Can we get a philosophizing thread about death and out fear of it going?

Can we get a philosophizing thread about death and out fear of it going?

We function normally and some happily every day, yet often overlook our inevitable fate. The idea that once you die you will remain in a state of absolute nothingness for quadrillions upon quadrillions upon quadrillions of years is absolutely terrifying to me. I get that living forever would be terrifying as well but I cannot seem to come to grips with the anxiety of being in a state that does not exist, since everything that I know is about existence.

Is anyone afraid of the pain to get there?

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I really wish people would talk about this stuff. It's consoling to at least hear other's thoughts on it.

>yet often overlook our inevitable fate.

Constantly looking at your inevitable fate is fucking dumb. Anxiety can be a harmful vice. Post-death belongs to the imagination.

only normies talk about this shit, real robots are waiting for death to end their suffering

If there isnt an afterlife life is meaningless
If there is an afterlife life is meaningless
In short, life is meaningless

Death and existence are different states that can never be present with the same being at the same time. You as a person can't be dead and exist (conscious) at the same point in time, so the only reasonable perception you can have of death now is indifference, pain is the only thing that can be considered "bad."

Look up the Epicurean arguments user. The only rational way to think of death is what it was like before you were alive/conscious, which is something you only came into gradually anyway, so there is no saying where humans get to on the spectrum of consciousness in the first place.

If you got heavy brain damage you wouldnt be partly dead and partly in heaven.youd just be mentally disabled.
Which leads me to believe that there is no afterlife and once you die youll be nothing forever.

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We are afraid of things that we think might hurt us.

We can feel pain because we have a working nervous system.

When we die, your nervous system will shut down, and you won't be able to feel pain.

So there's nothing to worry about.

I think about death often, not in the an hero type way, more like what your describing. Research into both science and various religions really affected my view.

In my opinion, i feel there may be conciousness of some type after death. Now hear me out, all our theories, all our observations, are based on what we can see or experience in our universe... of which we can only observe 4 dimensions, and a tiny fraction of that (dark matter/energy 95% undetectable).

We are evidence of conciousness existing; with a few hundred billion galaxies out there, conciousness existing in other places in our observable universe is quite likely. Why not in other dimensions? We know other dimensions exist because the way electrons act according to quantum physics.

What if death is an elevation to a new dimension? Many religions suggest this i.e. "all will become clear when you meet your Lord" or stuff like " the veil shall be lifted from you and all will become apparent" or "the soul shall be lifted..."

I truly believe in God. One single God. Not a man in the sky but something beyond our ability to understand (Being in another spatial dimension). I've read all the atheist books and arguments and they have failed to make sense to me. Patterns dont come into existence in a closed system without external energy.

What about a mouse or an insect.
Do they go to heaven?

>The idea that once you die you will remain in a state of absolute nothingness for quadrillions upon quadrillions upon quadrillions of years is absolutely terrifying to me

You've already experienced though, remember all that time before you were born?

Wasn't that bad.

>The idea that once you die you will remain in a state of absolute nothingness for quadrillions upon quadrillions upon quadrillions of years is absolutely terrifying to me
You don't know this. Nobody knows this. Just live your life to its fullest and stop worrying.

My thoughts exactly. You won't have to think, or feel anything. What's more glorious than that ?

Think about it this way.
Life is a scoreboard of pleasure and pain.
If you expirience too much pleasure your brain builds tolerance so its harder to get more pleasure.
Once youre gone you stop scoring.
You dont feel pleasure but you wont feel pain.
Or something like that.

your brain is an organic machine. when it brakes you will malfunction. when it does and becomes inoperable I believe we will either blink out and just simply stop being concious or we will be sucked back or lead back to the aether with the other concious beings that have died or brought us life on Earth. this place is purely mechanical and our conciousness is just a perception were having due to our brain being active or our bodies are just vessels we inhabit until we cross back over into the aether or collective, I prefer the collective honestly but do not doubt the possibility of if we die that's it, game over

they are on lower level but yes they too percieve therefore they are concious to a degree. so I believe they have some sort of minor or lower soul

Im afraid at the possibility of no afterlife. Pure oblivion is so alien to me, the inability to feel any sensation is daunting. I would rather undergo crippling pain eternally than suffer null and void.

look up Eternal Return. when you die you go right back to the beginning of your life. it's a tape loop. so you better make what's left count.

>suffer null and void
>null and void
How can you "suffer" if you feel nothing?

the next time around, will I be watching my body do things on autopilot?

Break through on salvia. It's all a game, and you forget you're playing a game because that's the only way the game works, otherwise survival would seem pointless and nothing would get done.

This. As long as you're here, death isn't, and vice versa. Fearing being dead is like fearing the eons before your birth. All that time not existing didn't bother you then, and there's no good reason to think death will be any different.