Do you ever think you're just really dumb and everyone you know is just in on some psychological experiment or cruel joke?
Do you ever think you're just really dumb and everyone you know is just in on some psychological experiment or cruel...
i'm gonna save this image for later, user; it is cute
no, my only friend is a nigger so that can't be it
Yes except I don't think I'm really dumb. It's kinda hard to describe really
Like everyone else I encounter are doing an experiment on me to see how I react to certain things, how they talk, what they say, etc and I'm completely unaware of the experiment.
Kinda like in the movie Inception where Leonardo DiCaprio thinks he's a detective when he's really a patient and the hospital staff go along with it
No. That would be too much effort for them with no apparent pay off.
I'm wrong. Movie wasn't inception it's Shutter Island.
Yes. A few years ago I had an epiphany where I realized how disingenuous people had been and how every interaction I had had up to that point could have been explained by people either feeling sorry for me, taking advantage of me or being disgusted at me for being retarded. It was existentially harrowing so I took that thought and put it back in its box where it will not be considered again.
I think that either people know that I'm some sort of mental case and work around it, or everyone thinks I'm really smart when I'm actually an idiot mental case. Either way I'm probably pretty dumb deep down.
Yes, when I was in my early adolescence, I used to feel like that.
I know this feeling has a name, though I cant remember it at the moment, but it's kinda like the inverse of solipsism
that's because it's not true... At that moment, perhaps your sense of self wasnt at its highest, but more likely, the disingenuousness comes from the large majority of the population being vapid and the type of people to shine you on, coupled with the fact that today, nobody really has any regard for what other people have to say.
it doesnt come so much from a place of "Pfft fuck poor dumb user, Im gonna be a faggot with him" its more like "Me...Me....Me.... Me.... Me...."
its called the friend zone...and they QUICKLY eat food in another room..if youve ever been to a "friends" house you were probably; starved mind contro.colled with games had street theatre interactions etc. its gang stalking/ bullying and the main goal is to distract you from eating food so you dont grow....they stunt your shit. yep communities get off on torturing neets and then wonder why someone shot their faggot normie cannabal kids...if you went to a friends house you prob got cannabalized. shits real. litterally community religious policing. they hate single mothers kids neets blacks etc. look into gang stalking guys
If you knew me in real life you'd pity how fucking stupid I am, but you might befriend me because I'm a harmless kind of stupid. But you'd see how fucking dumb I am, like a zoo animal. I was born in the zoo, you can't let me back in the wild but you keep feeding me because I'm a spectacle, I'm valuable to you in a sense that people will pay to come see me but even if you want to free me you know it's in my best interest to stay in the zoo, I wouldn't survive out in the wild. Poor stupid monkey man.
I have the paranoid thought that my parents knew I was retarded and didn't tell me.
You're a special breed of fucking stupid. Do you read what you type back to yourself. Like I'm pretty fucking stupid but you got some other mental issues. It's ok I love you.
I read it too user... I don't agree with most of it, but as paranoid and overly contemplative as I am, I imagine gang stalking exists to some extent. Since it probably does there is no shortage in how complex our lives may truly be. It's quite scary.
i was community gang stalked for 10 years by large groups of people. changes your personality. went from happy energetic extrovert to nihilistic introvert absolutely LOVE seeing whitee normies and neurotypical people get murdered especially the faggot newtown shitters. lol their real chacters got BTFO for real.
guys...if you get purposely distracted and you dont eat while everyone else is feasting for YEARS...its gonna fuckin affect you..if youv ever stayed at a friends house i GAURANTEE they shit on you. if you completely avoided abuse congrats youre probably a faggot normie that i would heel hook or stab or fucking van. my people go overt.
Schizophrenia.... Gotta be said.
Would you agree that running over glow in the dark CIA niggers is a totally sane thing to do. I have a feeling I'm talking to someone who built their own Linux distro.
Can you explain what you mean by eat? You either do it or you don't?
dude if people hang around you and act like your friends for YEARS thats not schizo anything..thats white people doing what they do. see this is why we need more new towns..fuckin white sociopaths paying attention to the whole schools portions and when they shit. if your gonna do that cause you have to be the bigger person fine...but PURPOSELY getting close to me to track my shit? that make me think ted bundy was a good guy and those sluts deserved it...i mean they assumed hed be a good guy just cause he was white..just like i assumed my friends were nice cause white..they are pure fucking hate and bundy fought back superbly as did others...yah..individualism is rite. i pray for the van of peace can NOT be more honest than me. silence and honesty...when combined with thoth is my weapon against these masked FUCKS. and im shiny..te little shit eaters like my bright eyes. iam the fucking light berer.
ranting aside we need more threads on gang stalking. their abusive shit is real. no one warned me..i wasnt raised in the satanic ways. but im learning fast :) yah...check that back ground you fuckin rats...look at my nose and how the tip of my ears stick out while i think about stomping your characters head in...oh yes whites are so NICEEE
that dude who built temple os is impressive. hes suffered enough to decide to be good possibly. his tweets are one of the funniest things iv ever read. the ones about some guys kid at the dmv xD
before my first breakdown as a teen i thought this
now i just realize everyone is an idiot and the only people with semi-functioning brains are >140IQ
user, those are social algorithms. groups of people have average characteristics and more or less similar social reward functions which dictate how they behave around each other. people who fall out of the norm are penalized to an extent because they do not give others all the normal social rewards they are used to receiving. it's why i've had to learn not to be autistic in public, for instance. gotta maximize those functions if you want to stop being afraid of society.
Glad to see some sage like (for r9k anyway) advice finally
Socially dumb, yeah. I honestly didn't even know everyone was having sex until I graduated highschool, I always thought the kids in relationships were just bonding out of love and we're waiting until they became adults to have sex.
Bad samefag. Post makes no sense.
Yes I had such thoughts as a little kid, really fucked with my head.