I've been seeing a guy for a few months. We got to the point where we're sleeping together, but we're not having sex...

I've been seeing a guy for a few months. We got to the point where we're sleeping together, but we're not having sex. We'll cuddle naked. He'll finger me , play with my tits, and eat me out, but when it comes to sex he refuses and says we should get to know each other more before getting to vaginal sex. Dude, I already saw your dick and sucked you off. Putting your dick in my va jay jay is where you cross the line?

I just get don't him.

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and? cuck the little bitch

>take a shower
>try again

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Just be happy he loves you ennough to respect yoou in that kind of way.

he has probably child trauma or some sort of insecurity

I do shower. If he's willing to put his mouth near my vagina he would have no problem putting on a condom and fucking me.

it's just a little frustrating. I'm the one trying to get his dick in me, but he always grabs my arm and says we should wait.

At first I thought he was a premature ejaculator, but lasts an okay time during oral.

Both gay, OPs BF and you

Just tie him up one day and fuck the soul out of him. Worked for me.

rape him lul

he clearly values himself more than you do. give him time and prove yourself

topi kekinonomoi

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Youre mom sounds like a hoot. Digits?

Fine. He fingers me plenty to make up for it. I'll put up with it for a few months.

I understand the frustration and confusion. But shouldn't you be telling this to him? Or someone who knows him? Isn't there someone who is in a better position to know what this means than random strangers on the internet?

I wanted to vent and get some perspective on this. We haven't known each other for a year yet. Was going to wait a bit before we start arguing like a married couple.

I swear girls are only capable of finding retards.

Perhaps he's gay. Ask him to think about dicks and see if he changes his mind.

He has AIDS and he doesnt want to infect you

>Was going to wait a bit before we start arguing like a married couple.
If you can't communicate with him then this relationship won't last longer than a year, or worse, it'll last longer than a year but because you two never communicate you'll grow to hate minor things about eachother.

Checking quints of truth OPs boyfriend has the aids

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Is he scared of getting you pregnant? How old are you both and what is your socioeconomic situation?

If you're both in highschool, college, unemployed, poor, maybe I could see him being paranoid, but otherwise it makes no sense without him being a pure christfag.

them digits can't lie
if you are not larping ask him about it op

>him being a pure christfag.
corrupting the pure is my fetish, I wonder if OP has the same fetish.

op what letter does your real name start with

Fuck off fucking roastie. Stop giving her attention, retards

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Ditch the bitch OP.
I'll fuck your tight cunny anytime anywhere.
I'd even root you against a tree in the woods.

yeah, whenevet i see a decent girl with a cunt or a sperg, i wonder why they actively seek them out and chose them only to complain, while actively avoiding me.
I don't get it.