>tfw you missed out on young love
>tfw you will never find that innocence and shyness teenagers used to have in their relationships in any possible future female interaction
>tfw phone company keeps reminding you that with a tv ad
This shit almost makes me tear up everytime it's on,never saw that much emotion compressed into 1 minute,also the song is an amazing fit.How do I make this feel go away?
Young love
The child looks more alpha than the grown male in the to ad, did he get hooked on onions somewhere along the way
his jaw is pretty based desu
>TFW your highschool sweet heart / fiance was killed by a drunk driver 3 months before your wedding.
>TFW you because a depressed shut in
>TFW you'll never find love like that again.
It should have been me instead.
Sorry I made you watch that video buddy,shit must hurt.
It's alright. The pain never goes away really. It's more like a looming cloud in and around me. It's always raining. Sometimes it rains harder than other times.
I guess never experiencing young love is better than losing it all in one second.
>tfw you missed on young love
>tfw you are going to miss on adult love, too
Well, this old and nasty 27 yo man here is still shy and innocent.
Just gotta find a young sweet thing to pair up with me.
Oh lord why, the fucking feels
>have to settle for sloppy seconds if you're lucky
>even old used sluts still have insanely high standards
>you will die having never experienced love and sex because you were born to look a certain way
>girls in their teens constantly post all their cute selfies and shots with boyfriends to further remind you of being a khhv
It's a horrible time to be alive as a virgin.
I know,never had a tv spot fuck me up like that.
I think all pain is relative to the person. Who am i to say my pain is greater than yours? I just felt like sharing. Pain is all the same. It hurts and it sucks no matter where it comes from.
It seems to me like adult love will never even compare to that puppy teenager love,so we're not really losing that much I guess,everything is just so shallow after a certain age/time.
I don't think anything's gonna change soon,maybe even the next generation will have to go through this shit.(if there'll be a next generation)
We're stuck in an era that's going to be the same for the next twenty years possibly. Since 2008 it's mostly the same with social media being the internet now.
Only if things would be that easy,gramps.
No no, you've got it all wrong, its not the same since 2008, its gotten bloody worse. Back in 08 people still had a grain of self-respect, and if you actually got laid you didnt have to fear getting arrested for rape, today however... Honestly I hope the zeitgeist changes soon, in a couple of years a new decade will start, maybe then...
the innocence and shyness is probably what I'll miss the most about young love, in my 20s now and nobodies innocent or shy about anything
Would normies change their opinion about incels/robots after seeing what they truly want, from this thread?Or did the media demonize them too much already?
They would just call us entitled.
Maybe but social media was really kicking off thanks to ifags getting their first internet. It is getting shitter but overall the shit is still the same. People are still using facebook, still obsessed with Apple, YouTube and instagram.
No, they'd be like sex is not the be it or end all life decision. They'd call you a loser for not being productive enough and getting a good career.
Damn. I think of my pain in a really similar way. For me it's like background noise, the volume goes up and down depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes I forget it's even there, but it never actually stops.
Its kind of comforting to find someone else who feels the same way you do, isin't it?
I actually cried ;_; That's why I hate being grown up, I wish I were sixteen again
>tfw you missed out on young love
lol, no I didn't, my ex and I started dating when we were 17 and spent the next few years together.
Dunno how I got so lucky to trade v cards with a thicc asian catholic schoolgirl but I was.
I feel you senpai,that's some real emotional shit right there,and sadly we will get none of that.
young love is godawful and scared me for life and will not even speak to a female again knowing the pain it ultimately causes. After two years together found out all the times there was an argument for the stupidest of things she was having sex with an older neighbor. Know how I found out? He knocked her up, initially tried to say it was me and then confessed crying and shit to the betrayal. Sad thing is it wasn't because she felt bad about destroying me but needed to do whats best for her child and that meant trying to make it with the childs father. Only silver lining is he took off soon as the baby was born.
you are probably 19 lmao. this wasn't that bad
That certainly wasn't "love" and there was no shyness or innocence or any of that shit involved.Sounds like a pretty contemporary drama desu.sorry you had a shitty experience.
