Few days ago

>few days ago
>Chad invites me to party on Friday (tonight)
>say I don't like parties
>he insists
>say I'm going with no intention of going
>party started an hour ago (8pm)
>just messaged me "you coming bro?"
How the fuck do I reply without ruining my friendship with this guy?

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say you got food poisoning

go to the party you absolute bastard.

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Say you have social anxiety and shut down. That's what I do

u might get raped, user

drink a few beers then go, and keep drinking

Why do you need friends who don't respect your desires?

This is the third event in two week that this guy has invited me to. I already dodged the first two, any excuse I make up now will obviously be made up.

No fucking way. It's a bunch of norms from my university course that all know each other. I can't handle the awkwardness of standing around for 3 hours and being made fun of for being a shutin.

>social anxiety
This means nothing to Chad, I might as well send him some random chinese characters.

Show up to the party dude. It sounds like Chad actually wants to be your friend. And being friends with him means picking up his mannerisms and possibly his gf's friends.
I have a Chad best friend who i wouldnt give anything for.

Note: Chad is not to be confused with Brad
A Chad is confident and mentally secure about himself and can be your friend, or anyone's friend.
Whereas a Brad will rub your face in the dirt in some way to put you down to boost his own insecure ego.

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You got nothing to lose but your safe zone feel.Don't pussy out

>robots always complain how they never get invited to anything
>get invited to party with Chad
>bitch out

This is why no one likes robots youre all hypocrites that dont know what you want

>who i wouldnt give anything for
Whoops, I meant wouldnt trade him for anything.

You should go OP, i'm like you and the last week went to a party because some chad invited me and i had a good time, even met some girl that likes me. Do it and don't be a fag, drink some beers and have fun

Just go and try to socialize. You have nothing to lose.

This Chad has actually been a really good friend to me for a few years now, which is why I don't want to be a dick to him. As for respecting my desires, norms will always take refusal to hang out as a personal insult, it's just the way they are.

I need to come up with some convincing excuse. I'm wondering if I should just ignore him now and reply tomorrom. Something like "haha forgot lol".

>actually going
absolutely not

this is a chance to make friends and chad likes you enough to want you to be there, 90% of this board never get opportunities like that. and if you feel uncomfortable just leave

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Tell him you don't want to go. Just have some balls and say no. It's really the only thing to do.

You will regret dude. If you don't want to go just say "i don't feel comfortable in a party, sorry dude" or something like that

just be honest with him and say something like
>hey man sorry but i'm not comming to the party i really hate being in large groups of people it makes me quite uneasy

Just tell him ur sorry but you really dont wanna go
If he went there alone u gotta go he probably wanted to have someone with him

>If he went there alone
He's hosting it and he knows everyone.

Probably right. I just feel bad for having said yes earlier.

How about you go but leave after a short time

He seems to value you to some degree, and that's a rare thing.

tell him the truth.
"nigga do you realise how fucking socially awkward i am? i browse a site where i complain about people like you all the time."

This. I was once an undergrad student as well, years ago, and I had a Chad friend who was constantly inviting me to parties. I would always make up some excuse not to go, but he was so persistent about it, eventually I caved in third year and decided to attend one all liquored up and just not give a fuck about what anyone thought of me. And it was a total blast. In fourth year I went regularly, which really helped loosen me up and improve social skills. I credit that to being able to pull off job interviews successfully. Even got a gf out of it, though that only lasted a few months. I was still fundamentally an introvert but it was good to meet new people. I wish I hadn't been such a fucking shut-in all those years.

Just do it. Stop making excuses. Take a few shots of rye and head on over, apologize for being late. Don't try to be the life of the party, don't try to say anything autistic, just blend in. It may seem like everyone is a carbon-copy normie at first but you'll discover at least some of them are genuinely cool, interesting people who can be a great guiding force later in life. I don't know what stage of your education you're at, but it's never too late. Go now. I implore you.

you're not a shut-in you fucking delusional piece of normalshit

Do it OP, Chad wants you to be like him, have fun, enjoy something in life.

I'm graduating in a month, most of the people at this party are as well. They've known each other for years and this is, for the most part, their farewell gathering. I intentionally avoided them in all possible ways for 4 years. I am supposed to go now?

I kind of hinted at this in previous posts but I should have elaborated further.

>not a shut-in
I've lived in this city for four years and have no friends. The only people I speak to are my parents over skype and the grocery store wagecucks.

Just go man, it isn't gonna kill you, just try not to hit on the girls cause that'll gibe you a high likely hood of fucking up and talk to Chad friendo the whole time maybe even other people who aren't female.

>i've lived in this city for four years and have no friends
i moved states and have lived here for 2 years, sure i dont really know anyone but good god, it's a party, dont act autistic, pretend to enjoy yourself and talk to your chad friend.

dont try to have sex, you'll only fuck it up.

Just go, what's the worst that could happen? Who knows you might enjoy yourself

>what's the worst that could happen
swinging from the rafters
worst or best?

Just tell him the truth : you dont wanna go because you are an asocial piece of shit

Chad is trying to help you become a Brad you goddamn autist. This is your shot at life

Did you go to the party OP? Remember to pre-drink 2-3 beers

I went for a run. Ran past a lot of normos that were headed to town and got some weird looks. About to text Chad that I forgot about the party.