I love you

>i love you

"why do you love me"
:uhhh i love everything about you

"what do you love about me"

What are you ment to say in these situations?

Attached: how_much_do_you_love_me__by_likeatowtruck-d5sxrzz.jpg (792x1008, 112K)

Say what you love about them. Give them a whole laundry list. Your partner will actually believe you if you have a million reasons for liking them, rather than none.

Specific instances where you saw their qualities shine.

What they do for you and how that betters your situation.

How they inspire you


dum boi
distil why you love them into a single quality that is uniquely them
if you can't do that it probably isn't love anyway



this is the ultimate cucks

I have never been cucked in my entire life thank god i dont take advice from Jow Forums or Jow Forums in general, if i need advice i dont ask ask online lmao

i ask my brother or an actual friend, my thread was just bait

bitches hate this but its more real.

Say something interesting about their character that isn't "i liek tiddies :)))".

Who wants to be reduced to a single quality though? I would hate it if my partner said he just liked me because I'm "cool" or something like that.

t. so insecure he thinks he has to neg his lover because no-one would actually love him

cool isn't unique to a person
obviously your partner isn't going to be praising your ability to read any time soon

How do you describe a person with just one quality though? That's what I'm asking.

guys who can't say what they love about their gfs just love that they aren't alone and can have sex.

Does the reason matter? It might mean the world to some one who has gone their entire life alone.

what would your brother or friends say about your op question
majority of r9k is retarded, don't forget that

It helps when Yu remember a specific instance when you really connected to someone and then remember why, what about them did yo feel connected to?

Funnily enough, it depends on the person.

>I can't actually give an example because I know it's impossible

Are you asking
>How do you describe a person with just one quality
or are you asking for
>an example
They're very different.

I asked how. Since it varies depending on the person, in order to demonstrate this, you would have had to give an example.

Sometimes you shut the fuck up and that's nice.

Attached: feminism.gif (500x281, 245K)

I love your contradictions
They make me think I have a lot to learn about the world
You can be hard and soft
wise and naive
invested and detached
all at once.
Hurt and be hurt.
It isn't all good. But it is all you. And I love it.

Thanks, now say it in one word.

I love your contradictions.

What is the point you're trying to make?

Not a unique quality. Also didn't make me feel loved.

Why would it? It DEPENDS ON THE PERSON and I don't know or love you.

Why post if you refuse to read?

Within the context of the relationship you have, there are going to be things that are unique/shared between you to.
Because of how language works, unless you make up your own words, you're going to have to use ones that have generalised meanings. Everyone has contradictions, but within the context of the relationship that word captures a duality of their being/spirit/whatever.

Easy answer is to be specific. Choose one attractive physical trait and explain how she makes it work for her. For example, how beautiful her eyes are and the way her blouse/necklace/earrings/whatever bring them out.
Women love that shit and despite what you may think don't get that kind of specific compliment too often.