Are lucid dreams a real thing or is it all a delusional scam like tulpas?

Are lucid dreams a real thing or is it all a delusional scam like tulpas?

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What kind of question is that? Obviously lucid dreams are real since it all needs is for you to realize youre dreaming and act on it. Your ability to manifest a waifu in your dream however will be lackluster without practice.

definitely real, hard to get and maintain though. took me 2 months to learn this without me waking up after a minute.

is worth it

Of course they're real, they just don't necessarily happen for many people, or are just very rare for most people. I personally have multiple dreams every night, but have only had several lucid dreams throughout my life.

There is literal scientific evidence to support lucid dreaming

im afraid i would prefer sleeping to real life

Yes, and you can train yourself to have them more often. I stopped though cuz I was having to fight back against nightmares most of the time and shit wasn't fun.

could you source it? sounds interesting how did they prove it? something with brain activity or was it something with sleep fazes?

I've definitely gone lucid a few times, but it was always very fleeting. Once you realize you're lucid it's very easy to break out of it accidentally.
One of the times where I had the most control was when I was dreaming about a white room in a house full of children's toys, I hit some keys on a small piano and then thought "when I turn around there will be a cat" and sure enough I turned around to see a cat. Then I wandered into the next room and it had a mirror which I looked into and could only see a distorted blur. Then I woke up.
Another time was when I was dreaming about being down the street from my house and I just decided to float up into the sky, it was crazy because I could clearly see the top down view as it would appear IRL.
One of the earliest ones I had, it was in a big warehouse of sorts and I just started flying around.
Lucid dreams are 100% real, it's just a matter of inducing them and keeping them going once you achieve lucidity.

Lucid dreaming is easy. Any retard can do it.
Realizing real life is the dream is the hard part.
You have to actively reverse your lucid dreaming practice. To where your normal life becomes your dream and vice versa.

Few have attained this and all those who have will not help. They have literally achieved CHIM. We cant perceive it because we are restricting ourselves in the true dream.

The more uncanny someone looks the harder it is them to hide their true dream lucidity status. For example. The Bogandoff twins.

Theyve been so warped by their own dream and their powers are so immense. It warps into our own true dream.

>Realizing real life is the dream is the hard part.
lol wut
So that dream I had today about having a separate apartment, thinking about what to feed my picky gf and making connections to a false flag child burning on a CRT television was reality?

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I want to lucid dream because I want to train my boxing while I'm sleeping, have my first huge fight in 3 months and i want to train as hard as i can

Everybody has dreams where they realize they're dreaming. A real lucid dream though is where it feels like you're awake, but in a dream. I've only had one dream like that and it was during a time when I was interested in lucid dreaming and was actively trying to have one.

When I read tips on how to lucid dream, a common one was to every day look down at the floor and try to change its color. Pick a color and stick with it and every day make sure you mentally try to change the color of the floor. The idea is that eventually you'll try to do it in a dream and it'll work and you'll become lucid. My color was yellow.

One morning I woke up and was up for a bit but fell back asleep and was quickly in a lucid dream where I was in my high school cafeteria. The entire cafeteria was filled with the same people it would be irl, in their normal seats, wearing their typical clothes. And everything was yellow. Like everything was submerged in yellow water. So I stood up and tried to walk through a wall and woke up. Pretty cool.

>boxing in a dream
I dunno about you but I've never had a dream where my punches did shit
Maybe it's all about the mentality though

Tulpas are induced schizophrenia. Lucid dreams are kind of the same I guess

Are you unironically rarted?

Yes i went through the same thing where my punches were super slow or didn't hurt at all in my dreams, but after I got in my first fight my punches were normal and did actual damage. Maybe it's some psychological shit where your mind has to adapt to fights

It's not about "mentality", it's about your body being virtually paralyzed while you're in REM sleep and you're trying in vain to fight against that. The way to do cool shit in dreams isn't to try to physically act them out like you would in reality, but to imagine yourself doing them. Imagine yourself punching/kicking/throwing lightning bolts at something, and you will. Fight imagination with imagination.

Not the same but I had the same thing . Whenever I would face a monster I hate when i was a kid my punches did nothing and were slow .I didn't even feel the impact of them either.

They're quite easy to have. Use the WBTB method for quick results. Other methods won't work as easy unless you've meditated for months.

>delusional scam like tulpas?

are you retarded?

You're pretty much just playing around in your imagination until you go into a semi dream state.

>never experienced a lucid dream
shitty ass youngfag get the fuck out

i mean sleeping would just become a favorite pastime of yours, you still have to wageslave and what not, its just that instead of vidya you'd lucid dream in your freetime whats so hard to understand

Definitely real. Still remember one of them that was easily 10 years ago, like a real memory.