Want to lose a bit of weight

>want to lose a bit of weight
>start running again (1 hour 6 days a week)
>reduce my calorie intake (1800 calories a day is the goal)
>actually measure everything and eat
>shoot up 4 lbs
Literally how.

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Because water weight. You also should only eat 1800 calories. "Starvation mode" is a bullshit myth. Just eat 1800 calories and don't try to take in account what you burned.

Why the fuck are you running 1 hour for 6 days a week? Even if this succeeds you'll end up being skinnyfat if you're not doing weights.

You probably weighed yourself at the wrong time. You're only supposed to weigh yourself right when you wake up.

nice meme. the cardio kills your gains meme was started by gym bros who hate running

cardio tones your muscles you faggot cuck

>Lanklets trying to justify their existence

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Just keep going. Dont get too hung up on what the scale says, worry more about what you see in the mirror and how your clothes fit. As long as youre being honest about how much youre eating and getting the work in on the exercise front you will make progress.

Probably water weight. Cut back on salt.

You guys are fucking retarded and probably the same person.

You've no muscles to 'tone' (toning is a load of bullshit anyway, it's literally just losing fat while retaining your muscles which if you'll pause and think for a moment is literally done by lifting) and doing nothing but cardio will lead you to deplete equal portions of muscle and fat, if not more muscle than fat as you sound like the kind of dumb faggot who isn't getting a sufficient amount of protein and fats

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I lost 50 pounds in 5 months eating two 300 calorie salads a day and running 3 miles (35-40 minutes) 7 days a week. Also drinking like 4-5 water bottles a day

so before the invention of farming how the fuck did humans maintain the body mass needed to kill shit? you'd have to run a ton of miles a day before your body starts depleting muscle. also look at fucking infantrymen or special operations soldiers. they all out in a ton of miles on the pavement. imagine being such a faggot that you can't deal with the momentary discomfort of running, SAD. btfo gym bro.

also I'm not the other person, you're retarded for assuming everyone who doesn't agree with you is samefagging.

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I heard having sex burns calories

>doing nothing but cardio will lead you to deplete equal portions of muscle and fat
That's a myth

>doing nothing but cardio will lead you to deplete equal portions of muscle and fat
literally a myth and a meme

I lost 110 lbs in 11 months eating three 300 calories frozen meals a day and zero exercise. I put it all back on immediately after in about the same time. Possibly the stupidest thing I've ever done. I could've actually killed myself. Im pretty sure I triggered peripheral artery disease.

>also look at fucking infantrymen or special operations soldiers
you know people in the military lift too, right? fucking retard

Don't run as long but run harder or faster. As long as you're not larping and actually " jogging " that long that many times a week.
Shoot for seven minute miles and try to do two or more.
Also to lose fat get on a low or no carb diet. Water and meat friendo. Plus clean and jerk & other gym work outs.

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I run a bit more than a 10k each hour long run.

Cut that down by half and do it faster.
Also make sure to work on diet as much as you can.

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If you are a woman, then you've forgotten one crucial thing.
Your period.
If you are in fact eating well, eating less, and eating less frequently, you will lose weight.
Exercise be damned.
BUT women will shift up to 10 fucking pounds of water during their cycle and that will just completely fuck up the tracking for their diet.

So the problem is that you should not actually weigh yourself week to week.
You should weigh yourself month to month, pick up some trends, and take your cycle into consideration.

Stop it, user, you're tired. get some rest for the both of us.

Cardio is a shit way to lose weight. If you definitely want to do aerobic exercise then focus on HIT.

But, I highly suggest you do weight training, or even bodyweight training and callisthenics. It's way more optimal for weight loss with the added benefit of getting muscle mass and definition.

You're retarded. I never said anything against cardio per se and I probably do much more cardio than you anyway; I'm saying cardio is bad if you do nothing else but cardio.

Hunter-gatherers carried tools for hunting their prey as they ran which weighed up to several dozen pounds, much more than you could bench.

>The mental discomfort of running
Lmfaoooo you're fucking weak for even projecting this

Why are you in denial holy fuck. Continue staying a fatass then I guess

Literally provide any sources for your claims lmao.

>Giving fitness advice when being this clueless

Resistance training is only to maintain muscle, it is absolute shit for burning fat.

The real weight loss comes from diet and increased daily activity. Doesn't have to be exercise.

You are right however. Some small bit of resistance sexercise is needed to maintain mass. A simple basic calisthenics routine is ideal for that.





Now provide me yours. Since you're a fucking lardass piece of shit you could probably comfortably benching a good amount more than any beginner skellingtons.

Jesus christ I hate fat people even more than niggers, you're all audacious about your misinformed decisions and you fucking stink. Go die

Why would you burn hard to form, useful muscle instead of easy to form, useless fat? The sole function of fat is to act as a store of energy for when you don't have food. Why would you burn muscle and fat in equal portions? It seems like a good way for an organism to die out fast.

>want to gain a bit of weight
>start lifting and devoting more time to sleep and rest
>drink protein shakes, increase my caloric intake to like a 1000 calorie surplus
>actually measure servings and use apps to calculate macros
>lose like 10 pounds
Literally how.

so I just started working out and I'm looking for Segway recommendations becasue I don't want to kill my SICK gains by walking. can anyone link me the one they prefer, my price range is around $15-$2500

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what kind of timeframe are we talking?

It's always Glycogen from metabolising carbs > fat = protein > subcutaneous fat > muscle fiber

There's literally no way the body prioritizes burning muscle as opposed to fat.

Also, remember that the very process of breaking down carbs, protein and fats takes energy. 10% for carbs and fats and 25% for protein. That's why protein is such an amazing macro.

your sources literally say it's less effective at weight loss than lifting. and it doesn't say that cardio alone will burn muscle and fat indiscriminately.

this brainlet literally didn't read his own sources

You lost fat and probably gained some minuscle amount of muscle mass.

Even skinny people have subcutaneous fat, it's just not in obvious or visible places. Keep training.

Like February to late April.

I'm honestly shocked. I was skinny as shit to begin with.

>Like February to late April.

then you were miscalculating.

>Count my calories, start weighing myself
>Eating 3200 calories daily gain 0.2kg per week
>At 2700 calories daily I start to lose weight
Enjoy your sub-2000 calorie diets metabolismlets.

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Keto. Be smart about it and you'll lose weight and probably love it.

>want to gain weight
>start burning calories to do so
>eating more will fix this
Dummy. You know people like Arnold in his hay day ate like 5000 calories a day to bulk up, right?

Water weight just drink more water and ignore it as best you can
Its infuriating though