Fembots dont exist. Women cant be robots. why do women ruin everything? i come here to get away from them and yet they manage to come here because
>muh autism
stop ruining my only getaway from you whores you guys dont have to always be the center on attention. Orbiters arent robots either just ugly normies
Fembots dont exist. Women cant be robots. why do women ruin everything...
2/3 of the site is from gamergate or after. It's over, friend. They're corpse dancers
im sorry just had to get this out tired of seeing "fembots" on this board and bunch of fags orbiting them
Looks and a vagina can only go so far. I'm a social retard and since I didn't grow up around people I come off as very self-centered and rude. Guys that had interests in me stopped liking me because they thought of me as a sociopath. I literally cannot care for another human being in a meaningful way. I'm nice to others because I hate people hating me. I don't care about your life stories. I don't care that you're feeling down or that you're hurt. I'll pretend to care to be polite . I would be a terrible mother. I love being alone because friendships are hardwork. Listening to other people talk is so boring.
>"Guys that interest in me"
Ok cool story now gtfo roastie
Guys are superficial. They see me as a girl they can save or some girl they don't have to try hard for. Then they talk to me and find out that I never start conversations, that I'm forgetful with names, and that I'm forgetful with birthdays. My friendlist on Overwatch/League/Steam is empty. Anyone that has ever added me has regretted it.
out of curiosity whats your steam id?
because despite what women say, they crave attention, positive or negative, they love shit stirring & drama.
Which is why they love to actively go in to male dominated spaces, co opt the community and try and change shit, regardless of past norms/rules, they dont give a shit about community, it's all about making themselves feel comfortable, if that means changing the thing the community is about then they will happily ruin it for everyone and call you a woman hater for pointing it out
Literally a women hating board
you are exactly like every other selfish, self-absorbed man or woman in the world but your posts reek of pretentious self-satisfaction. you're not special. you're just a douchebag and being a douchebag isn't interesting.
So in other words you get intimiate partners and friends but you turn them away? Thats not opposite of a robot you dumb self centred slut.
Its because of girls like you im now a rapist.
Rich person critiquing steak to starving people analogy.
Because thats all you are. Your a vagina with a body around it. Now GTF off the board cunt.
Might want to try wizchan.
I don't even get sex or romance.
>guy befriends me because "LOL a girl that likes Overwatch?!"
>guy finds out what a boring bitch I am and ghosts me or sends me a long rant about what a terrible person I am
it's because you are a boring bitch and/or a terrible person.
stop being boring and terrible and the problem is solved.
We get it you're a boring basic bitch now for the last time get the fuck out you dumb slut
I'm ugly. I have no social skills. I was born with a low functioning IQ. I'm a burden to my parents. I have no future. No hobbies. No interests. No aspirations. No worth. I hate myself and I'm killing myself soon.
For a board that hates women
they sure talk about wanting to love and have a gf a lot
waah but woman hating threads, oh wow one part of the board, to vent anger, they'd request discord as soon as a real woman actually posted.
mean while on twitter it's man hate that is publicly applauded, even tho many are also venting and not many actually hate(as I mention with men to)
Besides woman coming in and forcing change on male dominated communities as mention in my first post, isnt a new thing, games, comics, various card games, tabletop games/rpgs etc. A lot of it stupid shit like muh busty female is wrong. mean while 12 pack he man has been in it since the start and he is an a ok representation of men that females dont want to change
Really makes you think
make it quick when you do. there's no need to suffer.
do it now and get off my board stupid bitch
Yet you could still find a boyfriend or get sex whenever you want no one is going to feel sorry for you
Not reading that retarded whore just get off my board and leave my fellow robots alone
You have makeup retard to hide your ugly, You're a burden and depressed because you choose to be so stfu and find another bullshit reason
stop being mean to people on the internet. that's my job.
I feel this feel. I've been shut out by friends, groups, clubs etc because I come off the same way. I don't try to be this way, people just dislike me because despite my best efforts everyone seems to think I go out of my way to hurt them. I hate being disliked as well and so when they tell me they think I am a sociopath and they always think my words are poison trying to upset them it hurts me.
I suggest you just listen to them complain and don't try and give advice, I've found that people like me listening to them but think my advice is an attempt to sabotage them. I think they just like to complain and so giving them steps to deal with a problem is antagonistic to them.
no you're just an ugly normie bitch no one cares about so you come here for the attention you lack
I truly hope that both of you end your lives before the real pathetic anons swarm this thread with discord or steam request as if a female let alone one on the internet would give a shit about them. I hate you all and your worthless fucking gender. gtfo and kys. merci
Your a retard lad, Im a bloke, been on r9k before death and rebirth, I've seen it change
I was just answering OPs question in my 2 posts
When I actually want to get away from women/males roleplaying women/tranny posting.
Wiz is my first stop
cant save r9k it doesnt have the rules to inforce ti
I'm actually a man. This is a problem I have with online "friends" who have never seen me so it isn't my appearance either. I'm not a fan of attention, I just want to belong to a group.
How should I go about my suicide? Should I overdose on sleeping pills or jump off to my death, like the Golden Gate Bridge? I don't have any weapons on me nor do I own a rope so those are off the list.
Jump to your death just make sure to do a flip
you shouldn't kill yourself. you should find a way to live your life. you can come up with millions of excuses but it's likely that none of them are anything but justifications for not trying new things.
The fact is you have gys out there willing to give you something. You just dont want to take it. You selfish slut. Robots get nothing. You are not welcome here. Fuck off with gurl gamer bullshit.
I hope you get cervical cancer.
Get off the website you fuck.
pic related to purge your wenched soul
No. You guys take care of my sexual and intimacy needs.
>or some girl they don't have to try hard for
You think somebody should try so fucking hard for you? Fuck off.
I don't even care about dating. It doesn't mean I don't get offended when a guy doesn't see me a person. I'm not Romana Flowers.
I used to think women bots couldn't exist either but I met my gf here and she goes full autism while talking all the time, I love it so much, I can make her drop her spaghetti just by complimenting her mid sentance. They are hard to find but they are there.
Don't give up anons
Jow Forums isn't tumblr this isn't your safe space. You sound like a roastie tumbrina crying about how they messed up her order at Starbucks. Stop crying pussy if you're any bit of a man then you'd act like one and not give a fuck.
user, i am happy for you but you are just a lucky motherfucker. I just cant have faith in females especially """""Fembots"""""
Shut up. Fuck off. I'm not reading your shit.
Just wait until the HPV in your pussy turns into cancer.
They go far enough for you not to be a robot. Not get lost you disease ridden cunt.
Literally you just can't manage to not be a bitch. your life is so fucking devoid of challenge just be nice, plain boring nice and your vagina will do the rest.
I know it sounds cheesy as fuck user, I was in a place where I thought no one would ever be able to make me smile and feel good about myself, but I met another borderline tard to love here and I am sure you can too. They are hard to find because they don't post much like the rest of us or the fake "fembots" but it is possible. Believe user.
I hope this is a pasta because I think I could love this woman.
Some women can't get Chad. That's worse tham being an incel
>fembot has bf
Robots can't into relations. Fembots if they existed couldnt either. Begone gf having normie