"Innocence and shyness" my ass, one time in high school this girl I was by literally gave me a fucking handjob during an assembly, I'm tired of this dumbass fairy tale.
>thicc asian catholic schoolgirl
no it was heart palpating giddy young love and mutual crushes long before we got together at 16. Both virgins and she would tell me she loved me so much it hurt. But with the high, highs the lows were low and when we would split for a day or two the older neighbor would tell her she was pretty and she'd reward the flattery with her vagina. All during her pregnancy she fucked with my head and would send messages or after I blocked her would write notes on the back of pic she loved me and wished I would take her back but knew I couldn't because of the kid. She is vile.
I can still remember unzipping that checkered blue skirt and revealing those chubby thighs.
Her long, black hair draped over her white school blouse as her crucifix necklace lay between her perky asian breasts, mocked by the sinful, underage fornication we set about to commence.
I'm 15 and I'm about to miss it.
Byebye origi
You're about to be banned, but if you're still reading, start lifting, find a sport and make friends.
I met my highschool girlfriend because I had a large circle of mates, some were female and some were single.
90% of getting a gf is being around single women with an easy opportunity to talk to them.
You're gonna make it buddy, see you when you're old enough to post here.
>this kills the reddit fag
Reported haha bye bye
I was handsome and had a lot of girls hitting on me but due to autism i wanted to be with only one girl that rejected me for 3 years and so i missed out every other chance to have the young teenage love.
>I was handsome
Did you become uggo?
No, i am around 7/10 and i am Jow Forums so it's not that bad, but after some age (i am 24 now) girls do not only care about your look but also about not being an autist (which i am).
You're not alone man. People seriously underestimate the power of the 'tism.
Unironically go to Asia, they do not care since at the very least the cultural and language barrier will mask it almost completely.
I got the no gf feeling again
It goes away for months, and you think you dont care anymore
but then it comes back in a huge wave and destroys you or a couple of weeks
I just want someone to accept me and to love me like a love them and to be intimate
it's...not based...if he can't help it...the fuck noob
Used to be an on-off thing for me too but I recognized the pattern and that I'd just be repeating over and over again so there's no point and now it's had to have been a good couple years since I've gotten depressed over that cause I immediately recognize it and brush it off.
>Still never had a gf
Its not too late right?
It really isnt
Don't wait for it to happen to you though, make yourself appealing to girls, not be fat, have some muscle, wear not stupid clothes, smile etc
I may have missed out on young love but not young "being an absolute tool to women"
shut the fuck up underage faggot, get off this board
>tfw have seen a side of women that Chad never will
I-is this a victory?
And then you originally woke up in a very original way
I miss how smart I was as a teenager. Things came to me much quicker, I have more wisdom now but I'm slower too. I'm only 22 years old, did this happen to anyone else? I swear I saw people complain about the same thing a few years ago on here. Where did this brain fog come from?
Lol no user, I wish I could go back to being 18. Join clubs and be social when you're in college, make sure to do that, college is the chance to shine but I failed and now I'm 22 and tfw no GF doesn't even exist anymore because I stopped caring.
You are just mature enough to realise your shortcomings now
Too much wanking my dude.
Try nofap
I am the same way. I was a lot less wise and more spergy but I had more mental dexterity. I used to be a monster at games but when I go back and try to play them I fucking suck ass. And no, it's not because I'm not used to them. I've been playing this one game for two years and I still fucking suck. For example, I used to be awesome at Halo but when I go back and try to get good at it I can never reach the level I was in before.
>tfw drunk driver
Never killed anybody or even crashed but sorry bro lmao
Depression. This isn't natural. The same thing happened to me. I used to be very sharp. I enjoyed learning a lot. I could recite hundreds of things i'd learned through various means like the exact speed of light or the rate at which things fall.
I feel like for the past 7 years of my life I don't remember anything. All I remember is a bullet point list of the actions I took. I don't even remember anything else. I remember I went on a camping trip to go white water rafting but I don't remember the white waters. I don't remember any of the locations, i hardly remember what my raft looked like. Its all just foggy. It feels like i'm a zombie.
