How do you cope with depressing? asking for a friend tho

How do you cope with depressing? asking for a friend tho

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idk my dude I don't even know what it feels like but working out feels good as fuck so do that i guess

or go outside and talk to ppl idk do something just dont stay inside and be a depressed little shit

I exercise a lot. Staves off feelings of depression quite a bit. Also get plenty of sun light, a healthy diet, and a natural day/night sleep schedule. Sedentary modern lifestyle is making people sick.

Go see a mental health professional.

I try to pretend I have no feelings whatsoever, that i'm incapable of feeling happiness or saddness, numbness is not much better than pain, but it is more bearable

I hope your friend gets better, and I wish him/her all the best

Escapism of some sort to distract you
Can be anything from lifting to drawing to vidya

I personally just distract myself, I put 2 tv's on, one in the living room and one in my bedroom with only local news and stupid docuseries on respectively. I then pace back and forth between the two rooms sitting down occasionally with a book to read and possibly doing something with my hands other times usually card tricks. Very autistic I know but it helps me

Once it grips you, you are physically changed forever, at least for real depression which half the cases really aren't, you WILL relapse at some point, your life and brain has been damaged, you arent the same person anymore........

best tip I can give is to NEVER tell your friends you are depressed, they will ghost you eventually, learned the hard way...

change your lifestyle
work out, be hygienic, eat a good diet
when you look good, you feel good too
try going for walks early in the morning, it's nice to walk by yourself to clear your mind and think about stuff when it's cool in the morning. good luck to your friend user, hope all goes well

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For years, denial.
Then I accepted it and it's like all the despair and sadness and hatred I pushed back for years kept flooding in.
Then guilt and powerlessness. Then fear that I will never get through it.
It's fairly recent, but it happened after a endless stream of stressful changes of which none of them were my choice. First I was forced to move out of a home I was getting accustomed to, then pressure increased tenfold at work all of a sudden with no time for adjustement, then my roommate's pets died and I had to take a load of this, then apartment visits, then I had to buy a new car, which resetted my loan for another 5 years, then I crashed it a month later over a stupid lack of paying attention and then I get switched to night shift ehich is boring, lonely and is dramatically increasing my desire for suicide. All in the span of 2 months. I feel like I am being repeatitively punished for things I have never done and after seeing a psychologist, I was declared clynically depressed. It's funny because 2 months prior I felt fine, but with some digging, it turns out I was in denial for years. Funny how 2 months of nonstop shit can break a man apart and destroy the mask.
So now I do sports, stopped alcohol and drugs and am planning on finding a new job since this one contributes immensely to my sense of despair. What I can tell you OP is that depression feels like a prison, but it is not. Keep your eyes ob the goal and do what you must even if what you must feel far away and undoable. I hate jogging, but I force myself into it every morning and I do mean that I HATE it. I'd rather jerk off than do that stupid shit, but when I'm done, I feel great and it's good for my body and I need this. It's hard to cope and coping might be an escape. Only action can trully save you, even if it takes years before you feel good again. Don't give up.

you let go and let it manifest into a coping routine.

Spend most of your time working on productive hobbies, and use reactive hobbies like gaming, movies, Jow Forums/internet browsing only as self reward/downtime. You'll feel great when you're accomplishing something you enjoy and find rewarding. There's no high quite like when your hard work pays off. Eventually, try to turn those things that you really enjoy into your primary source of income so you can spend your days doing what you want to do, and not being a wageslave at a job you hate.

Stop thinking so much about it. Occupy your thoughts with something else, like reading, gaming, puzzles or whatever.

By improving your spelling. Lot more productive.

Lots of advice hinge on the depressed person being able to actually start getting the ball rolling. "Just start exercising" or "Eat well" are easy for some to implement, but for others there's a serious block preventing them from doing anything positive for themselves. If they already saw themselves in a semi-positive light then telling them to exercise would be fine because it's only a matter of figuring out what to do rather than "why" to do it. One here has really answered the why, just the how. And in my experience not even psychologists can really answer the why, they just tell you to act like you're not depressed and then you'll stop feeling depressed pretty much. "Fake it till you make it," but they were never able to motivate me to act like I'm not depressed in the first place. It's a vicious cycle and it fucking sucks

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This is the sad reality of depression. Nothing guarantees that you can and will get through, but the only thing we know for sure is only the afflicted can do it by himself. How depends on the person, why depends on, as you've said, nothing in particular and a guarantee of success is impossible to confirm. If I can confide, my biggrst fear is that I'll never make it since melancholy is my natural state and being undepressed takes every ounce of my energy VS the most innane of badluck throwing me back so it feels like I'm swimming against the current, but the "why" for me is that I don't want to die this way. I don't want to die at all, I won't let this stupid ass brain chemical imbalance be my downfall. Sounds stupid, but it's my one saving grace.

>How do you cope with depressing? asking for a friend tho
I got a goal, and something to push strive for.

But if you make a goal for yourself then you can fail to attain it, and you'll only tumble further into melancholy, thus making your next attempt to attain a goal even harder. For some it's a struggle to just stay where they are, let alone moving forward unfortunately

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contrary to popular belief, seeking help for your issues does not make you weak. listen to this guy.

I get what you're saying here, for example you could say that it would be best for me to get more experience with social situations, or that I should get out more. This is probably true, but I have no motivation to do it, so I won't.

This doesn't preclude me from having any motivation for anything at all, however. I can still find plenty of motivation for things that I want to pursue creatively. I'd like to think that most of us have something that we're interested in, some skill we'd like to be great at, a dream job to aspire to, or something we want to build. The pursuit of these endeavors is both a lifelong struggle and an unending source of satisfaction as we accomplish little things along the way. Repeatedly challenging yourself to do something you wish you could do, and then overcoming said challenges as you slowly learn and grow is the best recipe there is for distracting yourself from the void.

what if you saw said professional(s) for 2 years and didn't get better? also the professional (who I suspect just wanted to see easy ADHD kids) said there's nothing he can do for me, and asked if I was gay

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>How do you cope with depressing?

booze and sleep