are depressed and have anxiety in general. It's nothing new and it sure as pudding wouldn't stop you from getting a job.
Fastfood work.

So what's your meme excuse today?

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Why would anyone want to be a wageslave?

I live in a third world shithole town and there is no such thing as a fast food shop over here.

don't need or want one, and I don't really mesh well with people

I don't want to work, that's all

There's always going to be someone who wants or even needs the job more than me.

I dont care about you normies
>I don't want to work, that's all

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>walmart hires
got rejected back when I cared more than once
life is shit fag
>no skills fast food
Rejected multiple times fag.
The word excuse is s buzzwword meant to destroy freethought.

I don't want to work and I don't have to.

To this day, not one ragiewagie has EVER refuted this piece of philosophy. NOT. ONCE.

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Wageslave here.
High paying job with lots of responsibilities
Pride of the family, the kind of job that makes people react in awe when you mention it.
Studied a long time for it.
Then edured many shitty jobs before I landed this one.
Know where this all lead me?
Yeah I'm currently facing depression. Something I tried my best to avoid. Something I thought would never happen to me. No matter how low or high profile your job his, a job is a job. whether it's a McDonald's or in an engineering office, it's the same miserable people, the same tiring pressure, the same self-destructive stress. All I want is freedom from this hell and I know I will never get it, because it's either become a poor NEET with 0 income to achieve any kind of project or get lots of money in return for your very soul, which sucks all passion and motivation out of you.
Now I understand many in my situation are happy and I am merely sharing my own experience, my own perspective, but never let anyone tell you any job is gonna save you. The only patht o happiness is doing exactly what you want to do, but you gotta do something. If what you've always wanted to do is take your backpack and get on the run, do that. If what you always wanted to do was help the poor, do that. Don't ever let anyone tell you job stability, social advantages and a nice house are gonna get you peace. I have all of that and the stress coming from keeping it all from falling apart has utterly destroyed me. Don't do what you're told to do. This is the puppet master's trick.

Nobody who is happy with their lifestyle spend their time bullying those who are not as fortunate as them.
Wageslaves and NEETs are equally miserable.

I'm scared

I have a job and it's one of the major sources of my depression. So I wouldn't necessarily be super ancy to jump on the wagecuck train.

>Most people are depressed and have anxiety in general. It's nothing new and it sure as pudding wouldn't stop you from getting a job.
>most people have anxiety
yeah man that's why 8 billion people are lying around on their beds thinking that it will never get better and that it's pointless to try.

THEY DON'T WANT ME MAN. Even Wendy's doesn't want me and I'm a 23 year old non fat or ugly white girl. The job market is oversaturated as fuck with old people and foreigners, you're fucked unless you know somebody or your family owns a business, THEY TOOK OUR JOBS DAMMIT

How about you tell me one reason to have a job?

I totally agree that working is a waste of life and I'd much rather just do whatever I want, but I don't have anyone who would support me so I gotta support myself
and honestly NEETs who hole up in their room waste the opportunity of no responsibilities.

I know right?
My only most sincere wish is that life wasn't so dependant on money itself, because I have tried the NEET life and it really wasn't better. I've become so desperate that I trully wish I'd win the lottery, become a filthy fucking billionaire and never work a single fucking goddamn day in my entire life, using my ressources to do everything I've ever wanted without the pressure of having to save energy for Goldstein. It's ridiculous because even then, I'd probably not be happier, because money will never make you happier, but we all need it anyways. No money=do nothing=depression=misery. Too much money=get things too easily=do nothing=depression=misery. Working=no free time, no energy=depression=misery.
I see no way out anymore. I spent years lying to myself that things would eventually get better and I sincerely still hope they will. I do sport to keep my mood better, I am about to do therapy, I changed my diet, I stopped drinking and smoking weed and I do so much to get my hope back, but it's the state of the world itself that disgust me, the fact that no matter what I do, I'll still be a slave to this goddamn machine destroying the world. That no matter what I do, I'm still in the eyesight of Sheckelstein and all he's ever gonna do is dedicate 100% of his efforts to drag me back into the machine whatever I do.
Where do we go from there? I seriously don't know anymore. Fuck the NEET life, Fuck wageslaving, fuck EVERYTHING!


Money can buy you stuff you want.

Stuff you want makes you happy to own.

The cycle continues.

I already bought everything I wanted.

I filed for disability and got it even though I am not really that disabled and can work. I am just sick of working for the jews all my life and never getting anywhere because life is rigged and if you aren't born in the top percentile of wealthy families your life is going to be nothing but hardships and suffering all while making shekels for Mr. Greenburg and I am privileged to get a tiny few to live off of.

You're a bunch of jewish slaves. OP is the worst, I bet you are a jewish shill, and that's a best case scenario. I sincerely hope you aren't an average Joe here telling us to slave for kike bosses to make money off our labor. I hope you aren't so far gone into the lies of "you can work hard and beeee yurself and anything you want tooo beee".

Want a secret? Hard work isn't rewarded. It's abused. The hardest workers are kept on the bottom because that's all the are, a hard worker. The only way to move up in any industry is to know someone and get promoted that way, it doesn't matter how hard you work, you will be nothing unless you know people and are well liked.

I bet you are even branded like cattle and have your foreskin cut off.

Because I'm equally miserable with or without a job, at least with a job I can afford to get drunk.

As long as my cuck government pays me to attend uni classes twice a week and I got some savings left, I'm not going to bother.

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Don't want one. Why work to fund something you don't enjoy?

Next year there will be something new you want.

you could always save up and start your own business.

and get destroyed by taxes and upkeep. Don't get started on paying employees when kids these days want $15 an hour fresh out of high school just to pick their nose and go on their phones instead of do their jobs, let alone side work like cleaning their work space.

This is a true post. I wish I had conditions to be able to file for disability or NEET bux.

I'm a straight white male. Nobody wants straight white males these days.

i dont want to work.
is this a satisfactory reason?

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How can you get rejected in fast food??

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Do anything you want that doesn't cost over twenty bucks. Hanging out with poor adult children is so embarrassing when you all decide to do something on a whim like a ski trip or a nice meal and they can't. Yikes.

Ive worked at small retail stores and Chipotle myself and mc fucking Donalds has denied me multiple times when I was applying fir shit between jobs. Theres no logic to these things sometime its high rng.

Working a wagecuck job is gay as fuck.
I dont do gay shit.