Try going to a place you used to go to as a child a lot. An hold hang out spot or maybe summer camp. Just talk a walk through the area. Report back to me. When i did this every few minutes i'd lose my balance and my head would feel like it just had a huge rush of blood. It was like my subconscious was trying to remember. It was like i was trying to remember what it was actually like there rather than knowing i've been there. I want to know if anyone else experiences that when visiting old places.
Does depression for long periods of time do permanent damage to your brain?
I got my fucking young love. It was great up until we had to split up. Now it's been 10 years r9k. 10 fucking years and I still dream about her. It would've been better had I had nothing.
No that's not it. I'm genuinely unable to think as fast as I used to, think of it like a skinny person trying to lift vs a muscular person. I can feel more mental strain and my brain feels foggy. It's harder for me to think as logically as I did in the past, which I was very good at. I possess more knowledge now but can't process things as quickly.
Maybe that's it honestly. I will try, but I am skeptical.
I'm so familiar with game mechanics now that I feel like I would do okay at games despite my foggy mental state. For me it's computer programming that I am slower at now, I'm really knowledgeable but much slower. It's a shame because I am passionate about it and its always what has made me the happiest doing.
I know that, I kissed the girl the same night we met
>I'm so familiar with game mechanics now that I feel like I would do okay at games despite my foggy mental state
That's just the thing. You'd think you would do well because of that but you don't. I've been playing vidya for my entire life and I can pick up a new game fairly quick. I can reach a moderate level of skill in anything I play almost immediately but I can never do quite as well as I used to.
I am also a lot less sharp. Any supplements out there that I can talent combat this?
I actually know what you mean user. Visiting old places, playing old games, taking out old possessions all helps with the fog. Unfortunately it's temporary, I quickly become immune to the effect an individual thing has on me. It's like my brain is trying to block out the light because it's scared of it or something. I have the same feeling with memories you do, I took a really great vacation just a week ago and I can't hardly remember anything that happened at the moment. I know though if I tried to I could, I think forcing myself to relive memories would maybe help. I don't know why exactly, anyways, thanks for the advice user and best of luck to you this isn't that great to experience but hopefully we can make it out of this haze someday.
Eating healthy and walking can help a lot, and getting proper sleep. It doesn't cure it but helps.
stop smoking pot you fucking pothead
I've never smoked pot in my life user. I do drink sometimes but not very often, and this all started before I started drinking.
>tfw AVPD
>tfw had multiple EASY chances at adolescent love
>tfw pussied out of all of them
I managed to overcome many of my anxiety issues but now it feels pointless
Dude teenage girls stay the same age no matter how old you get. You haven't missed anything.
stop being a sentimental bitch and do something meaningful or important with your life for once except chasing pussy to no avail.
fucking young girls won't fix missing out on young love. BOTH parties have to be young and ignorance to experience young love
Nah if you're older it just makes it more exciting and taboo unless you're a sentimental low-t pussy which appears to be the case
taci in pizda ma-tii si iesi afara la futut
Reading this thread was actually much more worse for me than this ad. God damn it anons, this is one of those feels that no penis having man should ever feel.
its not about chasing the pussy man, its about chasing the feels we can never feel
>not being a sentimental low t pussy
Ok,mersi chad.
>amc nu ai prietena
Missing on one is the reason you'll miss on another desu
iktf friend. everytime i go out i get mired by girls and women, no point engaging with any of them because i'm a fucking autist. i've tried online dating but it never works out. whats the point in being decently attractive if i get almost none of the benefits?
Arunca-te de pe bloc poponare,avem destui papa lapte ca tine,nu conteaza daca esti aici sau nu.
si tu ce faci aici?
Pai de aia nu ai prietena pentru ca le porti grija in fiecare zi. Femeile au senzori cu care vad cat de disperat esti.
>tfw no RObots to talk to
Typing our language in here feels really weird desu.
sunteti neets/inceli/grasi/autisti?
>t.am futut-o pe una dupa banchetu de a 12-a si acum stiu totul despre femei