I have a generally feminine body, face and voice. Been considering HRT for some months. Opinions?
Is HRT a real alternative? Or is it /cope/?
don't bother unless you have a narrow body frame and feminine/androgynous face alreadyor else you'll just look like a massive freak.
Do it. It IS cope, but hey! If you can pull it off you may as well be a qt tranny desu
Get well
Kill all faggots and their enablers, fucking pozbags
Why the hate buddy?
Even if you pass as a trap, its easy to tell that you're a trap after a minute conversation and seeing you up close. Don't fall for the trap meme it may work in 2d but it definitely doesn't work in 3d.
His face still looks like a dude. Stop kidding yourself.
If doctors can prescribe you HRT, why can't they prescribe you fucking TESTOSTERONE. WHY DO MEN HAVE TO BECOME WOMEN WHEN THEY CAN BECOME MEN AGAIN GOD DAMN IT
Testosterone doesn't even feel good.
because doctors are jewish and are on orders to maintain the subservient goyim class
so keep taking your SSRIs SSNIs and anti-psychotics and we will fill this HRT prescription for you
you sound like a basedboy LOLOLOL
I like real food tho
Why not? You Target whites with your propoganda, so we might as well Target your necks with nooses.
yeah i bet it's all weiners and tube steak, homo
are you retarded or something? the pic in the OP already says this. go end your life its clearly worthless
Sounds lame tbqh but I bet you know a lot about weiners and tubes of meat homosex-sama
Is this person a trap? 10 /10, would breed.
Hey look I'm you, fucking namefag nigger
There is an obvious conspiracy. White people are encouraged to change gender, dull themselves down with pills, become impressionable vegans, be socialist and have their traditions and virtues removed, celebrate all culture apart from their own, share photos of their partners online, become cucks. We are becoming a fucking joke. You are not a woman and you wouldn't be thinking of transitioning if you weren't exposed to propaganda crap.
Stop the reptilian/Jew/CIA/slavemaster from making you a fucking test subject. Same goes to all of you. It is not normal, it is not cute and it is playing on some twisted part of your psychology.
girl(girl) here. it's because men (especially trans'women') are absolute porn addicts, and it's honestly sad.
Agreed, the ratio of MtF to FtM says it all really. It really angers me, most of these people are mentally ill and this is an extreme symptom of that mental illness. You don't encourage anorexics to carry on starving themselves, I don't know why people ever think it's okay to further people's delusions about wanting to CHANGE FUCKING GENDER.
lgbt is two blocks down buddy
If I want a balding 6'3 240lbs of beef dude I honestly I'd transition. I'm not even gay, but everyone knows being male in today's society is the losing card.
Women on the outside, men in the inside = Win-win
>the boy-goddess triggers the Roastie
I'm on estrogen because I feel better and it's easier to function, I'm less anxious and depressed, etc
Not going to transition though
cute girls with feminine penises are superior to roastie whores
the roastie fears the true female, the cute girl with a penis
Lol if you guys identify as 'women' while saying things like this.