ITT: Laugh At Robots

>act toxic
>wonder why they're alone

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>fail at something
>give up and wallow for the rest of their life, haunting themselves with what could've been

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Toxic is such a vague term to describe a human bean

Robots are hated by women because they're introverted.

Men who are extroverted are considered attractive by women, whether that means happy outgoing and friendly, or aggressive and violent.

That's literally the main difference between guys who get chicks and guys who don't, you can be the most talented great guy in the world but if no-one knows you're there you'll get ignored.

The main difference between Chad and losers is that Chad takes up space.

Who's wondering? Some robots understand and fully embrace festering alone in a pit of their own toxicity.

What do I do that's toxic ;-;

I want to kiss suicide boy

>robots are hated by women because they're introverted

honestly it's been nice. all these fucking tragic incel shooters have at least had the silver lining of bringing toxic communities like r9k and r/incels to the forefront of public discourse. Thank god as time goes on, tolerance for fucked up shit like the incel movement wears thin. good riddance.

>wahhhh, I'm different and persecuted for it
>....despite literally everyone being different!

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>be fembot
>keep to myself in discord servers my boyfriend makes, help mod
>rarely write
>constantly targeted for harassment by robots, who would then PM me like nothing happened
>not playful banter, these virgins would write poorly written essays about why I was worthless and should die
>and then question why I didn't want to talk to them privately
These are the people you share company with.

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Jokes on you I don't hate women just most of them
It's only my fault I'm alone hahahahaha

I love this cute boi.. bait defused

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>Dropping the boyfriend revelation on the second line of greentext
Weak bait game my negroid. You gotta lure them in first and engage them.

>it's easier to believe someone is roleplaying rather than being genuine

It does not take a genius (which i happen to be) to put the pieces together here. You'll have to increase your skill if you want to bait me.

>tfw this describes all my interactions with women in the past 3 years

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>don't care about bitches or useless pussy
>spend all my time getting high, playing vidya
>NEET, but over 20K in cash in muh draw and over two hundred ounces of precious metals plus neetbux means, I will probably never have to work again.

ITT: we now laugh at normies wagebitches like you, say hi to Mr Shecklestien for me.

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Every second thread on here is about how 50% of the population is evil and stupid because of their gender.
>why does nobody like me? I'm such a nice guy!

>Invested all my inheritance into stocks
>They all fail and I lose half my inheritance
MM das it mane comfy life

>someone, somewhere, wrote this unironically

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>constantly judge the society they've never belonged to with laughably off mark observations they have to reassure themselves are true

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Stocks? kek, fuck no.

Enjoy your useless, boring, slaving, normie-life, wagebitch.

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>this is a witty retort

Why are you still here? I can here Mr Shecklestien calling to finish yet another day of your soul-sucking, wagebitch existence.

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>quite literally just another cookie cutter robot response

>my life would have been better if I was born in this historical period which I have romanticized

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>Watch the news
>Another mas shooting
>Go play dark souls

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